12月22日 护卫的天使
With My Guardian Angel, December 22
“你们要小心,不可轻看这小子里的一个;我告诉你们,他们的使者在天上常见我天父的面”(太18:10)。{AG 364.1}[1]
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.Matthew 18:10.{AG 364.1}[1]
直到我们能凭永恒的眼光观察上帝的旨意时,我们才明白自己曾怎样得到天使的照顾和干预。天上的生灵积极参与人间的事务。他们曾穿着发光如同闪电的衣服出现。他们也曾穿着旅客的衣服,以人的样式来临,接受人类家庭的款待。他们曾引领迷路的行人。……{AG 364.2}[2]
Not until the providences of God are seen in the light of eternity shall we understand what we owe to the care and interposition of His angels. Celestial beings have taken an active part in the affairs of men. They have appeared in garments that shone as the lightning; they have come as men, in the garb of wayfarers. They have accepted the hospitalities of human homes; they have acted as guides to benighted travelers....{AG 364.2}[2]
地上的掌权者虽然没有察觉,但在他们的议会中,常有天使向他们发言。人的眼睛曾看见他们的形体;人的耳朵曾听见他们的劝告。在议事厅和法庭上,天上的使者曾为遭受迫害和压迫的人辩护。他们曾破坏和阻挠那使上帝的子民蒙冤受苦的阴谋与祸患。这一切都将向天上学校中的学生显明。{AG 364.3}[3]
Though the rulers of this world know it not, yet often in their councils angels have been spokesmen. Human eyes have looked upon them. Human ears have listened to their appeals. In the council-hall and the court of justice, heavenly messengers have pleaded the cause of the persecuted and oppressed. They have defeated purposes and arrested evils that would have brought wrong and suffering to God’s children. To the students in the heavenly school, all this will be unfolded.{AG 364.3}[3]
每一个蒙救赎的人都必明白天使在他一生中所作的服务。天使从他最小的时候起就保护他,关注他的脚步,在危险的日子遮盖住他的头,在死亡的幽谷中与他同在,记住他的安息之地,并在复活的清晨第一个迎接他。他要与这位天使交谈,了解上帝干预他的个人生活、上天在为人类所作的一切工作中配合的历史,那将是何等的快乐!{Ed 304,305}{AG 364.4}[4]
Every redeemed one will understand the ministry of angels in his own life. The angel who was his guardian from his earliest moment; the angel who watched his steps, and covered his head in the day of peril; the angel who was with him in the valley of the shadow of death, who marked his resting-place, who was the first to greet him in the resurrection morning—what will it be to hold converse with him, and to learn the history of divine interposition in the individual life, of heavenly cooperation in every work for humanity!?42{AG 364.4}[4]
每一个人……只要掌握了上帝的圣言,就可以选择所交往的人。……他可以住在这个世界而置身于天国的气氛中。……他与永恒世界的门槛越来越近,直至那门敞开,他就可以进去。他会发觉自己并不是陌生人。欢迎他的声音是他在地上看不见的同伴,就是圣天使的声音。这些声音是他在今生已学会辨识和喜爱。凡藉着上帝的圣言与天国交往的人,将置身于天国的友情之中,怡然自得。{Ed 127} {AG 364.5}[5]
With the Word of God in his hands, every human being ... may have such companionship as he shall choose.... He may dwell in this world in the atmosphere of heaven, ... drawing nearer and nearer the threshold of the eternal world, until the portals shall open, and he shall enter there. He will find himself no stranger. The voices that will greet him are the voices of the holy ones, who, unseen, were on earth his companions—voices that here he learned to distinguish and to love. He who through the Word of God has lived in fellowship with heaven, will find himself at home in heaven’s companionship.43{AG 364.5}[5]
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