3月14日 慈善
Charity, March 14
Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh??Isaiah 58:6, 7.{YRP 82.1}[1]
真理,宝贵的真理,其感化力能使人成圣。那由圣灵运行所促成的心灵的成圣,就是把基督的本性灌输给人类。它既是我们主耶稣基督的恩典彰显在品格中,也是将基督的恩典活跃实施在各项善工上。这样,品格就越来越完全地照着基督的形像得以变化,具有公义和真实的圣洁了。{YRP 82.1}[2]
Truth, precious truth, is sanctifying in its influence. The sanctification of the soul by the operation of the Holy Spirit is the implanting of Christ’s nature in humanity. It is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed in character, and the grace of Christ brought into active exercise in good works. Thus the character is transformed more and more perfectly after the image of Christ in righteousness and true holiness.{YRP 82.2}[2]
在神圣的真理中,有广泛的要求延伸到各方面的善工之中。福音的各项真理并不是毫无关连的;它们正和基督亲自所作的工一样,形成了一串天上的珍珠,又好像金线一般,交织在基督徒的全部工作与经验中。(3SM 198){YRP 82.2}[3]
There are broad requirements in divine truth stretching out into one line after another of good works. The truths of the gospel are not unconnected; uniting they form one string of heavenly jewels, as in the personal work of Christ, and like threads of gold they run through the whole of Christian work and experience.—Selected Messages 3:198.{YRP 82.3}[3]
自称是基督徒之人的任何疏忽、任何一次未能解除背负贫穷和压迫之轭的兄弟姐妹的需要,都在天国的卷册上被记为在基督的圣徒身上亏待了基督。那许许多多对人讲说基督圣言,但对不如他们幸运及成功的同道弟兄姊妹未能表现温柔的同情与关怀的人,主将如何与他们算账啊!(WM 210){YRP 82.3}[4]
Any neglect on the part of those who claim to be followers of Christ, a failure to relieve the necessities of a brother or sister who is bearing the yoke of poverty and oppression, is registered in the books of heaven as shown to Christ in the person of His saints. What a reckoning the Lord will have with many, very many, who present the words of Christ to others but fail to manifest tender sympathy and regard for a brother in the faith who is less fortunate and successful than themselves.—Welfare Ministry, 210.{YRP 82.4}[4]
许多人会任由一位弟兄在逆境中挣扎而不出手相助,他们这样做给宝贵的生灵留的印象是,他们这样是在代表基督。没这回事;耶稣本来富足,却为我们成了贫穷,叫我们因祂的贫穷,可以成为富足。祂为了拯救罪人,不惜牺牲自己的生命。基督的心永远体恤人类的祸患。(EGW'88.1270) {YRP 82.4}[5]
Many will allow a brother to struggle along unaided under adverse circumstances, and in thus doing they give to one precious soul the impression that they are thus representing Christ. It is no such thing; Jesus, who was rich, for our sake became poor, that we through His poverty might be rich. That He might save the sinner, He withheld not His own life. The heart of Christ is ever touched with human woe.—The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, 1270.{YRP 82.5}[5]
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