10月23日 唯一的来源
From One Source Only, October 23
“恩典和真理,都是由耶稣基督来的”(约1:17)。{AG 304.1}[1]
Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.John 1:17.{AG 304.1}[1]
你的力量和在恩典中的成长,都来自一个“源头”。你遭遇试探和考验时若能毅然为正义而立,就必取得胜利。你离基督化完美的品格就更近一步。天上来的圣洁光辉充满你心灵的内室。你就被纯洁芳香的气氛所包围。{HP 231}{AG 304.2}[2]
Your strength and growth in grace come only from one source. If when you are tempted and tried you stand bravely for the right, victory is yours. You are one step nearer to perfection of Christian character. A holy light from heaven fills the chambers of your soul, and you are surrounded by a pure, fragrant atmosphere.53{AG 304.2}[2]
我们有权利在天上的亮光照耀之下站立。以诺就是这样与上帝同行的。以诺度公义的人生并不比我们现今更加容易。他那时的世界也不比现在更有利于在恩典和圣洁中长进。{AG 304.3}[3]
It is our privilege to stand with the light of heaven upon us. It was thus that Enoch walked with God. It was no easier for Enoch to live a righteous life than it is for us at the present time. The world in his time was no more favorable to growth in grace and holiness than it is now.{AG 304.3}[3]
以诺之所以能逃避从世上因情欲来的败坏,就是靠祈祷和与上帝交往。我们现今生活在世界末日的危险之中,必须从同一个来源领受我们的力量。我们必须与上帝同行,与世俗分离,因为我们如果不效法忠心的以诺,就难免沾染世俗的污秽。……{AG 304.4}[4]
It was by prayer and communion with God that Enoch was enabled to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. We are living in the perils of the last days, and we must receive our strength from the same source. We must walk with God. A separation from the world is required of us, for we cannot remain free from its pollution unless we follow the example of the faithful Enoch....{AG 304.4}[4]
多少人软弱无力如水,其实他们可以拥有一个取之不尽用之不竭的力量源泉。上天随时准备供应我们,使我们在上帝里面有能力,长大成人满有基督耶稣长成的身量。在过去的一年中,你增加了多少属灵的力量呢?在我们中间有谁不断地获得珍贵的造诣,扫除嫉妒、骄傲、恶意、妒恨和自私,保留圣灵的美德,就是温柔、宽容、亲切和慈善呢?只要我们把握上帝所提供的帮助,祂就会帮助我们。{RH, 1900.1.9}{AG 304.5}[5]
How many there are as weak as water who might have a never-failing source of strength. Heaven is ready to impart to us, that we may be mighty in God, and attain to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. What increase of spiritual power have you gained during the last year? Who among us have gained one precious attainment after another, until envy, pride, malice, jealousy, and selfishness have been swept away, and only the graces of the Spirit remain—meekness, forbearance, gentleness, charity? God will help us if we take hold of the help He has provided.54{AG 304.5}[5]
在上帝所造的生物中,没有一样比得上人类那么先进、优雅和高贵。……人无法理解自己的前途和希望。靠着基督的恩典,他能在智力方面不断地进步。但愿真理的光照进他的内心,上帝的爱流淌于他的胸怀,使他藉着基督受死所赐给他的恩典,成为有能力的人──虽属世上的人,却能承受永生。{HP 195}{AG 304.6}[6]
No other creature that God has made is capable of such improvement, such refinement, such nobility as man.... Man cannot conceive what he may be and what he may become. Through the grace of Christ he is capable of constant mental progress. Let the light of truth shine into his mind and the love of God be shed abroad in his heart and he may, through the grace Christ has died to impart to him, be a man of power—a child of earth but an heir of immortality.55{AG 304.6}[6]
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