十月九日 藏身在山洞与石穴里
In the Dens and Caves of the Earth, October 9
And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. Isaiah 2:19. {Mar 290.1}
躲藏的人因世人敌视耶和华的律法而分散了。他们曾受到世上所有权势的压迫。他们因仇敌的暴怒,又因忠心顺从耶和华的律法,分散在石洞和土穴之中。然而上帝的子民终于得蒙拯救。上帝必对他们的仇敌显示自己是秉公报应的上帝。……{Mar 290.1}
The hidden ones have been scattered because of man’s enmity against the law of Jehovah. They have been oppressed by all the powers of the earth. They have been scattered in the dens and caves of the earth through the violence of their adversaries, because they are true and obedient to Jehovah’s laws. But deliverance comes to the people of God. To their enemies God will show Himself a God of just retribution.... {Mar 290.2}
上帝的子民奉召从地上的石洞与土穴中--就是他们秘密藏身之处出来,作祂真实忠诚的见证人。{Mar 290.2}
From the dens and the caves of the earth, that have been the secret hiding places of God’s people, they are called forth as His witnesses, true and faithful. {Mar 290.3}
大胆叛逆的人要应验《启示录》第六章第十五至十七节的描写。他们在这些山洞与岩石穴中发现一些信件和书刊,其中真理的话指证他们的错误。引导群羊走上假道的牧人们,必听见控告他们的话:“是你们轻视真理,告诉我们上帝的律法已经作废,又说律法是奴役的轭。当我认识到安息日复临信徒持有真理之时,你们却传假道理。我们灵魂的血沾在你们圣职的衣袍上。……你们现在愿意付上我灵魂的赎价吗?……我们听信了你们对圣经的断章取义,将谎言说成真理,现在该怎么办呢?我们若顺服了真理,真理本来会救我们的。”{Mar 290.3}
The people who have braved out their rebellion will fulfill the description given in Revelation 6:15-17. In these very caves and dens they find the very statement of truth in the letters and in the publications as witness against them. The shepherds who lead the sheep in false paths will hear the charge made against them, “It was you who made light of truth. It was you who told us that God’s law was abrogated, that it was a yoke of bondage. It was you who voiced the false doctrines when I was convicted that these Seventh-day Adventists had the truth. The blood of our souls is upon your priestly garments.... Now will you pay the ransom for my soul? ... What shall we do who listened to your garbling of the Scriptures and your turning into a lie the truth which if obeyed would have saved us?” {Mar 290.4}
当基督降临报应那些教导和训练百姓蹂躏上帝的安息日,拆毁祂的纪念碑,将祂牧场的粮草践踏脚下的人时,哀号是无济于事的。那些信任假牧人的人,原有上帝的圣言可以查考。他们发现上帝会审判每一个听过真理,却因真理涉及舍己和十字架就背弃真光的人。大山和岩石都不能帮助他们躲避坐宝座者的义愤和羔羊的忿怒。(Letter.1900.86){Mar 290.4}
When Christ comes to take vengeance on those who have educated and trained the people to trample on God’s Sabbath, to tear down His memorial, and tread down with their feet the feed of His pastures, lamentations will be in vain. Those who trusted in the false shepherds had the word of God to search for themselves, and they find that God will judge every man who has had the truth and turned from the light because it involved self-denial and the cross. Rocks and mountains cannot screen them from the indignation of Him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.31 {Mar 290.5}
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