1月12日 “一切”指我
Whosoever Means Me, January 12
“上帝爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生”(约3:16)。{OHC 18.1}[1]
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.John 3:16.{OHC 18.1}[1]
我们应当亲自默想耶稣的慈爱,祂的使命和祂的工作。我们要说:耶稣爱我,甚至舍了祂的生命来救我。天父爱我。“上帝爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生”(约3:16)。我们必须探明基督应许赐永生的条件。我的回答是:那是凭着我们的信心。(ST.1893.4.24){OHC 18.2}[2]
We should contemplate the love of Jesus, His mission and His work in reference to us as individuals. We are to say, Jesus so loved me that He gave His own life to save me. The Father loves me, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” It becomes us to ascertain upon what terms Christ promises the gift of eternal life. I answer, It is upon our faith.22{OHC 18.2}[2]
上帝爱子的恩赐,确保上帝的应许是属于我们的。(MS.1899.23){OHC 18.3}[3]
The gift of God’s dear Son makes the promises of God ours of a surety.23{OHC 18.3}[3]
有多少人能说“祂拯救我”呢?我知道祂希望我得救。在祂看来我是有价值的,因此我知道我的思想、我的言语和我的作为都处在祂的鉴察之下。凡与基督宝血所赎之人有关的事物,在上帝的眼中都是有价值的。由于救赎我们所付的代价,我们有责任将一切感情都献给基督。我们要将自己的一切都献与上帝。但在将一切献与上帝时,我们是否认为自己蒙受了重大的损失呢?──没有。我们在将才能献与祂时,实际上是使之加倍了。祂所赋予我们的每一恩赐若回报与祂,就必蒙祂赐福,使之在上帝圣工中扩大影响。无论你在哪里,都当意识到自己是属于基督的。(ST.1893.1.9){OHC 18.4}[4]
How many can say, “He saves me”? I know that He wants that I should be saved. He looks upon me as of value in His sight, and therefore I know that my thoughts, my words, and my works, all pass in review before Him. Everything that is connected with the purchase of the blood of Christ is of value in the sight of God. By the price paid for our redemption we are under obligation to devote our entire affections to Christ. We are to give God all there is of us; and in giving to God our all, are we to consider that we sustain a great loss?—No, for in giving to Him our talents, we are doubling them. Every gift He has given to us, when returned to Him, receives His blessing, that it may have increased influence in the work of God. Wherever you may be, you are to realize that you belong to Christ.24{OHC 18.4}[4]
基督给世界的恩赐是无法计量的。任何权势都无法与上帝相抗衡。任何礼物的价值都无法与上天至珍的宝藏相比。这个伟大的恩赐是要向人类提供今生永世感谢和赞美的主题。上帝既藉着基督将祂的一切都赐下了,祂也要求人类将心灵,思想和能力都献给祂。我们看到上帝在基督完美全备的恩赐中为我们所提供的财宝,只能赞叹说:“这就是爱了!”(YI.1894.12.13){OHC 18.5}[5]
The gift of Christ to the world was beyond computation, and no power could compete with God by giving a gift that would bear any comparison to the value of heaven’s best treasure. The greatness of this gift was to furnish men with a theme of thanksgiving and praise that would last through time and through eternity. Having given His all in Christ, God lays claim to the heart, mind, soul, and strength of man. Looking upon the treasure which God has provided in the full and complete gift of Christ, we can exclaim: “Herein is love!”?25{OHC 18.5}[5]
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