4月29日 得人的渔夫
Fishers of Men, April 29
“耶稣对他们说:来跟从我,我要叫你们得人如得鱼一样”(太4:19)。{AG 127.1}[1]
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.Matthew 4:19.{AG 127.1}[1]
上帝的恩典在新悔改的人心中是不断发展的。恩典会越来越多,但不要藏在斗底下,而要分给别人,使他们受益。真正悔改的人必参与拯救其他仍在黑暗中的人。{Ev 355}{AG 127.2}[2]
Divine grace in the newly converted soul is progressive. It gives an increase of grace, which is received, not to be hidden under a bushel, but to be imparted, that others may be benefited. He who is truly converted will work to save others who are in darkness.86{AG 127.2}[2]
当别人在生活中遇到危机,而你试图给予劝告或训诫之时,你的话所发挥向善的感化力,是与你的榜样和精神所产生的感化力相等的。你必须是良善的人,才能做良善的事。你自己的心如果没有因基督的恩典而变得谦卑,纯洁,柔和,你就不可能发挥改造别人的感化力。当你里面发生这种改变时,你就会自然而然地为造福别人而生活,就像玫瑰绽放出芬芳的花朵,葡萄结出紫色的果实一样。{MB 127}{AG 127.3}[3]
When a crisis comes in the life of any soul, and you attempt to give counsel or admonition, your words will have only the weight of influence for good that your own example and spirit have gained for you. You must?be good before you can?do?good. You cannot exert an influence that will transform others until your own heart has been humbled and refined and made tender by the grace of Christ. When this change has been wrought in you, it will be as natural for you to live to bless others as it is for the rosebush to yield its fragrant bloom.87{AG 127.3}[3]
凡心里充满上帝的恩典和对将亡同胞之爱的人,不论置身何处,都必寻得机会,向疲乏之人说合时宜的话语。基督徒当存心柔和谦卑为他们的主效劳,在喧闹繁忙的生活中仍坚持自己的正直。{1SM 89,90}{AG 127.4}[4]
He whose heart is filled with the grace of God and love for his perishing fellow men will find opportunity, wherever he may be placed, to speak a word in season to those who are weary. Christians are to work for their Master in meekness and lowliness, holding fast to their integrity amid the noise and bustle of life.88{AG 127.4}[4]
我们应尽力谅解别人的软弱。对于那被黑暗捆锁、缺乏意志和道德能力之人心中所受的试炼,我们知之甚少。……{AG 127.5}[5]
We should strive to understand the weakness of others. We know little of the heart trials of those who have been bound in chains of darkness and who lack resolution and moral power....{AG 127.5}[5]
我们很容易因那些没有立时对我们的努力作出反应的人而灰心。只要还有一线希望,我们就决不要停止对一个人的工作。人的灵魂是非常宝贵的。我们自我牺牲的救赎主为此付出了昂贵的代价;所以不要轻易把他们放弃在试探者的权下。……若没有人帮助,许多人是不会自己回来的。但藉着耐心的坚持不懈的努力,他们是可以拯救上来的。这种人需要温柔的话语,仁慈的体谅和实际的帮助。……基督能拯救罪孽最深重的人,把他们放到被承认为上帝儿女的地位,与基督同作后嗣,继承不朽的产业。藉着上帝恩典的奇迹,许多人会预备好过有用的人生。{MH 169} {AG 127.5}[6]
We become too easily discouraged over the souls who do not at once respond to our efforts. Never should we cease to labor for a soul while there is one gleam of hope. Precious souls cost our self-sacrificing Redeemer too dear a price to be lightly given up to the tempter’s power.... Without a helping hand many would never recover themselves, but by patient, persistent effort they may be uplifted. Such need tender words, kind consideration, tangible help.... Christ is able to uplift the most sinful and place them where they will be acknowledged as children of God, joint heirs with Christ to the immortal inheritance. By the miracle of divine grace many may be fitted for lives of usefulness.89{AG 127.6}[6]
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