9月15日 应许所含的能力
Power in the Promises, September 15
“并且不懈怠,总要效法那些凭信心和忍耐承受应许的人”(来6:12)。{AG 266.1}[1]
That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.Hebrews 6:12.{AG 266.1}[1]
我们应当与上帝的道保持接近。我们需要祂的警戒与鼓励,忠告与应许。{5T 198}{AG 266.2}[2]
We must keep close to the Word of God. We need its warnings and encouragement, its threatenings and promises.36{AG 266.2}[2]
我们接受圣经作为上帝对我们说的话,不单是手写的,也是口述的。当受苦的人到基督面前来的时候,祂所看到的不单是这些求助的人,也看到各世代中带着同样的需要和信心来向祂求助的人。祂对瘫子说:“小子,放心吧,你的罪赦了”(太9:2)。……这些话祂也是对其他向祂求助、背负罪担的受苦者说的。圣经的一切应许也是这样地直接对我们个人说的,就像主面对面与我们交谈一样。基督通过这些应许把祂的恩典和能力输送给我们。这些话犹如生命树上的叶子,能“医治万民”(启22:2)。这些话被人接受和消化,就会成为品格的力量,生命的动力和营养。没有什么其他东西拥有如此的医治之能。{MH 122}{AG 266.3}[3]
The Scriptures are to be received as God’s word to us, not written merely, but spoken. When the afflicted ones came to Christ, He beheld not only those who asked for help, but all who throughout the ages should come to Him in like need and with like faith. When He said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee” (Matthew 9:2) ..., He spoke to other afflicted, sin-burdened ones who should seek His help. So with all the promises of God’s word. In them He is speaking to us individually, speaking as directly as if we could listen to His voice. It is in these promises that Christ communicates to us His grace and power. They are leaves from that tree which is “for the healing of the nations” (Revelation 22:2). Received, assimilated, they are to be the strength of the character, the inspiration and sustenance of the life. Nothing else can have such healing power.37{AG 266.3}[3]
上帝爱其创造之物,这种爱是刚柔兼济的。祂设立了自然界的定律,但祂的律法却不是独裁专制的。在每一条“不可”的律法中,不论其是有关物质的或道德的,都包含或暗示有应许在内。如果顺从了,就有福气追随着我们的脚步;如果悖逆了,结果乃是危险及不幸。上帝设立律法的本旨,就是要引其子民与祂更加亲近。他们若肯随从主的引导,祂就要救他们离恶归善,但祂却从不勉强他们。{5T 445}{AG 266.4}[4]
God loves His creatures with a love that is both tender and strong. He has established the laws of nature, but His laws are not arbitrary exactions. Every “thou shalt not,” whether in physical or moral law, contains or implies a promise. If it is obeyed, blessings will attend our steps; if it is disobeyed, the result is danger and unhappiness. The laws of God are designed to bring His people closer to Himself. He will save them from the evil and lead them to the good if they will be led, but force them He never will.38{AG 266.4}[4]
我们太缺乏信心了。我多么希望能引导我们的人信靠上帝啊!他们不必以为要运用信心,就非达到高度的兴奋不可。其实他们所需要作的,只是相信上帝的圣言,正如他们相信彼此的话一样。祂既已说了,就必定履行祂的话。要镇静地依赖祂的应许,因为祂说到做到。要说:祂既已在祂的圣言中向我说了,就必定实现祂的每一个应许。不要烦躁不安,务要信赖。上帝的圣言是真实的。行事为人要表现出你的天父是值得信任的。{1SM 83,84} {AG 266.5}[5]
We are too faithless. Oh, how I wish that I could lead our people to have faith in God! They need not feel that in order to exercise faith they must be wrought up into a high state of excitement. All they have to do is to believe God’s Word, just as they believe one another’s word. He hath said it, and He will perform His Word. Calmly rely on His promise, because He means all that He says. Say, He has spoken to me in His Word, and He will fulfill every promise that He has made. Do not become restless. Be trustful. God’s Word is true. Act as if your heavenly Father could be trusted.39{AG 266.5}[5]
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