五月二十九日 慎防离间者!
Watch Out for the Dividers! May 29
It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! Luke 17:1. {Mar 157.1}
上帝现今正引领一班子民,预备他们同心合一,传说同一的道理,实现基督为门徒所作的祷告。……“使他们都合而为一。正如祢父在我里面,我在祢里面,使他们也在我们里面……”(约17:21)。{Mar 157.1}
God is bringing out a people and preparing them to stand as one, united, to speak the same things, and carry out the prayer of Christ for his disciples.... “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us....” {Mar 157.2}
常有少数人兴起,他们相信上帝只是与极少数分散在各地的人们同在。他们的影响是要拆毁及解散上帝仆人所建设的。……那些照圣经的吩咐,尽力合而为一,在第三天使信息中建立的人们,因为推广工作,要引人归向真理,竟也被这等人所疑忌。他们被认为是属世的人,因为他们在世上有势力。……{Mar 157.2}
There are little companies continually arising who believe that God is only with the very few, the very scattered, and their influence is to tear down and scatter that which God’s servants build up.... The people who are putting forth every effort in accordance with God’s word to be one, who are established in the message of the third angel, they look upon with suspicion, for the reason that they are extending their labor, and are gathering souls into the truth. They look upon them as being worldly, because they have influence in the world.... {Mar 157.3}
还有的人兴起,也说蒙上帝的领导,但他所倡说的,却是恶人不复活的异端,……又有一人对于将来的时代怀着异端见解。……他们大家都要充分的宗教自由,各自独立行事,但他们却都断言上帝在他们中间特别作工。……这些人是头脑不清;他们是被假兴奋所冲动,我们也知道他们是没有真理的。……但愿他们能够改良,否则,不如放弃安息日的信仰更好!这样,他们就不至于挡住不信之人的路了。……{Mar 157.3}
One man arises, claiming to be led of God, who advocates the heresy of the non-resurrection of the wicked.... Another cherishes erroneous views in regard to the future age.... They all want full religious liberty, and each one goes independent of the others, and yet claims that God is especially at work among them.... These people are not sane; they are carried away with a false excitement, and we know that they do not have the truth.... Would to God they would be reformed or give up the Sabbath. They would not then stand in the way of unbelievers.... {Mar 157.4}
这等引起世人厌恨的人,上帝正是对他们发怒。一个基督徒若是因为好行为,及因跟从基督,而被人憎恨,就必得赏赐;但是他若因行事不得人喜爱,行为不检,态度不良,及使真理成为与邻居争吵的事由,和使安息日尽量叫人苦恼,以至被人厌恨,他就是使罪人跌倒的绊脚石,及使圣洁的真理受羞辱;他若是不悔改,倒不如把大磨石拴在他的颈项上,扔在深海里。(4bSG.158-160){Mar 157.4}
God is angry with those who pursue a course to make the world hate them. If a Christian is hated because of his good works, and for following Christ, he will have a reward. But if he is hated because he does not take a course to be loved, hated because of his uncultivated manners, and because he makes the truth a matter of quarrel with his neighbors, and because he has taken a course to make the Sabbath as annoying as possible to them, he is a stumbling-block to sinners, a reproach to the sacred truth, and unless he repents it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and he cast into the sea.44 {Mar 157.5}
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