4月3日 圣灵引导我们的方法
Ways in Which the Spirit Leads Us, April 3
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.John 10:27.{YRP 102.1}[1]
耶稣希望所有自称是祂士兵的人都为祂服务。祂盼望你认出仇敌并且抗拒他,别让他取得你的信任,因而辜负圣托。主将你放在一个可以提升,成为尊贵的地位,并经常预备你为祂工作。你若还没有这些资质,就只能怪你自己了。{YRP 102.1}[2]
Jesus expects all who claim to be His soldiers to do service for Him. He expects you to recognize the enemy and to resist him, not to invite him to your confidence and thus betray sacred trust. The Lord has placed you in a position where you may be elevated and ennobled, and be constantly gaining fitness for His work. If you do not obtain these qualifications; you alone are to blame.{YRP 102.2}[2]
主用三种办法向我们显明祂的旨意,引领我们,并使我们有资格引领他人。我们如何得知是祂的声音,还是陌生人的声音呢?如何辨别是祂的声音,还是假牧人的声音呢?上帝在祂的话中,就是圣经中,向我们显明祂的旨意。祂的声音也显示在祂天意的作为中;我们若不藉着偏行己路,随自己的意愿,听从不圣洁之心的唆使而使我们的心灵与祂分离,直到感官紊乱,以致不能分辨永恒的事物,将伪装中撒但的声音接受为上帝的声音,就必能认出祂的声音。{YRP 102.2}[3]
There are three ways in which the Lord reveals His will to us, to guide us, and to fit us to guide others. How may we know His voice from that of a stranger? How shall we distinguish it from the voice of a false shepherd? God reveals His will to us in His Word, the Holy Scriptures. His voice is also revealed in His providential workings; and it will be recognized if we do not separate our souls from Him by walking in our own ways, doing according to our own wills, and following the promptings of an unsanctified heart, until the senses have become so confused that eternal things are not discerned, and the voice of Satan is so disguised that it is accepted as the voice of God.{YRP 102.3}[3]
另一个听见上帝声音的办法,是藉着祂圣灵的呼求,感动人心,再塑造在人的品格之中。你若对任何事有任何疑问,应先查考圣经。你若真开始了信心的生活,就已将自己献给主,完全归祂所有,并已得到祂的接纳,要照着祂的旨意塑造你,使你成为贵重的器皿。你应该切愿在祂手中柔软可塑,随祂带领到任何地方。这样你就是信靠上帝完成祂的计划,同时你也是在与祂合作,恐惧战兢做成你自己得救的功夫。你,我的弟兄,在此会遇见困难,因为你还未从经验学到认识那位好牧人的声音,而这会将你置于怀疑与危险之中。你应该能辨认出祂的声音。(5T 511,512){YRP 102.3}[4]
Another way in which God’s voice is heard is through the appeals of His Holy Spirit, making impressions upon the heart, which will be wrought out in the character. If you are in doubt upon any subject, you must first consult the Scriptures. If you have truly begun the life of faith, you have given yourself to the Lord to be wholly His, and He has taken you to mold and fashion according to His purpose, that you may be a vessel unto honor. You should have an earnest desire to be pliable in His hands and to follow whithersoever He may lead you. You are then trusting him to work out His designs, while at the same time you are cooperating with Him by working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. You, my brother, will find difficulty here because you have not yet learned by experience to know the voice of the Good Shepherd, and this places you in doubt and peril. You ought to be able to distinguish His voice.—Testimonies for the Church 5:511, 512.{YRP 102.4}[4]
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