八月十九日 发出警告
Sound the Note of Alarm, August 19
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6. {Mar 239.1}
我们在一切所行的事上都要认定祂,祂必指引我们的路。我们当存心谦卑请教祂的圣言,求问祂的指示,将我们的意志归服祂的旨意。离了上帝我们就不能作什么。{Mar 239.1}
In all our ways we should acknowledge God, and He will direct our paths. We should consult His Word with humble hearts, ask His counsel, and give up our will to His. We can do nothing without God. {Mar 239.2}
我们有充分的理由尊重真安息日并捍卫它,因为这是把上帝的子民与世人区别开来的标志。正因为世人废弃了这条命令,上帝的子民就要更加尊重它。在不信的人侮慢上帝圣言的时候,正需要有忠心的迦勒们。他们必要坚守岗位,既不夸耀,也不因侮辱而动摇。不信的探子准备杀害迦勒。他看见那些报假信的人手里拿着石头,但这吓不倒他。他有一个信息要传。今日凡忠于上帝的人,也必显示这同样的精神。{Mar 239.2}
There is the highest reason for us to prize the true Sabbath and stand in its defense, for it is the sign which distinguishes the people of God from the world. The commandment that the world makes void is the one to which, for this very reason, God’s people will give greater honor. It is when the unbelieving cast contempt upon the Word of God that the faithful Calebs are called for. It is then that they will stand firm at the post of duty, without parade, and without swerving because of reproach. The unbelieving spies stood ready to destroy Caleb. He saw the stones in the hands of those who had brought a false report, but this did not deter him; he had a message, and he would bear it. The same spirit will be manifested today by those who are true to God. {Mar 239.3}
诗人说:“人废了祢的律法,所以我爱祢的命令胜于金子,更胜于精金”(诗119:126,127)。当人靠近耶稣的身边,因着信而有基督住他们心中的时候,世人越藐视上帝圣洁的律例,他们就越爱祂诫命。现在正是需要用笔和口把真安息日传给世人的时候。在第四条诫命和遵守它的人受到忽略和藐视之际,忠心的人必要感觉到现在不可隐瞒自己的信仰,而当展开旌旗,上面写着第三位天使的信息,就是上帝的诫命和耶稣的真道,藉以高举耶和华的律法。……{Mar 239.3}
The psalmist says, “They have made void thy law. Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold” (Psalm 119:126, 127). When men press close to the side of Jesus, when Christ is abiding in their hearts by faith, their love for the commandments of God grows stronger in proportion to the contempt which the world heaps upon His holy precepts. It is at this time that the true Sabbath must be brought before the people by both pen and voice. As the fourth commandment and those who observe it are ignored and despised, the faithful feel that it is the time not to hide their faith but to exalt the law of Jehovah by unfurling the banner on which is inscribed the message of the third angel, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. {Mar 239.4}
但愿凡持有那在耶稣里的真理的人,不要赞助,甚至不因保持缄默而赞助那不法的隐意所做的事。他们绝不可停止发出警告。……真理决不可隐藏,也不可否认或掩饰,而要完全地承认,并大胆地传扬。(2SM 369,370){Mar 239.4}
Let not those who have the truth as it is in Jesus give sanction, even by their silence, to the work of the mystery of iniquity. Let them never cease to sound the note of alarm.... The truth must not be hid, it must not be denied or disguised, but fully avowed, and boldly proclaimed.29 {Mar 239.5}
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