第109章 家庭信仰
Chapter 109—Home Religion
家庭信仰是非常重要的。我们在家庭中必须说合宜的话,否则我们在教会中所作的见证就没有什么效果了。你在家中若不表现出温柔仁爱和礼貌,你的信仰必归徒然。在家中的信仰越真实,在教会中的能力就越大。{MYP 327.1}[1]
Home religion is greatly needed, and our words in the home should be of a right character, or our testimonies in the church will amount to nothing. Unless you manifest meekness, kindness, and courtesy in your home, your religion will be in vain. If there were more genuine home religion, there would be more power in the church.{MYP 327.1}[1]
在家中说粗暴不耐烦的话是很有害处的,因为暴燥的言语会使另一个人报之以同样的精神和态度。于是就有了口角和争辩。这些话语在你的颈项节上了一付沉重而痛苦的轭,因为这一切刻薄的话会给你的心灵带来痛苦的收获。{MYP 327.2}[2]
【Unkind Speech in the Home】
What harm is wrought in the family circle by the utterance of impatient words; for the impatient utterance of one leads another to retort in the same spirit and manner. Then come words of retaliation, words of self-justification, and it is by such words that a heavy, galling yoke is manufactured for your neck; for all these bitter words will come back in a baleful harvest to your soul.{MYP 327.2}[2]
凡任意如此说话的人,必遭受耻辱,丧失自尊和自信,并将痛悔自己丧失自制,说出这样的话来。要是不说出来,那该多好啊!心中若有恩典的膏油,宽容一切刺激,用基督化的温柔和忍耐来忍受一切,岂不更好?{MYP 327.3}[3]
Those who indulge in such language will experience shame, loss of self-respect, loss of self-confidence, and will have bitter remorse and regret that they allowed themselves to lose self-control and speak in this way. How much better would it be if words of this character were never spoken. How much better to have the oil of grace in the heart, to be able to pass by all provocation, and bear all things with Christlike meekness and forbearance.{MYP 327.3}[3]
如果你实行上帝应许的条件,这些应许就会实现在你的身上。你的心若投靠上帝,当试炼与试探临到你时,你必不会从极乐的状态跌入沮丧之谷,对别人说出疑惑与忧惧的话来。{MYP 327.4}[4]
If you fulfill the conditions of God’s promises, the promises will be fulfilled to you. If your mind?is stayed upon God, you will not go from a state of ecstasy to the valley of despondency when trial and temptation come upon you. You will not talk doubt and gloom to others.{MYP 327.4}[4]
撒但不知道我们的想法,但他会观察我们的举动,听我们的话语。他根据自己对于人类的长期了解,利用我们品格上的弱点来设计试探的方式。我们竟经常让他察觉到可以制胜我们的秘密。但愿我们能管束自己的言语和行动。如果我们的言语不至于在审判之日使自己羞于面对记录,我们将处在何等有利的地位啊!在上帝的大日,这些话与我们说的时候相比,将是多么的不同啊!——《评论与通讯》1913年2月27日{MYP 328.1}[5]
Satan cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, hear our words; and from his long knowledge of the human family, he can shape his temptations to take advantage of our weak points of character. And how often do we let him into the secret of how he may obtain the victory over us. Oh, that we might control our words and actions! How strong we would become if our words were of such an order that we would not be ashamed to meet the record of them in the day of judgment. How different will they appear in the day of God from what they seem when we utter them.—The Review and Herald, February 27, 1913.{MYP 328.1}[5]
家庭的使命不限于一家之人。基督徒的家庭应当成为实际的教训,显示人生真原则的美妙。这样的显示在世上会成为一股无穷的力量。一个真实的家庭对于人心灵和生活所产生的影响,要比任何演讲都要有力。青年人从这样的家庭出来以后,就会把所学到的教训传给别人。人生更高的原则就此进入别的家庭中。高尚的影响力就会在社会中产生效果。——《服务真诠》352页{MYP 328.2}[6]
【The Home an Object Lesson】
The mission of the home extends beyond its own members. The Christian home is to be an object lesson, illustrating the excellence of the true principles of life. Such an illustration will be a power for good in the world. Far more powerful than any sermon that can be preached is the influence of a true home upon human hearts and lives. As the youth go out from such a home, the lessons they have learned are imparted. Nobler principles of life are introduced into other households, and an uplifting influence works in the community.—The Ministry of Healing, 352.{MYP 328.2}[6]
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