7月5日 你的账目如何?
How Does Your Account Stand July 5
“所求于管家的,是要他有忠心”(林前4:2)。{OHC 192.1}[1]
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.1 Corinthians 4:2.{OHC 192.1}[1]
经手金钱的人如果记住自己是主的管家,所经手的是主的资金,有一天必要为此而交账,金钱就是一种福惠。(LT.1872.17){OHC 192.2}[2]
Money is a blessing when those who use it consider that they are the Lord’s stewards, that they are handling the Lord’s capital, and must one day give account of their stewardship.5{OHC 192.2}[2]
你在使用基督所交托你的金钱上是否承认了祂呢?……基督若能获得属于祂的十分之一和捐款,就决不会有那么多的钱自私地浪费在装饰和炫耀上了。化在购买衣服,寻欢作乐,丰宴美食上的钱就会减少了。我们可以藉着不刻意款待宾客而承认基督。我们也可以因特别预备款待,浪费了属于主的时间而否认祂。……你在参与任何专为满足自我的娱乐之前,应当扪心自问:我这些本来无需耗费的时间和金钱,难道不是属于上帝的吗?翻开你的账薄,查一查你用于上帝,用于家人,用于世人的账目究竟如何。{OHC 192.3}[3]
Do you confess Christ in your expenditures of His entrusted means? ... If Christ had that which is His own in tithes and offerings, so much would not be left for selfish outlay on knickknacks and display. Less would be spent for dress, for pleasure excursions, for entertainments, or for display in table fare. We may confess Christ by making no elaborate preparations for visitors; we may deny Him by making more than ordinary preparations, which takes time that rightly belongs to the Lord.... Before you enter into amusement for the gratification of self, ask yourself the question, Is not this God’s time and money that I am expending needlessly? Open your account book, and see how your account stands with God, with your household, and with the world.{OHC 192.3}[3]
你有没有藉着忠心地献上薄荷、茴香和各样菜蔬的十分之一而承认基督呢?当我们向主奉献十分之一时,只是将祂自己之物归还给祂而已,若扣留不纳,便与盗窃无异。……你的账簿是否显明你忠诚地侍奉你的主呢?你贫穷吗?那就将你不多的财物奉献吧。你富裕吗?那就将主所指定属于祂的拿出来吧。……在你的账簿上忽略不承认基督,就等于放弃使你名列羔羊生命册的重大特权。(MS.1896.13){OHC 192.4}[4]
Have you confessed Christ by faithfully tithing the mint, the anise, and the rue? When we give the Lord the tithe, we are only giving Him that which is His own, to withhold which is theft and robbery.... Does your account book reveal that you have dealt faithfully with your Lord? Are you poor? Then give your little. Have you been blessed with abundance? Then be sure to lay aside that which the Lord registers as His own.... The neglect to confess Christ in your account books cuts you off from the great privilege of having your name registered in the Lamb’s book of life.6{OHC 192.4}[4]
我们的天父以用祂自己慈善的榜样教导我们。上帝时常白白丰盛地赏赐我们。一切属世的福惠都出自祂的手。主如果不再向我们赐下祂的福惠,我们将如何呢?那就会有何等悲伤、痛苦和贫乏的呼声从地上升起啊!我们每日都需要耶和华慈爱良善不竭的恩流。(MS.1903.153){OHC 192.5}[5]
Our heavenly Father teaches by His own example of beneficence. God gives to us regularly, freely, and abundantly. Every earthly blessing is from His hand. What if the Lord should cease to bestow His gifts upon us? What a cry of wretchedness, suffering, and want would go up from the earth! We need daily the unfailing flow of Jehovah’s love and goodness.7{OHC 192.5}[5]
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