1月31日 胜利
The Victory, January 31
“感谢上帝,使我们藉着我们的主耶稣基督得胜”(林前15:57)。{AG 39.1}[1]
Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Corinthians 15:57.{AG 39.1}[1]
胜利并非靠仪式或炫耀获得,而是靠单纯地顺从那至高的元帅,天国的主上帝。凡信靠这位领袖的,永不会失败。{6T 140}{AG 39.2}[2]
Victories are not gained by ceremonies or display, but by simple obedience to the highest General, the Lord God of heaven. He who trusts in this Leader will never know defeat.74{AG 39.2}[2]
人生绝大多数烦恼、天天腐蚀人的忧虑、种种伤心的事、所有的刺激,乃是脾气未受控制的结果。……管制自我乃是世上最棒的统治。人若以温柔安静的心为妆饰,那使生活极度痛苦的烦恼,百分之九十九就可免除了。……原来属肉体的人必须死去,而那新人,就是基督耶稣,须占有人的心灵,以致跟从耶稣的人可以真实无伪地说:“现在活着的,不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着”(加2:20)。{AG 39.2}[3]
The largest share of the annoyances of life, its daily corroding cares, its heartaches, its irritation, is the result of a temper uncontrolled.... The government of self is the best government in the world. By putting on the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, ninety-nine out of a hundred of the troubles which so terribly embitter life might be saved.... The natural man must die, and the new man, Christ Jesus, take possession of the soul, so that the follower of Jesus may say in verity and truth: “I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20).{AG 39.3}[3]
自我是很难征服的。不容易使人性各种形式的堕落顺服基督的灵。然而人人都应铭记这一事实:若不靠赖基督获得这场胜利,他们就毫无希望。胜利是可以取得的;因为在上帝没有不可能的事。藉着祂助人的恩典,一切恶劣的性情,一切人性的败坏,都可以克服。……你若愿奉基督的名果断地持定这工作,就可以作得胜者。{4T348,349} {AG 39.3}[4]
Self is difficult to conquer. Human depravity in every form is not easily brought into subjection to the Spirit of Christ. But all should be impressed with the fact that unless this victory is gained through Christ, there is no hope for them. The victory can be gained; for nothing is impossible with God. By His assisting grace, all evil temper, all human depravity, may be overcome.... You may be overcomers if you will, in the name of Christ, take hold of the work decidedly.75{AG 39.4}[4]
撒但的试探现在比过去更为强烈,因为他知道他的时候不多,而且每个人的案件很快就要被决定了,不是生就是死。这决不是沉没在灰心和考验之下的时候;我们必须在一切艰苦之下坚定不拔,而完全依靠雅各的全能的上帝。……祂的恩典足以应付我们一切的考验;虽然这些考验比以往更为严厉,但如果我们能全心依靠上帝,我们足能战胜每一次的试探并靠祂的恩典荣获胜利。……{AG 39.4}[5]
The temptations of Satan are greater now than ever before, for he knows that his time is short, and that very soon every case will be decided, either for life or for death. It is no time now to sink down beneath discouragement and trial; we must bear up under all our afflictions, and trust wholly in the Almighty God of Jacob.... His grace is sufficient for all our trials; and although they are greater than ever before, yet if we trust wholly in God, we can overcome every temptation and through His grace come off victorious....{AG 39.5}[5]
当试探和考验向我们突袭时,我们务要来到上帝面前,在祈祷中拼命与祂较力,祂决不使我们空手而去,却要赐给我们恩典和能力来得胜并打破仇敌的势力。{EW 46}{AG 39.5}[6]
When temptations and trials rush in upon us, let us go to God and agonize with Him in prayer. He will not turn us away empty, but will give us grace and strength to overcome, and to break the power of the enemy.76{AG 39.6}[6]
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