11月5日 为饥渴的人
For the Hungry and Thirsty, November 5
“饥渴慕义的人有福了;因为他们必得饱足”(太5:6)。{AG 317.1}[1]
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.Matthew 5:6.{AG 317.1}[1]
巴不得你们能认识到恩典和能力的富源正等待你们去要求。那些饥渴慕义的人将得饱足。我们必须运用更大的信心,求上帝赐给我们一切所需要的福气。{5T 17}{AG 317.2}[2]
Would that you could conceive of the rich supplies of grace and power awaiting your demand. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. We must exercise greater faith in calling upon God for all needed blessings.6{AG 317.2}[2]
在祷告上帝时所得到的力量,结合培养心智深思熟虑的不懈努力,必预备我们实行每日的本分,并在任何环境下保持平静的心态。我们既然每日遇见试炼,就十分需要祈祷。为了使我们能藉着信心蒙上帝的能力保守,我们必须不断在静默的祷告中将心中的愿望向上帝倾吐,求亮光,求力量,求知识。但是默想和祷告不能代替认真、忠心地利用时间。作工和祷告在完善基督化品格上都是必要的。{AG 317.3}[3]
The strength acquired in prayer to God, united with individual effort in training the mind to thoughtfulness and care-taking, prepares the person for daily duties and keeps the spirit in peace under all circumstances, however trying. The temptations to which we are daily exposed make prayer a necessity. In order that we may be kept by the power of God through faith, the desires of the mind should be continually ascending in silent prayer for help, for light, for strength, for knowledge. But thought and prayer cannot take the place of earnest, faithful improvement of the time. Work and prayer are both required in perfecting Christian character.{AG 317.3}[3]
我们必须度一种双重的生活──思想与行动,默祷与恳切作工的生活。……上帝要我们作活的荐信,为众人所知道所念诵。人若每日恳切祈祷,向上帝求力量,求援助,求能力,就必得高尚的志愿,对真理及责任有清楚的了解,在行动上有崇高的动机,并要继续不断地饥渴慕义。{4T 459,460}{AG 317.4}[4]
We must live a twofold life—a life of thought and action, of silent prayer and earnest work.... God requires us to be living epistles, known and read of all men. The soul that turns to God for its strength, its support, its power, by daily, earnest prayer, will have noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth and duty, lofty purposes of action, and a continual hungering and thirsting after righteousness.7{AG 317.4}[4]
我们应当认识到人性的弱点,看到人类失败之处就在于自满。我们务要满怀着一种愿望,就是达到上帝对于我们的理想——纯洁、高尚和圣洁。我们应如饥似渴地追求基督的义。以与上帝相像作为我们心灵的愿望。这也是以诺心中所充满的愿望。我们读到他与上帝同行。他研究上帝的品格有一个目的。他并不规划自己的路线,或倡导自己的意愿。……他力求使自己与上帝相像。{1BC1087}{AG 317.5}[5]
Let us realize the weakness of humanity, and see where man fails in his self-sufficiency. We shall then be filled with a desire to be just what God desires us to be—pure, noble, sanctified. We shall hunger and thirst after the righteousness of Christ. To be like God will be the one desire of the soul. This is the desire that filled Enoch’s heart. And we read that he walked with God. He studied the character of God to a purpose. He did not mark out his own course, or set up his own will.... He strove to conform himself to the divine likeness.8{AG 317.5}[5]
怠职和灰心实在无可推诿,因为一切天恩的应许都是给饥渴慕义之人的;而由饥渴所表现的热烈愿望,便是一种保证,担保所切望的供应必定赐下。{7T 213} {AG 317.6}[6]
There is no excuse for defection or despondency, because all the promises of heavenly grace are for those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. The intensity of desire represented by hungering and thirsting is a pledge that the coveted supply will be given.9{AG 317.6}[6]
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