5月2日 永约
Everlasting, May 2
“你们当就近我来,侧耳而听,就必得活。我必与你们立永约,就是应许大卫那可靠的恩典”(赛55:3)。{AG 130.1}[1]
Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.Isaiah 55:3.{AG 130.1}[1]
人类的得救始终是天上议会的目标。慈怜的约在创世以前就已经立定了。它要永远存在,被称为永约,就象上帝没有一个时候是不存在的。祂也没有一刻是不乐意向人类显示祂恩典的。(ST.1901.6.12){AG 130.2}[2]
The salvation of the human race has ever been the object of the councils of heaven. The covenant of mercy was made before the foundation of the world. It has existed from all eternity, and is called the everlasting covenant. So surely as there never was a time when God was not, so surely there never was a moment when it was not the delight of the eternal mind to manifest His grace to humanity.3{AG 130.2}[2]
从善恶的大斗争开始之时,撒但的目的就是要诬蔑上帝的品德,并引起叛乱来反抗祂的律法。……但是在罪恶盛行的环境中,上帝的计划竟能稳步走向完全的成功;祂向一切受造的生灵显明了祂的公义和慈悲。全人类虽然因撒但的试探成了违犯上帝律法的人,但藉着上帝儿子的牺牲,祂已经打开一条门路,使他们能以归回上帝。藉着基督的恩典,他们就能服从天父的律法。这样,在各世代里,上帝从背道和叛逆之中聚集了一班忠于自己的子民,──就是将上帝的“训诲存在心中的民”(赛51:7)。{PP 338.}{AG 130.3}[3]
From the opening of the great controversy it has been Satan’s purpose to misrepresent God’s character, and to excite rebellion against His law.... But amid the working of evil, God’s purposes move steadily forward to their accomplishment; to all created intelligences He is making manifest His justice and benevolence. Through Satan’s temptations the whole human race have become transgressors of God’s law, but by the sacrifice of His Son a way is opened whereby they may return to God. Through the grace of Christ they may be enabled to render obedience to the Father’s law. Thus in every age, from the midst of apostasy and rebellion, God gathers out a people that are true to Him—a people “in whose heart is his law.”4{AG 130.3}[3]
上帝的工作在各时代都是一样的,虽然为应付不同时代人的需要,祂工作的发展程度不同,祂权能显示的方式不同。从第一次发出福音的应许起,经过先祖和犹太人的时期,直到今日,上帝的旨意在救赎的计划中曾逐步地展开。……那在西奈山颁布律法,并将仪文律法的条例交给摩西的,就是在山边发挥宝训的基督。……在新约旧约的两个时期中,教师原是一位。上帝的要求还是一样的。上帝政权的原则也是一样。{PP 373}{AG 130.4}[4]
God’s work is the same in all time, although there are different degrees of development and different manifestations of His power, to meet the wants of men in the different ages. Beginning with the first gospel promise, and coming down through the patriarchal and Jewish ages, and even to the present time, there has been a gradual unfolding of the purposes of God in the plan of redemption.... He who proclaimed the law from Sinai, and delivered to Moses the precepts of the ritual law, is the same that spoke the sermon on the mount.... The Teacher is the same in both dispensations. God’s claims are the same. The principles of His government are the same.5{AG 130.4}[4]
当上帝的工作在地上结束之时,祂律法的标准必再度被高举。……上帝决不会背弃祂的约,也不会改变祂口中所出的话。祂的话永远坚定,如同祂的宝座一样,是不能改变的。{PK 187}{AG 130.5}[5]
In the closing work of God in the earth, the standard of His law will be again exalted.... God will not break His covenant, nor alter the thing that has gone out of His lips. His word will stand fast forever as unalterable as His throne.6{AG 130.5}[5]
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