12月14日 在摇动的世界上不动摇
Unmoved in a Shaken World, December 14
“我将耶和华常摆在我面前,因祂在我右边,我便不至摇动”(诗16:8)。{OHC 354.1}[1]
I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.Psalm 16:8.{OHC 354.1}[1]
我们生活在危险的时代。不敬虔的事司空见惯。连自称基督徒的人也不相信圣经。他们认为上帝圣言的真理太率直、太尖锐了。……敌基督的观念、风俗和习惯占了上风,甚至被歪曲为基督化的行为。然而最有价值的事物,就是上帝所视为最重要的事物却遭到藐视。敬畏上帝的人会问:这些事情的结局如何呢?世人对基督的爱和彼此间的爱正迅速从人心中消逝。……{OHC 354.2}[2]
We are living in an age of peril, when ungodliness is common. Even professed Christians do not believe their Bibles. The truth of the Word of God is too plain and pointed for them.... Antichristian ideas, customs, and practices prevail, and they are even construed to be Christian; but that which is of most value, that which God esteems most highly, is treated with contempt. Well may the God-fearing inquire, What shall the end of these things be Love for Christ and love for one another is fast dying out of the hearts of men....{OHC 354.2}[2]
不法的事比比皆是,因为撒但知道自己的时候不多,就气忿忿地下到世界。他不屈不挠,孜孜不倦地作工。倘若有一个时期人们最需要基督站在他们的右边,那就是现在了。……我们需要拯救我们的元帅时常在我们身旁。{OHC 354.3}[3]
Wickedness prevails on every hand; for Satan has come down having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. He is a persevering, diligent, untiring worker, and if ever there was a time when men needed the presence of Christ at their right hand, it is now.... We need the Captain of our salvation continually by our side.{OHC 354.3}[3]
现在我们的周围混乱不堪,今后也必这样。属世的国度不会有安宁。在精神和行为上否认基督的试探,现今比过去任何时候都更加强烈。我们越接近末日,这种试探就越加厉害。强烈而难以抗拒的试探将临到世人。有人会将假道和无稽之谈说成是圣经的真理,要人接受。倘若能行,连选民也要被他们迷惑了。然而在不法之事增多的日子里,我们的爱心是否会冷淡下去呢?我们会不会贪图安逸,与我们的顾问上帝分开呢?{OHC 354.4}[4]
There is, and will continue to be, agitation all around us; for the kingdoms of the world will not be at rest. Never was there a time when the temptation to deny Christ in spirit and in deportment, was stronger, and this temptation will increase in power as we near the end. Strong and overpowering temptations will come upon men. False doctrines and fables will be presented as Bible truth, for men’s acceptance; and if it were possible, they will deceive the very elect. But is it a time for our love to grow cold, when iniquity abounds? Is this a time to be at ease? Is this the time to separate from God, our Counselor?{OHC 354.4}[4]
万物的结局近了,上帝的大日即将临到。世界充满罪恶、痛苦和忧伤。陆地和海洋的灾难接踵而来。面对狂风暴雨的威协,我们片时与上帝分离也是不安全的。当试验的日子来到,凡能被摇动的都要摇动的时候,惟有那些在宽容时期中凭着信心生活的人,才能站立得稳,安然居住,不至动摇。(YI.1894.7.19){OHC 354.5}[5]
The end of all things is at hand. The day of God is hastening on apace. The world is full of crime and anguish and sorrow. There are calamities by land and by sea. Storm and tempest make it unsafe for us to be separated from God for one single moment. Only those who live by faith in this probationary life, will be able to stand in the day of test, when everything that can be shaken will be shaken, but they shall dwell in safety and be unmoved.35{OHC 354.5}[5]
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