十一月二十二日 那些洗净自己衣服的有福了
Blessed Are They That Wash Their Robes, November 22
Blessed are they that wash their robes, that they may have the right to come to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14, R.V. {Mar 334.1}
我们希望最终能去天国并加入天上的唱诗班吗?就品格而言,我们下到坟墓时怎样,复活起来也必怎样。……现在是我们洗净并熨烫的时候。……{Mar 334.1}
Do we expect to get to heaven at last and join the heavenly choir? Just as we go into the grave we will come up, as far as the character is concerned.... Now is the time for washing and ironing.... {Mar 334.2}
约翰看见上帝的宝座和围绕宝座的群众,便问道:“这些人是谁呢?”得到的回答是:“这些人……曾用羔羊的血把衣裳洗白净了”(启7:14)。基督引领他们到活水的泉源,那里有生命树,宝贵的救主也在那里。这里向我们描述了一种与上帝生命的长度相似的生命。那里没有痛苦、忧伤、疾病或死亡。一切都是平安、和谐与仁爱。……{Mar 334.2}
John saw the throne of God and around that throne a company, and he inquired, Who are these The answer came, “These are they which ... have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14). Christ leads them to the fountains of living waters, and there is the tree of life and there is the precious Saviour. Here is presented to us a life that measures with the life of God. There is no pain, sorrow, sickness, or death there. All is peace and harmony and love.... {Mar 334.3}
现在正是我们领受恩典,力量与权能,结合人的努力为永生而陶冶品格的时候。我们如此行就必发现有上帝的天使来为我们效力,我们也必成为上帝的后嗣,并与耶稣基督同作后嗣。当最后的号筒吹响时,死人必从他们的牢狱中被唤出,霎那间改变形像,有永不朽坏的荣耀冠冕要加在得胜者的头上。珍珠之门必为持守真理的国民开放。他们也必进去。斗争结束了。{Mar 334.3}
Now is the time to receive grace and strength and power to combine with our human efforts that we can form characters for everlasting life. When we do this we will find that the angels of God will minister unto us, and we shall be heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. And when the last trump shall sound, and the dead shall be called from their prison house and changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the crowns of immortal glory shall be placed upon the heads of the overcomers. The pearly gates will swing back for the nations that have kept the truth and they will enter in. The conflict is ended. {Mar 334.4}
“你们这蒙我父赐福的,可来承受那创世以来为你们预备的国”(太25:34)。我们愿意得到这样的祝福吗?我愿意,我相信你们也愿意。但愿上帝帮助你们参与人生的战斗,天天获胜,最后列身在那班将他们的冠冕放在耶稣脚前,弹着金琴使整个天庭充满美妙音乐的人当中。我希望你们爱我的耶稣。……不要拒绝我的救主,因为祂已为你付出无限的代价。我在耶稣的身上发现无与伦比的优美,我希望你们也看见祂的优美。(HP.369){Mar 334.4}
“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). Do we want this benediction? I do, and I believe you do. May God help you that you may fight the battles of this life and gain a victory day by day and at last be among the number that shall cast their crowns at Jesus’ feet and touch the golden harps and fill all heaven with sweetest music. I want you to love my Jesus.... Do not reject my Saviour, for He has paid an infinite price for you. I see in Jesus matchless charms, and I want you to see these charms.47 {Mar 334.5}
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