12月12日 “回家吧!”
“Homeward Bound!” December 12
“于是王要向那右边的说:你们这蒙我父赐福的,可来承受那创世以来为你们所预备的国”(太25:34)。{AG 354.1}[1]
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.Matthew 25:34.{AG 354.1}[1]
基督降临的日子比我们初信的时候更近;善恶的大斗争已迫临最后阶段了。上帝在地上正实行审判。这一切的事无不是在发出严重的警告说:“所以,你们也要预备,因为你们想不到的时候,人子就来了”(太24:44)。……{AG 354.2}[2]
The coming of Christ is nearer than when we first believed. The great controversy is nearing its end. The judgments of God are in the land. They speak in solemn warning, saying: “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24:44)....{AG 354.2}[2]
我们现在正是生活在世界历史的结局之中。预言正在迅速地应验着,宽容的时期即将过去。我们再没有时间──也没有须臾──可供虚掷了。千万不要在看守的时候打盹!不要有人在心里或从行为上表示说:“我的主人必来得迟”(太24:48)。要将基督即将复临的信息,用恳切警告的言词传出。……{AG 354.3}[3]
We are living in the closing scenes of this earth’s history. Prophecy is fast fulfilling. The hours of probation are fast passing. We have no time—not a moment—to lose. Let us not be found sleeping on guard. Let no one say in his heart or by his works: “My Lord delayeth his coming” (Matthew 24:48). Let the message of Christ’s soon return sound forth in earnest words of warning....{AG 354.3}[3]
主就要降临了,我们必须预备妥当,安然迎见衪。当决心竭尽自己的能力,将光分与我们四周的人。我们不要忧愁,而要欢喜快乐,并且时常保持主耶稣在我们的面前。衪即将复临了,我们必须预备妥当,等候衪的显现。啊!得以亲眼看见衪,并以得蒙救赎的身份受衪的欢迎,那该是何等地光荣啊!我们虽然等待已久,但我们的盼望却并不趋于暗淡。我们若能看见大君的荣美,就必永远蒙福。我觉得自己必须高呼:“回家啦!”我们已经临近基督有能力有大荣耀的降临,来接衪赎民归回那永远家乡的时候了。……{AG 354.4}[4]
The Lord is soon to come, and we must be prepared to meet Him in peace. Let us be determined to do all in our power to impart light to those around us. We are not to be sad, but cheerful, and we are to keep the lord Jesus ever before us. He is soon coming, and we must be ready and waiting for His appearing. Oh, how glorious it will be to see Him and be welcomed as His redeemed ones! Long have we waited, but our hope is not to grow dim. If we can but see the King in His beauty we shall be forever blessed. I feel as if I must cry aloud: “Homeward bound!” We are nearing the time when Christ will come in power and great glory to take His ransomed ones to their eternal home....{AG 354.4}[4]
我们等待我们的救主回来已经很久了。但应许是可靠的。我们不久将进入所应许的家。在那里,耶稣要领我们到流自上帝宝座的生命水河边,向我们解释祂在今生为完善我们的品格作出的天意安排。在那里,我们要以清晰的眼光观看业已恢复之伊甸乐园的美景。那时我们要将救赎主加在我们头上的冠冕抛在祂的脚下,弹奏我们的金琴,我们也要使整个天庭充满对那位坐宝座者的颂赞。{8T 252-254} {AG 354.5}[5]
Long have we waited for our Saviour’s return. But nonetheless sure is the promise. Soon we shall be in our promised home. There Jesus will lead us beside the living stream flowing from the throne of God and will explain to us the dark providences through which on this earth He brought us in order to perfect our characters. There we shall behold with undimmed vision the beauties of Eden restored. Casting at the feet of the Redeemer the crowns that He has placed on our heads, and touching our golden harps, we shall fill all heaven with praise to Him that sitteth on the throne.20{AG 354.5}[5]
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