二月十六日 现今—总是现今
Now—Always Now, February 16
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Matthew 25:13. {Mar 55.1}
基督的降临似乎是在半夜大家睡觉的时候。每一个人在日落之前最好都将账目全部清理妥当。他的一切行为都当正直,他与别人的一切交易都当公平。一切不诚实,一切邪恶的作风都当放弃。恩典之油当预备在器皿里,灯也须带着。……凡徒有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意,称呼基督“主啊、主啊”,身上却没有祂形像和签证的人,将来的情形实在可怜。……{Mar 55.1}
The coming of Christ will be as it were at midnight, when all are sleeping. It will be well for every one to have his accounts all straightened up before sunset. All his works should be right, all his dealings just, between himself and his fellow-men. All dishonesty, all sinful practices should be put far away. The oil of grace should be in our vessels with our lamps.... Sad indeed will be the condition of the soul who has had a form of godliness but has denied the power thereof; who has called Christ, Lord, Lord, and yet who has not His image and superscription.... {Mar 55.2}
上帝仁慈地赐予宽容时期,就是经受试验与试炼的时期。祂的邀请乃是:“当趁耶和华可寻找的时候寻找祂,相近的时候求告祂”(赛55:6)。……{Mar 55.2}
God graciously grants a day of probation, a time of test and trial. He gives the invitation: “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.” ... {Mar 55.3}
今日这慈悲之声仍然在呼唤着。耶稣仍在以祂的慈绳爱索吸引人来归祂。然而日子将到,耶稣要穿上报仇的衣服。……世界的罪恶日见加增。一旦到达某一界限,记录册就必封闭,账也必算清了。那时再也没有为罪所献的祭物了。主来了。那向有罪世界伸出的慈爱,忍耐和宽容的手曾经长久慈怜地伸出。邀请也已发出:“让他持住我的能力。……”可是世人竟敢蔑视祂的慈怜,拒绝祂的恩典。{Mar 55.3}
Today the voice of mercy is calling, and Jesus is drawing men by the cords of His love; but the day will come when Jesus will put on the garments of vengeance.... The wickedness of the world is increasing every day, and when a certain line is reached, the register will be closed, and the account settled. There will be no more a sacrifice for sin. The Lord cometh. Long has mercy extended a hand of love, of patience and forbearance, toward a guilty world. The invitation has been given, “Let him take hold of my strength....” But men have presumed upon His mercy and refused His grace. {Mar 55.4}
主为什么这样长久耽延不降临呢?全天军都在等待着要为这沦亡的世界完成最后的工作。然而这项工作仍在延缓。因为少数自称器皿里有油的人没有作世上点燃发光照明的灯,因为传福音的人太少。……{Mar 55.4}
Why has the Lord so long delayed His coming? The whole host of heaven is waiting to fulfil the last work for this lost world, and yet the work waits. It is because the few who profess to have the oil of grace in their vessels with their lamps, have not become burning and shining lights in the world. It is because missionaries are few.... {Mar 55.5}
每过一个星期,就少了一个星期,每过一日,那指定施行审判的时候就更近一日。哀哉!如此众多的人只有间驻间歇的信仰——是依赖感觉也为情绪所左右的信仰。“唯有忍耐到底的,必然得救”(太22:13)。因此你们当确知自己心中已有恩典之油。须知当审判之际,你们是否已有这油,其关系非常重大。(RH.1894.3.27){Mar 55.5}
Every week counts one week less, every day one day nearer to the appointed time of the judgment. Alas that so many have only a spasmodic religion—a religion dependent upon feeling and governed by emotion. “He that endureth to the end shall be saved.” Then see that you have the oil of grace in your hearts. The possession of this will make every difference with you in the judgment.24 {Mar 55.6}
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