第106章 节约与善行
Chapter 106—Economy and Benevolence
许多人轻视节约,把节约与吝啬小气混为一谈。然而节约与慷慨是一致的。事实上若不节约,就不会有真正的慷慨。我们节省是为了施舍。{MYP 320.1}[1]
Many despise economy, confounding it with stinginess and narrowness. But economy is consistent with the broadest liberality. Indeed, without economy there can be no true liberality. We are to save that we may give.{MYP 320.1}[1]
人若不克己,就不可能真正慷慨。唯有藉着简朴的生活,克己节约,才能完成基督所指派我们作祂代表的工作。骄傲与属世的野心,必须从我们心中扫除。在我们所有的工作中,都必须表现出基督一生所显示的无私原则。在我们家庭的墙壁上,在所挂的图片和陈设中,都应该有这样的字:“将漂流的穷人接到家中”。在我们的衣橱里,要看到上帝亲手所写的:“见赤身的,给他衣服遮体”。在厨房里,在摆满丰富食物的桌子上,我们要看见:“不是要把你的饼分给饥饿的人吗”(赛58:7)?{MYP 320.2}[2]
No one can practice real benevolence without self-denial. Only by a life of simplicity, self-denial, and close economy is it possible for us to accomplish the work appointed us as Christ’s representatives. Pride and worldly ambition must be put out of our hearts. In all our work, the principle of unselfishness revealed in Christ’s life is to be carried out. Upon the walls of our homes, the pictures, the furnishings, we are to read, “Bring the poor that are cast out to thy house.” On our wardrobes we are to see written, as with the finger of God, “Clothe the naked.” In the dining-room, on the table laden with abundant food, we should see traced, “Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry?”{MYP 320.2}[2]
在我们面前敞开了千万扇服务的门户。我们时常悲叹经济缺乏,但如果基督徒真有热情的话,他们必增多千倍的财富。只有自私和纵欲会阻碍我们服务的道路。{MYP 320.3}[3]
【Open Doors of Usefulness】
A thousand doors of usefulness are open before us. Often we lament the scanty resources available, but were Christians thoroughly in earnest, they could multiply the resources a thousandfold. It is selfishness, self-indulgence, that bars the way to our usefulness.{MYP 320.3}[3]
有多少财富浪费在偶像之上啊!这些偶像竟霸占了我们本应作更高尚用途的思想,时间与精力!多少金钱浪费在豪华的房子,家具,自私的宴乐,奢侈,不卫生的食物和有害的纵欲上!多少无益的礼尚往来!自称为基督徒的人,现今化在有害无益之事上的金钱,远远超过在救人脱离试探者的工作上所化的。{MYP 320.4}[4]
How much means is expended for things that are mere idols, things that engross thought and time?and strength which should be put to a higher use! How much money is wasted on expensive houses and furniture, on selfish pleasures, luxurious and unwholesome food, hurtful indulgences! How much is squandered on gifts that benefit no one! For things that are needless, often harmful, professed Christians are today spending more, many times more, than they spend in seeking to rescue souls from the tempter.{MYP 320.4}[4]
许多自命为基督徒的人把大量金钱耗费在衣着上,以致没有多余的钱供给他人的需要。他们认为自己必须拥有贵重的装饰和奢华的衣服,却忽略了那些连最普通的衣服也难置备之人的需要。{MYP 321.1}[5]
Many who profess to be Christians spend so much on dress that they have nothing to spare for the needs of others. Costly ornaments and expensive clothing they think they must have, regardless of the needs of those who can with difficulty provide themselves with even the plainest clothing.{MYP 321.1}[5]
我的姊妹们:你们若肯按圣经的指示安排衣着,就有足够的钱帮助穷苦的姊妹了。你不仅有钱财,也有了时间。这往往是最需要的。你们可以用自己的劝导、智慧和技术帮助许多人,告诉他们如何穿着简朴而美观。许多妇女没有到教堂去,是因为她褴褛不合身的衣服与他人相比大为逊色。敏感的人往往因这种差异而感到屈辱和不平。许多人因此而怀疑宗教的真实性,以致心肠刚硬,反对福音。{MYP 321.2}[6]
【Saving the Fragments】
My sisters, if you would bring your manner of dressing into conformity with the rules given in the Bible, you would have an abundance with which to help your poorer sisters. You would have not only means, but time. Often this is most needed. There are many whom you might help with your suggestions, your tact and skill. Show them how to dress simply and yet tastefully. Many a woman remains away from the house of God because her shabby, ill-fitting garments are in such striking contrast to the dress of others. Many a sensitive spirit cherishes a sense of bitter humiliation and injustice because of this contrast. And because of it many are led to doubt the reality of religion and to harden their hearts against the gospel.{MYP 321.2}[6]
基督吩咐我们:“把剩下的零碎收拾起来,免得有糟蹋的”(太14:20)。现在世界上死于饥荒,战争、瘟疫与火灾的人日以万计。凡有爱同胞之心的人,决不可糟蹋和浪费。他们可以藉此帮助别人。{MYP 321.3}[7]
Christ bids us, “Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” While thousands are every day perishing from famine, bloodshed, fire, and plague, it becomes every lover of his kind to see that nothing is wasted, that nothing is needlessly expended, whereby he might benefit a human being.{MYP 321.3}[7]
浪费光阴和浪费精力都是不对的。寻欢作乐的每一分钟都是浪费。我们若珍惜光阴,正确利用每一分钟,就会有时间为自己和别人做应该做的事情。每一个基督徒在光阴、金钱、精力、机会的运用上,都当寻求上帝的引导。“你们中间若有人缺少智慧,应当求那厚赐与众人而不斥责人的上帝,主就必赐给他”(雅1:5)。——《服务真诠》206-208页{MYP 322.1}[8]
It is wrong to waste our time, wrong to waste our thoughts. We lose every moment that we devote to self-seeking. If every moment were valued and rightly employed, we should have time for everything that we need to do for ourselves or for the world. In the expenditure of money, in the use of time, strength, opportunities, let every Christian look to God for guidance. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”—The Ministry of Healing, 206-208.{MYP 322.1}[8]
这里没有必要列举节约的细则。那些全心顺服上帝并以祂的话作为自己向导的人,必明白如何妥善地履行人生的各项义务。他们要效法心里柔和谦卑的耶稣。他们在培养基督温柔的的时候,能关闭抵抗无数试探的门户。——《基督教育原理》152页{MYP 322.2}[9]
【Guide to Economy】
It is not necessary to specify here how economy may be practiced in every particular. Those whose hearts are fully surrendered to God, and who take His Word as their guide, will know how to conduct themselves in all the duties of life. They will learn of Jesus, who is meek and lowly of heart; and in cultivating the meekness of Christ they will close the door against innumerable temptations.—Fundamentals of Christian Education, 152.{MYP 322.2}[9]
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