第103章 节日的礼品
Chapter 103—Holiday Presents
节日快到了。要好好想一想每年这时要把多少金钱化在不必要的礼品上。风俗的影响是那么强烈,以致我们在节日中如果不送礼给朋友,就似乎是疏远了他们。然而我们应当记住,我们天上慈爱的恩主所要求于我们的,远远超过地上的任何朋友。我们岂不当在行将来临的节日中把礼物献给上帝吗?连小孩子也可以参加这项工作。可以把衣服或其他有用的物品送给穷人,这样为主来成就善工。{MYP 311.1}[1]
The holidays are approaching. In view of this fact, it will be well to consider how much money is expended yearly in making presents to those who have no need of them. The habits of custom are so strong that to withhold gifts from our friends on these occasions would seem to us almost a neglect of them. But let us remember that our kind heavenly Benefactor has claims upon us far superior to those of any earthly friends. Shall we not, during the coming holidays, present our offerings to God? Even the children may participate in this work. Clothing and other useful articles may be given to the worthy poor, and thus a work may be done for the Master.{MYP 311.1}[1]
我们要记住,圣诞节是纪念世界救赎主降生的。这一天一般都要举行盛宴,大吃大喝,并在不必要的放纵上浪费巨款。放纵情欲与食欲有损于身体,精神和道德的力量。然而人们竟养成这样的习惯。骄傲,时尚和贪爱宴乐,吞没了无数钱财,对人实际上毫无好处,反倒助长了上帝所厌恶的浪费。他们在节日里荣耀自己,而不荣耀上帝,牺牲了健康,浪费了金钱,许多人还因暴食或纵欲而丧失了性命,并因此而丧失了灵魂。{MYP 311.2}[2]
【Evils of Self-indulgence】
Let us remember that Christmas is celebrated in commemoration of the birth of the world’s Redeemer. This day is generally spent in feasting and gluttony. Large sums of money are spent in needless self-indulgence. The appetite and sensual pleasures are indulged at the expense of physical, mental, and moral power. Yet this has become a habit. Pride, fashion, and gratification of the palate have swallowed up immense sums of money that have really benefited no one, but have encouraged a prodigality of means which is displeasing to God. These days are spent in glorifying self rather than God. Health has been sacrificed, money worse than thrown away, many have lost their lives by?overeating or through demoralizing dissipation, and souls have been lost by this means.{MYP 311.2}[2]
上帝的子民如果能采用简朴的饮食,把交托给他们或多或少的财物捐入祂的库中,用来把真光传给处在谬道黑暗中的人,祂就会得到荣耀。这些财物能解决孤儿寡妇女的温饱而已,使他们的心得到快乐。{MYP 312.1}[3]
God would be glorified by His children should they enjoy a plain, simple diet, and use the means intrusted to them in bringing to His treasury offerings, small and great, to be used in sending the light of truth to souls that are in the darkness of error. The hearts of the widow and fatherless may be made to rejoice because of gifts which will add to their comfort and satisfy their hunger.{MYP 312.1}[3]
但愿一切自称相信现代真理的人统计一下,自己每年,尤其是在每年的节日里,花费了多少钱财来满足自私而不洁的欲望?他们化多少钱来放纵食欲?花多少钱与别人竞争非基督化的炫耀?把一切不必要开支统计一下,再算一算能省下多少可当作礼物奉献给上帝的圣工,同时又不损害自己的身心。{MYP 312.2}[4]
【Gifts to God】
Let all who profess to believe the present truth calculate how much they spend yearly, and especially upon the recurrence of the annual holidays, for the gratification of selfish and unholy desires, how much in the indulgence of appetite, and how much to compete with others in unchristian display. Sum up the means thus spent all needlessly, and then estimate how much might be saved as consecrated gifts to God’s cause without injury to soul or body.{MYP 312.2}[4]
按照捐献者的能力,可将或多或少的钱财纳入府库,以偿还已经奉献给上帝之教堂的债务;还要差派传道士到新的园地作工;在各个园地作工的其他传道士也需要得到支持。这些传道士必须厉行节约,甚至放弃你们每日所享用的生活必需品。他们根本无法奢侈。——《评论与通讯》1878年11月21日{MYP 312.3}[5]
Mites and more liberal gifts may be brought in, according to the ability of the giver, to aid in lifting debts from churches which have been dedicated to God. Then there are missionaries to be sent into new fields, and others to be supported in their respective fields of labor. These missionaries have to practice the strictest economy, even denying themselves the very things you enjoy daily, and which you consider the necessaries of life. They enjoy few luxuries.—The Review and Herald, November 21, 1878.{MYP 312.3}[5]
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