附录二 绝对信靠,不顾情绪的改变
Appendix B
你若深感阴郁,那是因为撒但将他自己介于你和公义日头的明亮光线之间。在艰难时期,光明被蒙蔽,我们不明白为何保证似乎被撤回了。我们受诱导看自己,和十字架的阴影,而这阻止我们看到那里有给我们的安慰。我们抱怨道路难行,并从基督手中撤回我们的手。然而有时上帝的眷爱突然临到我们的心灵,阴郁就被驱散了。但愿我们生活在髑髅地十字架的阳光中。但愿我们不再停留于阴影中,抱怨我们的悲伤,因为这只会加深我们的烦恼。{2MCP 811.1}[1]
【Implicit Trust Irrespective of Changes in Emotional Atmosphere】
The Author’s Personal Experience When you are deeply shadowed, it is because Satan has interposed himself between you and the bright rays of the Sun of righteousness. In times of trouble the brightness is eclipsed, and we do not understand why the assurance seems to be withdrawn. We are led to look at self and the shadow of the cross, and this prevents us from seeing the consolation there is for us. We complain of the way and withdraw the hand from the hand of Christ. But sometimes God’s favor breaks suddenly upon the soul, and the gloom is dispelled. Let us live in the sunlight of the cross of Calvary. Let us no longer dwell in the shadow, complaining of our sorrows, for this only deepens our trouble.{2MCP 811.1}[1]
但愿我们永不要忘记,即使当我们行走在幽谷中时,若凭着信心行走,耶稣也照样与我们同在,就象我们行在山顶一样。有话对我们说:“难道你们不愿把担子卸给担担子的主耶稣基督吗?你们不愿意在十字架阳光的一面生活吗?说:我‘知道我所信的是谁,也深信祂能保全我所交付祂的,直到那日。’‘你们虽然没有见过祂,却是爱祂;如今虽不得看见,却因信祂就有说不出来、满有荣光的大喜乐;并且得着你们信心的果效,就是灵魂的救恩’”(提后1:12;彼前1:8,9)。{2MCP 811.2}[2]
Let us never forget, even when we walk in the valley, that Christ is as much with us when we walk trustingly there as when we are on the mountaintop. The voice said to us, “Will you not roll your burden upon the Burden Bearer, the Lord Jesus Christ? Will you not live on the sunny side of the cross? saying, ‘I know [Him] whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.’ ‘Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls’” (1 Timothy 1:12; 1?1 Peter 1:8, 9).{2MCP 811.2}[2]
我确曾在十字架的阴影下停步不前。像我过去几个月来的深感抑郁,遭受精神方面的十分沮丧消沉,这对我来说,并非常见的事。我不愿玩忽我自己的灵命,而因此戏弄我的救主。我自己若不能照着我教导人的去行,相信耶稣所赐的救恩,将我无助的心灵投靠祂,接受祂所赐的恩惠、公义、平安与慈爱,我就不愿意教导人说耶稣已经从坟墓里复活,而且已经升上高天,在天父面前长远活着为我们代求。我必须信祂,不论我情绪的氛围怎样变迁。我必须宣扬那位召我出黑暗入祂奇妙光明美德的主(彼前2:9)。我的心必须在我的救主基督里坚定不移,仰望祂的爱和仁慈的良善。我不可有时或偶尔信靠祂,而要始终信靠,使我能显明住在那位用自己宝血赎买我的主里面所有的结果。我们必须学习相信诸般的应许,怀有持久的信心。以便接受那些应许为上帝可靠的话语。{2MCP 811.3}[3]
I have indeed been halting under the shadow of the cross. It is not a common thing for me to be overpowered and to suffer so much depression of spirits as I have?suffered for the last few months. I would not be found to trifle with my own soul and thus trifle with my Saviour. I would not teach that Jesus is risen from the tomb and that He is ascended on high and lives to make intercession for us before the Father unless I carry out my teachings by practice and believe in Him for His salvation, casting my helpless soul upon Jesus for His grace, for righteousness, for peace, and love. I must trust in Him irrespective of the changes of my emotional atmosphere. I must show forth the praises of Him who has called me “out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). My heart must be steadfast in Christ, my Saviour, beholding His love and gracious goodness. I must not trust Him now and then, but always, that I may manifest the results of abiding in Him who has bought me with His precious blood. We must learn to believe the promises, to have an abiding faith so that we may take them as the sure word of God.{2MCP 811.3}[3]
许多爱上帝、设法荣耀上帝的人,担心自己没有权利要求祂丰盛的应许。他们细想自己痛苦的挣扎和包围着他们道路的黑暗,这样他们就看不到耶稣基督已经照在他们身上的爱的亮光了。他们看不到已经用无限的代价为他们买来的伟大救赎。许多人远远地站着,好像他们连基督的衣边都不敢摸似的,但祂仁慈的邀请还是延及他们,祂在恳求说:“凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必得享安息。因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”(太11:28-30)。--MS61,1894.{2MCP 812.1}[4]
Many who love God and who seek to honor God fear that they have no right to claim His rich promises. They will dwell upon their painful struggles and the darkness which encompasses their path, and in so doing they lose sight of the light of the love that Jesus Christ has shed upon them. They lose sight of the great redemption that has been purchased for them at infinite cost. Many are standing afar off as if they were afraid to touch even the hem of Christ’s garment, but His gracious invitation is even extended to them, and He is pleading, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).—Manuscript 61, 1894.{2MCP 812.1}[4]
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