1月30日 心灵的良药
Sure Remedy for the Soul, January 30
“祂赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病”(诗103:3)。{OHC 36.1}[1]
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.Psalm 103:3.{OHC 36.1}[1]
基督已将祂的圣言赐给我们,使我们获得治疗一切属灵疾病的良方。祂的圣言是人类品格的试金石。它指出疾病,也开出药方。在祂的圣言中,有治疗每一属灵疾病的处方。上帝简明的命令,会对心灵和整个身体发挥健康的影响,若凭着信心领受,并忠诚地实行,其疗法是绝对有效的。(LT.1907.42){OHC 36.2}[2]
Christ has given us His Word, that men and women may be thoroughly furnished with a remedy for all spiritual diseases. The Word is a test of human character. It points out the disease, and prescribes the remedy. In the Word is a prescription for every spiritual ailment. The plain commands of God will exert a healthful influence upon the mind, and upon the whole body. If taken in faith and faithfully practiced, its remedies are infallible.62{OHC 36.2}[2]
上帝圣言的应许在最谦卑的人面前敞开。上帝宣布说:“你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐与众人……的上帝”(雅1:5)。他决不会空手被打发回去。凡凭藉上帝所说的话而生活的人,智力和道德力必得到拓展。与他敞开心门接受生命之道以前的表现相比,他有了更加清晰的悟性。他既因信与一切智慧和知识的活泉相连系,智力就必发育和扩展。当智力受制于撒但的支配时,整个人都是残废的。但当真理的能力进入人心时,它必左右整个人生。(MS.1899.23){OHC 36.3}[3]
Before the humblest is opened the promises of the Word of God. God declares, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally....”James 1:5. He will never be sent away empty. And the man who lives by every word of God will improve in mental and moral capabilities. He will have a clearer understanding than he manifested before he opened his heart to the entrance of the Word of life. Connected by faith with the living Source of wisdom and knowledge, the mental powers will grow and expand. While the powers of the intellect were under the sway of Satan, the whole man was deformed. But when the power of the truth is brought into the heart, it influences the entire being.63{OHC 36.3}[3]
主已发出祂的圣言。那些有福的篇章充满了指示和生命,与真理相和谐。它们是完美的行为准则。所赐的指示,所定的原则,适用于人生的每一种环境,即使可能没有提到某种特殊的情况。对于全备的信心和正确的行为路线所必要的事,没有留下一样未启示。上帝要向我们索取的每一样责任都说明了。……凡柔和谦卑地以圣经为自己的向导和顾问的人,必不会背离正路。(LT.1891.34){OHC 36.4}[4]
The Lord has uttered His voice in His Holy Word. Those blessed pages are full of instruction and life, harmonious with truth. They are a perfect rule of conduct. Instructions are given, principles are laid down, which apply to every circumstance in life, even though some particular case may not be stated. Nothing is left unrevealed which is essential to a complete system of faith and a correct line of practice. Every duty that God requires at our hands is made plain.... None will err from the right path who meekly and honestly take the Bible as their guide, making it the man of their counsel.64{OHC 36.4}[4]
你要相信,当你真诚盼望获得帮助去研究上帝的话时,主必使你的心灵充满亮光。你的工作必蒙上帝所悦纳。你的感化力也必成为活的香气。(AUCR.1903.10.1){OHC 36.5}[5]
Depend on this: If you study the Word of God with a sincere desire to get help, the Lord will fill your soul with light. Your work will be approved of God, and your influence will be a savor of life.65{OHC 36.5}[5]
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