8月5日 因查考圣经而得以改变
Transformed by Searching the Word, August 5
“就要爱慕那纯净的灵奶,像才生的婴孩爱慕奶一样,叫你们因此渐长,以致得救”(彼前2:2)。{FLB 223.1}[1]
First Things First
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.1 Peter 2:2.{FLB 223.1}[1]
无论男女老少,若忽略研究上帝的话,就不能达到基督徒完全的地步。我们仔细而殷勤地查考祂的圣言,就是遵从基督的吩咐:“你们查考圣经,因你们以为内中有永生,给我作见证的就是这经”(约5:39)。这样查考能使学生细心观察那神圣的榜样。……若要效法祂的榜样,就必须常常细心地加以观察。人若熟悉了救赎主的历史,就会发现自己品格的缺点,看出自己与主有很大的区别,若不在生活上有更大的改变就不能成为祂的门徒。他继续地研究,深愿效法祂伟大的榜样,就必获得所爱之主的神色和精神,藉着仰望而得以改变。(CSW.17){FLB 223.2}[2]
No man, woman, or youth can attain to Christian perfection and neglect the study of the Word of God. By carefully and closely searching His Word we shall obey the injunction of Christ, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”John 5:39. This search enables the student to observe closely the divine Model.... The Pattern must be inspected often and closely in order to imitate it. As one becomes acquainted with the history of the Redeemer, he discovers in himself defects of character; his unlikeness to Christ is so great that he sees he cannot be a follower without a very great change in his life. Still he studies, with a desire to be like his great Exemplar; he catches the looks, the spirit, of his beloved Master; by beholding he becomes changed.19{FLB 223.2}[2]
人间的一切哲学,若不承认上帝为万物本源,必然导致混乱和羞辱。但上帝所激发的宝贵信心,会带来坚强和高尚的品格。人越思考祂的良善、恩典和慈爱,就越明白真理,越向往有更加清洁的心灵和思想。人心若保持在圣洁思想的气氛中,就会因与上帝交往和研究圣经而发生变化。在博大精深的真理面前,自我消失了,心地软化了,变得谦卑、良善和仁爱。(MH 465){FLB 223.3}[3]
All the philosophies of human nature have led to confusion and shame when God has not been recognized as all in all. But the precious faith inspired of God imparts strength and nobility of character. As His goodness, His mercy, and His love are dwelt upon, clearer and still clearer will be the perception of truth; higher, holier, the desire for purity of heart and clearness of thought. The soul dwelling in the pure atmosphere of holy thought is transformed by intercourse with God through the study of His Word. Truth is so large, so far-reaching, so deep, so broad, that self is lost sight of. The heart is softened and subdued into humility, kindness, and love.20{FLB 223.3}[3]
圣经……能训练人的思想应付最深奥的难题,从事最广泛的探讨。它能提高智力,拯救灵魂。……要以圣经为镜子。它必成为你忠实的监察者,发现你品格的缺点和错误,并加强每一优点。(MS.1880.4){FLB 223.4}[4]
The Bible ... trains the mind to grapple with the deepest problems and to pursue the broadest explorations. It exalts the intellect. It saves the soul.... Take it as your mirror. It will be a faithful monitor, detecting the faults and errors of your character. It will strengthen every good trait.21{FLB 223.4}[4]
使人知罪的圣道有一种能力运行在人心上,使人为义并且保持公义。(TM 80){FLB 223.5}[5]
That Word which reveals the guilt of sin, has a power upon the human heart to make man right and keep him so.22{FLB 223.5}[5]
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