八月六日 达到基督徒完美的至境
Reaching the Height of Christian Perfection, August 6
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20. {Mar 226.1}
你们若以上帝为你们的能力,即使在最沮丧的环境下,你们也能达到你们很难想象可以达到的基督化完美的高度与宽度。你们的思想可以变得高尚,你们可以有崇高的志向,对真理的清晰认识,和提拔你们远超越卑鄙动机的行为宗旨。{Mar 226.1}
If you make God your strength, you may, under the most discouraging circumstances, attain a height and breadth of Christian perfection which you hardly think it possible to reach. Your thoughts may be elevated, you may have noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth, and purposes of action which shall raise you above all sordid motives. {Mar 226.2}
你们若要达到品格的完全,思想和行动都是不可少的。你们在与世人接触时,应当谨防自己过分热心地寻求世人的称赞和照着他们的意见生活。……要培养谦卑的美德,将你们无助的心灵寄托于基督。……在属世群众的迷惑与试探之中,你们仍能以全然甜美的精神保守心灵的独立自主。{Mar 226.2}
Both thought and action will be necessary if you would attain to perfection of character. While brought in contact with the world, you should be on your guard that you do not seek too ardently for the applause of men and live for their opinion.... Cultivate the grace of humility, and hang your helpless souls upon Christ.... In the midst of confusion and temptation in the worldly crowd you may, with perfect sweetness, keep the independence of the soul. {Mar 226.3}
你们若每日与上帝交往,就会学习以祂的标准去衡量他人,这样,你们所承当造福苦难人类的职责就必赢得甘心情愿的响应。你们不是自己的人,你们的主对于你们至上的爱情和人生的至高服务,都有神圣的要求。祂有权使用你们身体与心灵全部的才能来增添祂自己的尊贵与荣耀。无论要你们背怎样的十字架,……你们都要毫无怨言地去承当。……{Mar 226.3}
If you are in daily communion with God you will learn to place His estimate upon men, and the obligations resting upon you to bless suffering humanity will meet with a willing response. You are not your own; your Lord has sacred claims upon your supreme affections and the very highest services of your life. He has a right to use you, in your body and in your spirit, to the fullest extent of your capabilities, for His own honor and glory. Whatever crosses you may be required to bear, ... you are to accept without a murmur.... {Mar 226.4}
许多人活在世上既没有上帝,也没有指望。他们有罪、败坏、堕落,受着撒但诡计的奴役,然而这些人还是基督从天而来所要救赎的。他们乃是最深切怜悯,同情和不倦努力的对象;因为他们已濒于灭亡了。他们苦于不得满足的愿望,错乱的情欲,以及自己良心的谴责;他们真是痛苦万状,因为他们对今生已失去了把握,对来生也全无指望。{Mar 226.4}
Many are without God and without hope in the world. They are guilty, corrupt, and degraded, enslaved by Satan’s devices. Yet these are the ones whom Christ came from heaven to redeem. They are subjects for tenderest pity, sympathy, and tireless effort; for they are on the verge of ruin. They suffer from ungratified desires, disordered passions, and the condemnation of their own consciences; they are miserable in every sense of the word, for they are losing their hold on this life and have no prospect for the life to come. {Mar 226.5}
你们既有重要的工作园地,就应当活泼警醒,愉快而全然顺从地响应主的呼召。(4T. 567、568){Mar 226.5}
You have an important field of labor, and you should be active and vigilant, rendering cheerful and unqualified obedience to the Master’s calls.12 {Mar 226.6}
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