第24章 小组布道
Chapter 24—Small Group Evangelism
举办查经会并与一些家庭和小群的人一同祷告——我从事传道工作的弟兄们,不要认为你唯一能做的工作,能为生灵服务的唯一方式就是讲道。你们所能做的最好工作,就是教导人,教育人。只要有机会,就坐到人家里,让他们提问,然后耐心谦卑地回答他们。这种工作要与你们的布道会相结合。要少讲道,多教导,举办查经会,与一些家庭和小群的人一同祷告。--RH1885.12.8{PaM 137.1}[1]
Hold Bible readings and pray with families and little companies—My ministering brethren, do not think that the only work you can do, the only way you can labor for souls, is to give discourses. The best work you can do is to teach, to educate. Whenever you can find an opportunity to do so, sit down with some family and let them ask questions. Then answer them patiently, humbly. Continue this work in connection with your more public efforts. Preach less and educate more by holding Bible readings, and by praying with families and little companies.—The Review and Herald, December 8, 1885.{PaM 137.1}[1]
信徒可以邀请朋友和邻居到他们家里,然后请传道人与他们会面——兴趣持续增长。接受真理的人去向他们的朋友作工,邀请他们来听。不仅如此,他们还邀请他们的邻居和朋友到家中,然后找到一位我们的传道人来查经。这些聚会办得很有意思。--16MR45.{PaM 137.2}[2]
Members can invite friends and neighbors to their home then ask the minister to meet with them—The interest continues to grow, and those who embrace the truth go right to work for their friends, inviting them to come out to hear. More than this, they invite their neighbors and friends to come to their house. They then secure one of our ministers to give a Bible reading. These meetings are made very interesting.—Manuscript Releases 16:45.{PaM 137.2}[2]
为一些家庭和他们的邻居举办查经会——我们的教会需要一种不同于以往的服务。那些倾向于单单讲道,不去探访也不做个人之工的传道人,必须打破这种习惯,热心为各个家庭作工。各家要邀请他们的邻居,然后让传道人和他们查经,与他们熟识。我们的教会需要少讲道,多做牧养的工作。那些还没有这方面工作能力的人,应当训练自己,好与基督的工作方法更谐和。--HM1890.11.1{PaM 137.3}[3]
Hold Bible readings for families and their neighbors—There is need of a different kind of labor in our churches from what they have had. Those ministers who are inclined merely to preach, and not to visit and put forth personal effort, need to break up this habit by working earnestly in families. Let families invite in their neighbors, and then let the minister hold Bible readings with them, and become acquainted with them. There needs to be less preaching and more pastoral work done in our churches. Those who have no aptitude for this kind of labor, should educate themselves, and come more into harmony with Christ’s manner of working.—The Home Missionary, November 1, 1890.{PaM 137.3}[3]
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