第18章 对一位纵欲之女子的劝勉
Chapter 18—Counsel to an Indulged Daughter
在过去一年里,你留下了可怕的记录。这些记录展示在天上的大君和千千万万纯洁无罪的天使面前。你的思想和行为,你任性而不圣洁的情感,也许能瞒过世人;但你不可忘记,你平生最微小的举动在上帝面前也是赤露敞开的。你在天上的记录是有污点的。你所犯的罪都记录在里面。{MYP 75.1}[1]
You have a fearful record of the past year, which is laid open to the view of the Majesty of heaven and the myriads of pure, sinless angels. Your thoughts and acts, your desperate and unsanctified feelings, may have been concealed from mortals; but remember, the most trivial acts of your life are open to the view of God. You have a spotted record in Heaven. The sins you have committed are all registered there.{MYP 75.1}[1]
上帝对你表示不悦,你却毫无知觉。你没有认识到自己沦丧可怜的状况。有时你虽有悔意,但你骄傲自恃的精神很快就压服了这种感觉,使良心的声音窒息了。{MYP 75.2}[2]
God’s frown is upon you, and yet you appear destitute of feeling; you do not realize your lost and undone condition. At times you do have feelings of remorse; but your proud, independent spirit soon rises above this, and you stifle the voice of conscience.{MYP 75.2}[2]
你并不快乐,但你却以为只要随心所欲,就能获得快乐。可怜的孩子!你的状况与伊甸园中的夏娃相似。她以为吃了禁树的果子,就能达到崇高的生存境地。这果子上帝连摸都禁止她摸,免得她死亡。她却吃了,结果丧失了伊甸园的一切荣耀。{MYP 75.3}[3]
You are not happy; yet you imagine that if you could have your own way unrestrained, you would be happy. Poor child! you occupy a position similar to that of Eve in Eden. She imagined that she would be highly exalted if she could only eat of the fruit of the tree which God had forbidden her even to touch, lest she die. She ate, and lost all the glories of Eden.{MYP 75.3}[3]
你要管束自己的思想。这不是一件容易的事。若不作出切实认真的努力,是无法奏效的。但这是上帝对你的要求,是每一个要交帐之人所应尽的本分。你要为你的思想对上帝负责。你如果胡思乱想,心怀不洁,即使你未付诸行动,在上帝面前也算是有罪的。你没有行出来,只是没有机会而已。{MYP 75.4}[4]
【Controlling the Imagination】
You should control your thoughts. This will not be an easy task; you cannot accomplish it without a close and even severe effort. Yet God requires this of you; it is a duty resting upon every accountable being. You are responsible to God?for your thoughts. If you indulge in vain imaginations, permitting your mind to dwell upon impure subjects, you are, in a degree, as guilty before God as if your thoughts were carried into action. All that prevents the action is the lack of opportunity.{MYP 75.4}[4]
昼夜想入非非,是一种很危险的坏习惯。一旦养成,就很难戒除,把思想集中到圣洁高尚的题旨上。你如果要管束自己的思想,防止虚妄腐败的念头玷污你的心,就得忠实地看守自己的眼睛,耳朵和一切情感。惟有恩典的力量才能成就这番最令人羡慕的工作。你在这一方面是软弱的。{MYP 76.1}[5]
Day and night dreaming and castle-building are bad and exceedingly dangerous habits. When once established, it is next to impossible to break up such habits, and direct the thoughts to pure, holy, elevated themes. You will have to become a faithful sentinel over your eyes, ears, and all your senses, if you would control your mind, and prevent vain and corrupt thoughts from staining your soul. The power of grace alone can accomplish this most desirable work. You are weak in this direction.{MYP 76.1}[5]
你已经变得刚愎任性,大胆妄为。上帝的恩典在你心中没有位置。你惟有依靠上帝的力量,才能领受祂的恩典,作公义的器皿。上帝不但要你管束自己的思想,也要管束自己的情欲和情感。你得救与否,有赖于你在这些事上管束自己。情欲和情感的力量是很强大的。如果滥用,误用或妄用,就足以造成你的沦亡,使你落到没有上帝、也没有指望的悲惨境地。{MYP 76.2}[6]
【Subduing Passions and Affections】
You have become wayward, bold, and daring. The grace of God has no place in your heart. In the strength of God alone can you bring yourself where you can be a recipient of His grace, an instrument of righteousness. Not only does God require you to control your thoughts, but also your passions and affections. Your salvation depends upon your governing yourself in these things. Passion and affection are powerful agents. If misapplied, if set in operation through wrong motives, if misplaced, they are powerful to accomplish your ruin, and leave you a miserable wreck, without God and without hope.{MYP 76.2}[6]
要使情欲和情感服从理智,良心和道德,就要坚决而恒切地控制自己的思想。你已陷入危险之中,因为你正把你永恒的福利牺牲在情欲的坛上。情欲正控制着你的全部身心。是什么样的情欲呢?就是卑鄙败坏的情欲。你如果屈从这种情欲,就会使你的父母生活痛苦,使你的姊妹悲伤羞愧,并牺牲你自己的人格,丧失天国和荣耀的永生。你真的要这么做吗?我劝你悬崖勒马,不要在纵情恣欲的道路上再走一步,因为前面是痛苦和死亡。你如果不控制自己的情欲和情感,就会在周围的人中名誉扫地,一生留下品格的污点。{MYP 76.3}[7]
The imagination must be positively and persistently controlled, if the passions and affections are?made subject to reason, conscience, and character. You are in danger, for you are just upon the point of sacrificing your eternal interests at the altar of passion. Passion is obtaining positive control of your entire being—passion of what quality? of a base, destructive nature. By yielding to it, you will embitter the lives of your parents, bring sadness and shame to your sisters, sacrifice your own character, and forfeit heaven and a glorious immortal life. Are you ready to do this? I appeal to you to stop where you are. Advance not another step in your headstrong, wanton course; for before you are misery and death. Unless you exercise self-control in regard to your passions and affections, you will surely bring yourself into disrepute with all around you, and will bring upon your character disgrace which will last while you live.{MYP 76.3}[7]
你不顺从父母,忘恩负义,出言不逊,心里不洁。这些恶劣的习惯乃是败坏之树的果子。你早熟,喜欢男孩,爱谈论他们。“心里所充满的,口里就说出来”(太12:34)。你的习惯已有力地控制了你。你学会了欺骗,以达到你的目的,实现你的愿望。——《教会证言》卷二560-562页{MYP 77.1}[8]
You are disobedient to your parents, pert, unthankful, and unholy. These miserable traits are the fruits of a corrupt tree. You are forward. You love the boys, and love to make them the theme of your conversation. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Habits have become powerful to control you; and you have learned to deceive in order to carry out your purposes and accomplish your desires.—Testimonies for the Church 2:560-562.{MYP 77.1}[8]
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