11月7日 “不是出于自己”
“Not of Yourselves,” November 7
“你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信,这并不是出于自己,乃是上帝所赐的”(弗2:8)。{AG 319.1}[1]
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.Ephesians 2:8.{AG 319.1}[1]
使徒希望他的收信人记住:他们必须在自己的生活中表显基督改变人心的恩典给他们所带来的光荣变化。他们要作世上的光,用他们纯洁成圣的品格发挥与撒但的爪牙相反的影响。他们必须时刻牢记:“这并不是出于自己。”他们无法改变自己的心。当通过他们的努力,有人被引领脱离撒但的阵营归向基督时,他们不可声称这种变化乃是他们的功劳。{RH.1906.5.10}{AG 319.2}[2]
The apostle desired those to whom he was writing to remember that they must reveal in their lives the glorious change wrought in them by Christ’s transforming grace. They were to be lights in the world, by their purified, sanctified characters exerting an influence counter to the influence of satanic agencies. They were ever to remember the words, “Not of yourselves.” They could not change their own hearts. And when by their efforts souls were led from the ranks of Satan to take their stand for Christ, they were not to claim any credit for the transformation wrought.11{AG 319.2}[2]
上帝呼吁凡愿意的人都来白白地畅饮生命之水。上帝的大能是战胜世界、肉体与魔鬼之大工的有效因素。按照上帝的计划,我们应当顺从祂所赐的每一道光线。人离了上帝就一无所成。上帝已经作出安排,如果没有人神的合作,就无法完成恢复人类的工作。虽然人要尽的本分十分微小,但在上帝的计划中,为了促成这项工作,这微小的本分也是必要的。(MS.1898,113){AG 319.3}[3]
God calls upon all who will to come and drink of the waters of life freely. The power of God is the one element of efficiency in the grand work of obtaining the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. It is in accordance with the divine plan that we follow every ray of light given of God. Man can accomplish nothing without God, and God has arranged His plans so as to accomplish nothing in the restoration of the human race without the cooperation of the human with the divine. The part man is required to sustain is immeasurably small, yet in the plan of God it is just that part that is needed to make the work a success.12{AG 319.3}[3]
罪人悔改之后生活上所发生的大变化,不是任何世人的良善所造成的。……{AG 319.4}[4]
The great change that is seen in the life of a sinner after conversion is not brought about by any human goodness....{AG 319.4}[4]
满有怜悯的主将祂的恩典赐给我们。因此要有赞美和感谢升到祂面前,因为祂已经成为我们的救主。但愿祂的爱充满我们的心怀意念,以恩惠的洪流从我们的生活中涌流出去。当我们死在罪恶过犯之中时,祂唤醒我们过属灵的生活。祂带来恩典与赦免,使心灵充满新的生命。罪人就这样出死入生了。他在基督的服务中担负起新的责任。他的生活变得真实有力,满有善行。基督说:“因为我活着,你们也要活着”(约14:19)……{AG 319.5}[5]
He who is rich in mercy has imparted His grace to us. Then let praise and thanksgiving ascend to Him, because He has become our Saviour. Let His love, filling our hearts and minds, flow forth from our lives in rich currents of grace. When we were dead in trespasses and sins, He quickened us into spiritual life. He brought grace and pardon, filling the soul with new life. Thus the sinner passes from death to life. He now takes up his new duties in Christ’s service. His life becomes true and strong, filled with good works. “Because I live,” Christ said, “ye shall live also.” ...{AG 319.5}[5]
没有第二个宽容时期。今日我们如果听从主的声音,全心全意地归向祂,祂就会怜悯我们,广行赦免。{RH.1906.5.10}{AG 319.6}[6]
There will be no second probation. Now, while it is called today, if we will hear the voice of the Lord, and turn fully to Him, He will have mercy upon us, and abundantly pardon.13{AG 319.6}[6]
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