10月18日 仁慈
In Kindness, October 18
“所以你们既是上帝的选民,圣洁蒙爱的人,就要存怜悯、恩慈、谦虚、温柔、忍耐的心”(西3:12)。{AG 299.1}[1]
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering.Colossians 3:12.{AG 299.1}[1]
你的舌上要有仁慈的法则,心里要有恩典的油。这样就会产生奇妙的效果。你将会温柔,同情人,彬彬有礼。你需要这一切的美德。要把圣灵接纳到你的品格中。于是就有圣火发出香气上升到上帝面前。说出来的话不是责备人的,而是能医治人心灵的。你的容貌要反映出上帝的形像。……藉着仰望基督的品格,你能变成衪那样。只有基督的恩典才能改变你的心,使你反映出主耶稣的形像。上帝要求我们效法衪,就是纯洁、神圣而没有玷污。我们应当带着上帝的形像。……{AG 299.2}[2]
Let the law of kindness be upon your lips and the oil of grace in your heart. This will produce wonderful results. You will be tender, sympathetic, courteous. You need all these graces. The Holy Spirit must be received and brought into your character; then it will be as holy fire, giving forth incense which will rise up to God, not from lips that condemn, but as a healer of the souls of men. Your countenance will express the image of the divine.... By beholding the character of Christ you will become changed into His likeness. The grace of Christ alone can change your heart and then you will reflect the image of the Lord Jesus. God calls upon us to be like Him—pure, holy, and undefiled. We are to bear the divine image....{AG 299.2}[2]
主耶稣是我们唯一的帮助者。我们藉着衪的恩典学习培养爱心,造就自己说仁慈温柔的话。藉着衪的恩典,我们冷淡粗鲁的态度将要起改变,舌上有了仁慈的法则。凡受圣灵的宝贵影响的人必不会觉得与哀哭的人同哭,与喜乐的人同乐是一种软弱的表现。我们应当培养属天优美的品格,学会向众人行善。这种真诚的愿望象阳光而不象阴影, 照在别人的生活中。{3BC 1164}{AG 299.3}[3]
The Lord Jesus is our only helper. Through His grace we shall learn to cultivate love, to educate ourselves to speak kindly and tenderly. Through His grace our cold, harsh manners will be transformed. The law of kindness will be upon our lips, and those who are under the precious influences of the Holy Spirit, will not feel that it is an evidence of weakness to weep with those who weep, to rejoice with them that rejoice. We are to cultivate heavenly excellences of character. We are to learn what it means to have good-will toward all men, a sincere desire to be as sunshine and not as shadow in the lives of others.42{AG 299.3}[3]
应当把握住每一个机会,为你们周围的人群谋福,使他们分享你们的爱。仁慈的言语,同情的态度,感激的表示,对于艰苦奋斗与孤怜寂寞的人,正如一杯凉水之于干渴的人一般。……{AG 299.4}[4]
Seize every opportunity to contribute to the happiness of those around you, sharing with them your affection. Words of kindness, looks of sympathy, expressions of appreciation, would to many a struggling, lonely one be as a cup of cold water to a thirsty soul....{AG 299.4}[4]
你们应当生活于救主之爱的阳光中,如此,你们的感化力就会造福于人群。但愿基督的灵管束你们,慈爱的律法长留在你们的嘴唇之间。凡是重生在基督里度新生活的人,在他的言语及行为上都有包容及无私的标志。{7T 50}{AG 299.5}[5]
Live in the sunshine of the Saviour’s love. Then your influence will bless the world. Let the Spirit of Christ control you. Let the law of kindness be ever on your lips. Forbearance and unselfishness mark the words and actions of those who are born again, to live the new life in Christ.43{AG 299.5}[5]
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