6月25日 宗教的光明一面
The Bright Side of Religion, June 25
“然而我要因耶和华欢欣,因救我的上帝喜乐”(哈3:18)。{AG 184.1}[1]
I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.Habakkuk 3:18.{AG 184.1}[1]
每一个爱上帝的人都要见证衪宝贵的恩典和真理。要谆谆教导那些已经接受真理亮光的人,不要保持沉默,而要互相谈论。要记住在安息日的聚会中,让那些敬畏上帝和思想衪名的人,有机会彼此谈论,表达他们的思想。……{AG 184.2}[2]
Every one who loves God is to testify of the preciousness of His grace and truth. Those who receive the light of truth are to have lesson upon lesson to educate them not to keep silent, but to speak often one to another. They are to keep in mind the Sabbath meeting, when those who love and fear God, and who think upon His name, can have opportunity to express their thoughts in speaking one to another....{AG 184.2}[2]
天上的君王关心着衪的信徒,不论他们的处境多么卑微。他们不论在什么地方,都有权利相聚一起。他们可以经常互相谈论,倾吐因思念耶和华圣名而产生的感谢和爱心。这样上帝就会得到荣耀,祂侧耳倾听这些谈论,见证会就会成为最宝贵的聚会,因为会上所说的话都要记录在纪念册中。……{AG 184.3}[3]
The Majesty of heaven identifies His interests with those of the believers, however humble may be their circumstances. And whenever they are privileged to meet together, it is appropriate that they speak often one to another, giving utterance to the gratitude and love that is a result of thinking upon the name of the Lord. Thus shall God be glorified as He hearkens and hears, and the testimony meeting will be considered the most precious of all meetings; for the words spoken are recorded in the book of remembrance....{AG 184.3}[3]
不要谈论你们黑暗一面的经历,使仇敌高兴。要更充分地信靠耶稣帮助我们抵挡试探。如果我们多思考和谈论耶稣,少思考和谈论自己,就会得到祂更多的同在。我们若住在衪里面,就会充满平安,信心和勇气。当我们去赴会时,就会讲述得胜的经历,使别人因我们清楚有力地为上帝作见证,而得到鼓舞。这些赞美上帝荣耀恩典的宝贵言谈,加上基督化的生活,能产生不可抗拒的力量,救人归主。每日献身上帝的人,会表现出信仰光明和快乐的一面。我们不应叹述痛苦的试炼而羞辱上帝。无论什么试炼,只要作为教育者来接受,就会产生喜乐。整个宗教生活就会得到提高、振奋,成为高贵,发出美好言语和行为的香气。{4BC1183}{AG 184.4}[4]
Do not gratify the enemy by dwelling upon the dark side of your experience; trust Jesus more fully for help to resist temptation. If we thought and talked more of Jesus, and less of ourselves, we should have much more of His presence. If we abide in Him, we shall be so filled with peace, faith, and courage, and shall have so victorious an experience to relate when we come to meeting, that others will be refreshed by our clear, strong testimony for God. These precious acknowledgements to the praise of the glory of His grace, when supported by a Christlike life, have an irresistible power, which works for the salvation of souls. The bright and cheerful side of religion will be represented by all who are daily consecrated to God. We should not dishonor our Lord by a mournful relation of trials that appear grievous. All trials that are received as educators will produce joy. The whole religious life will be uplifting, elevating, ennobling, fragrant with good words and works.56{AG 184.4}[4]
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