二月二十三日 要达到的目标
A Goal to Reach, February 23
The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. {Mar 62.1}
保罗写“愿赐平安的上帝亲自使你们全然成圣”(帖前5:23)时,他并没有劝弟兄们达到一个不可能达到的标准;他也没有祈求使他们得着上帝无意赐给人的福气。他知道凡愿意安然见到基督的人,都必须拥有纯净圣洁的品格。(CTBH 54){Mar 62.1}
When Paul wrote, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly,” he did not exhort his brethren to aim at a standard which it was impossible for them to reach; he did not pray that they might have blessings which it was not the will of God to give. He knew that all who would be fitted to meet Christ in peace, must possess a pure and holy character.34 {Mar 62.2}
安息日复临信徒若是实践了他们自称所相信的,他们若是真诚的健康改革者,就会确实成了一台戏,给世人和天使观看。他们就会显出大得多的热心,拯救那些不知道真理的人。{Mar 62.2}
If Seventh-day Adventists practiced what they profess to believe, if they were sincere health reformers, they would indeed be a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. And they would show a far greater zeal for the salvation of those who are ignorant of the truth. {Mar 62.3}
在那些声称仰望基督早日降临的子民之中,应当显出一种更大的改革。健康改良的运动,要在我们的人当中,做一番从未作成的工作。现今那些人本应觉悟肉食的危险,却仍在吞食动物的肉,从而危害到身体、精神和灵性的健康。在肉食的问题上,许多现今只悔改一半的人,将要离开上帝的子民,而不再与他们同行了。(CH 575){Mar 62.3}
Greater reforms should be seen among the people who claim to be looking for the soon appearing of Christ. Health reform is to do among our people a work which it has not yet done. There are those who ought to be awake to the danger of meat-eating, who are still eating the flesh of animals, thus endangering the physical, mental, and spiritual health. Many who are now only half converted on the question of meat-eating will go from God’s people, to walk no more with them.35 {Mar 62.4}
口腹之欲掌权,会毁灭成千成万的人。他们若在这一点上得胜的话,本来会获得道德的力量战胜撒但其他一切试探的。但那些食欲的奴隶无法完善基督徒的品格。六千年来人类的不断犯罪,结出了疾病,痛苦和死亡的果子。我们既已接近末日,撒但唆使人放纵食欲的试探就变本加厉,更难制胜了。(CH 574){Mar 62.4}
The controlling power of appetite will prove the ruin of thousands, when, if they had conquered on this point, they would have had moral power to gain the victory over every other temptation of Satan. But those who are slaves to appetite will fail in perfecting Christian character. The continual transgression of man for six thousand years has brought sickness, pain, and death as its fruits. And as we near the close of time, Satan’s temptation to indulge appetite will be more powerful and more difficult to overcome.36 {Mar 62.5}
我再三蒙指示看到上帝正在尽力引导我们,逐步回转到祂起初的计划中——要人类靠地上自然界的土产生活。在那些等候主降临的人们中,终必放弃肉食,停止以肉类来作为他们食物的一部分。我们的眼光应当始终如一守住这个目标,并为此坚定努力地工作。(CH 450){Mar 62.5}
Again and again I have been shown that God is trying to lead us back, step by step, to His original design—that man should subsist upon the natural products of the earth. Among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, meat-eating will eventually be done away; flesh will cease to form a part of their diet. We should ever keep this end in view, and endeavor to work steadily toward it.37 {Mar 62.6}
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