三月十五日 一生的撒种与收割
The Sowing and Reaping of Life, March 15
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow after righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22. {Mar 82.1}
亲爱的青年朋友啊,只用一点点时间撒播稗子,就会结出终身痛苦的果实;一时轻率不慎,一次屈从试探,就可能使你一生转向错误的方向。你们只有一次青春,务要使之有益。一旦你行完了这一段路程,决不可能再回过头来纠正你的错误。……{Mar 82.1}
A little time spent in sowing your wild oats, dear young friends, will produce a crop that will embitter your whole life; an hour of thoughtlessness, once yielding to temptation, may turn the whole current of your life in the wrong direction. You can have but one youth; make that useful. When once you have passed over the ground you can never return to rectify your mistakes.... {Mar 82.2}
大骗子撒但把自己装扮成光明的天使,带着似是而非的试探来到青年身旁,一步一步地引诱他们离开责任的道路。圣经说撒但是控告者,欺骗者,说谎的,迫害人的和杀人的。……。撒但只能试探你,而屈从试探却是你自己的行为。撒但全军的力量都无法强迫受试探的人犯罪。所以犯罪是没有理由原谅的。(4T 622、623){Mar 82.2}
Satan ... transforms himself into an angel of light and comes to the youth with his specious temptations and succeeds in winning them, step by step, from the path of duty. He is described as an accuser, a deceiver, a liar, a tormentor, and a murderer.... It is Satan’s act to tempt you, but your own act to yield. It is not in the power of all the host of Satan to force the tempted to transgress. There is no excuse for sin.27 {Mar 82.3}
试探并不是罪。耶稣虽是神圣纯洁的,但祂也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,不过祂所受试探的力量之猛烈,是人类永远不会受到的。祂抗拒试探成功,给我们留下了光明的榜样,要我们跟随祂的脚踪行。我们若是自恃自义,就必被撇于试探的权势中;但我们若仰望耶稣,信靠祂,我们就请求了那曾在战场上胜过仇敌的大能者作为我们的援助,并在每次受试探的时候,祂要给我们开一条出路。当撒但象洪水般涌进来时,我们必须用圣灵的宝剑去应付他的试探,耶稣要作我们的助力,并为我们高举旌旗胜过他。(5T. 426){Mar 82.3}
Temptation is not sin. Jesus was holy and pure; yet He was tempted in all points as we are, but with a strength and power that man will never be called upon to endure. In His successful resistance He has left us a bright example, that we should follow in His steps. If we are self-confident or self-righteous we shall be left to fall under the power of temptation; but if we look to Jesus and trust in Him we call to our aid a power that has conquered the foe on the field of battle, and with every temptation He will make a way of escape. When Satan comes in like a flood, we must meet his temptations with the sword of the Spirit, and Jesus will be our helper and will lift up for us a standard against him.28 {Mar 82.4}
即使保留一个错误的品性,和一个有罪的欲望,最终也会抵消福音的一切能力。……害怕责任和罪中之乐,乃是撒但用来把人们捆在他网罗中的绳索。惟有那些宁死也不做一件错事的人,才是忠心的人。(5T 53){Mar 82.4}
One wrong trait of character, one sinful desire cherished, will eventually neutralize all the power of the gospel.... The pains of duty and the pleasures of sin are the cords with which Satan binds men in his snares. Those who would rather die than perform a wrong act are the only ones who will be found faithful.29 {Mar 82.5}
青年人可以有坚定的原则,即使是撒但最有力的试探,也不能动摇他们的忠诚。(3T. 472){Mar 82.5}
The youth may have principles so firm that the most powerful temptations of Satan will not draw them away from their allegiance.30 {Mar 82.6}
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