3月1日 圣洁的香气
A Holy Fragrance, March 1
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.John 15:16.{YRP 69.1}[1]
为了多结果子,我们必须充分利用我们的特权和机会,变得越来越有属灵的心志。我人必须抛弃一切凡俗、一切骄傲、一切物欲,天天领受上帝的帮助。你们若在属灵上长进,就必利用福音所提供的一切方法,并且预备好藉着圣灵的感化力增进虔诚;因为种子是藉着看不见的超自然的力量,先发苗,后长穗,才在穗上结出饱满的籽粒。{YRP 69.1}[2]
In order to bear much fruit, we must make the most of our privileges and opportunities, becoming more and more spiritually minded. We must put away all commonness, all pride, all worldliness, and daily receive divine aid. If you grow spiritually, you must employ all the means which the gospel provides, and be prepared to gain in piety by the influence of the Holy Spirit; for the seed is developed from blade to full corn by unseen and supernatural agencies.{YRP 69.2}[2]
耶稣在被卖和被钉前用来安慰门徒的应许,是关于圣灵的应许;祂在关于上帝的感化力和中介的道理中,向他们启示了何等的丰盛啊,因为这个福气会带来其它一切的福气。圣灵吹气在谦卑安息在基督里的人身上,基督是这种人信心的创始成终者;这种信徒会结出永生的果子。他的感化力会很芳香,耶稣的名会成为他耳中的音乐、内心的旋律。{YRP 69.2}[3]
The promise with which Jesus consoled His disciples just before His betrayal and crucifixion was that of the Holy Spirit; and in the doctrine of divine influence and agency, what riches were revealed to them; for this blessing would bring in its train all other blessings. The Holy Spirit breathes upon the soul who humbly rests in Christ as the author and finisher of his faith; and from such a believer fruit will come forth unto life eternal. His influence will be fragrant, and the name of Jesus will be music in his ears, and melody in his heart.{YRP 69.3}[3]
基督徒会成为活的香气叫人活,虽然他可能无法解释自己经验的奥秘。但他会知道,当乌云黑暗包围着他,他向主呼求之时,黑暗就消散了,平安喜乐充满了他心灵的殿堂。他会知道何为有上帝赦免的爱显在心中,经历那出人意外的平安,心灵中对主涌出赞美、感恩和爱慕,祂爱了我们,并用祂自己的血洗净我们的罪。他因耶稣基督而有平安和圣灵里的喜乐。他既与基督合一,就满心顺服祂的旨意,他既被拥抱在无限慈爱的怀里,天国就被珍藏在他心里。这个等次的基督徒必多结果子荣耀上帝。他们会正确地解明上帝的品格,向世人彰显祂的品质。(ST.1893.4.3){YRP 69.3}[4]
The Christian will be a savor of life unto life to others, although he may not be able to explain the mysteries of his experience. But he will know that when clouds and darkness compassed him about, and he cried unto the Lord, the darkness was dispersed, and peace and joy were in the temple of the soul. He will know what it is to have the pardoning love of God revealed to the heart, to experience the peace that passeth all understanding, to have praise and thanksgiving and adoration welling up in the soul unto Him who has loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood. He has peace through Jesus Christ, and joy in the Holy Ghost. One with Christ, his soul is filled with submission to His will, and heaven is enshrined in his heart while he is enfolded in the bosom of infinite love. Christians of this order will bear much fruit to the glory of God. They will rightly interpret the character of God, and manifest His attributes unto the world.—The Signs of the Times, April 3, 1893.{YRP 69.4}[4]
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