五月二十七日 要凡事察验
Prove All Things, May 27
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15. {Mar 155.1}
我和我丈夫蒙上帝天意的宣召参加圣工。从1843年和1844年最初的时候开始,就有主为我们设计规划。祂以天使和人为媒介实施祂的计划。主经常向我们指出错误的道路,并清楚地向我们显示各方面圣工中真实与安全的道路,我可以确切地说,我对撒但的伎俩并非不知情,对上帝的工作与道路也不陌生。我们不得不用尽脑力,依靠从上帝来的智慧指导我们审查摆在面前的各种理论,用圣经和上帝藉着祂的话语及证言启示我的亮光,进行比较、权衡,以免上当,又使别人受骗。我们把自己的意志和道路交给上帝,恳求祂的恩助。我们的祈求从来没有落空。多年从事上帝圣工的痛苦经历,使我熟悉了各种错误的运动。我多次被派往各地。主的信息说:“我在那里有工作让你做。我必与你同在。”有时主让我传信息给那些见过虚假异象或异梦的人。我就遵照主的吩咐,依靠基督的能力作见证。……{Mar 155.1}
In the work in which my husband and I were called by the providence of God to act a part, even from its very beginning in 1843 and 1844, we have had the Lord to devise and plan for us, and He has worked out His plans through His living agents. False paths have been so often pointed out to us, and the true and safe paths so clearly defined in all the enterprises connected with the work given us to do, that I can say of a truth I am not ignorant of Satan’s devices, nor of the ways and works of God. We have had to tax every power of mind, relying upon wisdom from God to guide us in our investigations, as we have had to review the different theories brought to our attention, weighing their merits and defects in the light shining from the Word of God and the things God has revealed to me through His Word and the testimonies, in order that we might not be deceived nor deceive others. We surrendered our will and way to God, and most earnestly supplicated His aid; and we never sought in vain. Many years of painful experience in connection with the work of God have made me acquainted with all kinds of false movements. Many times I have been sent to different places with the message, “I have a work for you to do in that place; I will be with you.” When the occasion came, the Lord gave me a message for those who were having false dreams and visions, and in the strength of Christ I bore my testimony at the Lord’s bidding.... {Mar 155.2}
在过去的四十五年中,我遇到过不少人自称有从上帝来的信息要责备他人。1844年以来,这类宗教狂热一再发生。撒但千方百计要引进谬道。这些异象中说的事有的应验了。但有许多事,如基督复临的时间,宽容时期的结束,将要发生的事件等,则是完全错误的。……{Mar 155.2}
During the past forty-five years, I have had to meet persons claiming to have from God messages of reproof to others. This phase of religious fanaticism has sprung up again and again since 1844. Satan has worked in many ways to establish error. Some things spoken in these visions came to pass; but many things—in regard to the time of Christ’s coming, the end of probation, and the events to take place—proved utterly false.... {Mar 155.3}
基督的告诫是:“所以,你们应当小心怎样听”(路8:18)。……要仔细考察,“凡事察验”(帖前5:21)。……这是上帝的教导,我们听得进去吗?(2SM.75-79){Mar 155.3}
“Take heed therefore how ye hear” (Luke 8:18), is an admonition of Christ.... Examine closely, “prove all things” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).... This is the counsel of God; shall we heed it? 42 {Mar 155.4}
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