1月7日 基督之国的旗帜
The Ensign of Christ’s Kingdom, January 7
“看哪,上帝的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的”(约1:29)。{AG 15.1}[1]
Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.John 1:29.{AG 15.1}[1]
但以理在异象中所看见的猛兽代表地上的大国。但弥赛亚国度的标志乃是羔羊。地上的国度是靠武力来统治的。但基督不用属世的武器和强迫的工具。衪国度的建立是要拯救和提高堕落的人类。{4BC1171}{AG 15.2}[2]
To Daniel was given a vision of fierce beasts, representing the powers of the earth. But the ensign of the Messiah’s kingdom is a lamb. While earthly kingdoms rule by the ascendancy of physical power, Christ is to banish every carnal weapon, every instrument of coercion. His kingdom was to be established to uplift and ennoble fallen humanity.8{AG 15.2}[2]
第一次的献祭对于亚当确是一个最痛苦的礼节。他必须举手杀害那惟独上帝所能赐予的性命。……当他宰杀那无辜的祭牲时,他想起他的罪必使上帝无瑕疵的羔羊流血,不禁心中战栗不已。这个景象使他更深刻更鲜明地感到他所犯的罪是多么大,甚至除了上帝的爱子舍命流血之外,别无救赎之方。而且他一想起上帝愿意付出这样的赎价来拯救犯罪的人,就对于祂无限的良善大为惊奇。{PP 68}{AG 15.3}[3]
To Adam, the offering of the first sacrifice was a most painful ceremony. His hand must be raised to take life, which only God could give.... As he slew the innocent victim, he trembled at the thought that his sin must shed the blood of the spotless Lamb of God. This scene gave him a deeper and more vivid sense of the greatness of his transgression, which nothing but the death of God’s dear Son could expiate. And he marveled at the infinite goodness that would give such a ransom to save the guilty.9{AG 15.3}[3]
献祭制度的种种象征和表号,以及各项预言,都隐约地向以色列人启示了那藉着基督的显现而带给世界的慈怜和恩惠。……惟有藉着基督,人类才能遵守道德律法。由于人干犯了这个律法,就把罪带进了世界,而死亡又随着罪而来。基督为世人的罪作了挽回祭。祂提供自己完全的品德代替世人的罪行。祂将因悖逆而来的咒诅归到自己身上。各种的祭牲和供物都预指祂要作的牺牲。被杀的羔羊预表那将要除去世人罪孽的上帝羔羊。……{AG 15.4}[4]
The types and shadows of the sacrificial service, with the prophecies, gave the Israelites a veiled, indistinct view of the mercy and grace to be brought to the world by the revelation of Christ.... Only through Christ can man keep the moral law. By transgression of this law man brought sin into the world, and with sin came death. Christ became the propitiation for man’s sin. He proffered His perfection of character in the place of man’s sinfulness. He took upon Himself the curse of disobedience. The sacrifices and offerings pointed forward to the sacrifice He was to make. The slain lamb typified the Lamb that was to take away the sin of the world....{AG 15.4}[4]
律法与福音是完全和谐的。它们互相支持。律法带着它的全部威严面对人的良心,使罪人感到自己需要基督为罪作挽回祭。福音则承认律法的权能和不变性。保罗说:“只是非因律法,我就不知何为罪”(罗7:7)。律法所造成的负疚感,促使罪人来到救主面前。他在自己的需要中,可以提出髑髅地的十字架作为有力的理由。他有权要求获得基督的义,因为这义是赐给每一个悔改的罪人的。{1SM 237-240}{AG 15.5}[5]
The law and the gospel are in perfect harmony. Each upholds the other. In all its majesty the law confronts the conscience, causing the sinner to feel his need of Christ as the propitiation for sin. The gospel recognizes the power and immutability of the law. “I had not known sin, but by the law” (Romans 7:7), Paul declares. The sense of sin, urged home by the law, drives the sinner to the Saviour. In his need man may present the mighty arguments furnished by the cross of Calvary. He may claim the righteousness of Christ; for it is imparted to every repentant sinner.10{AG 15.5}[5]
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