第28章 儿童奉献礼
Chapter 28—Child Dedication
传道人要把小孩子抱在怀里,并为他们祝福--那些把孩子们带来见耶稣的母亲们做得很对。要记住经上的话:“让小孩子到我这里来,不要禁止他们,因为在天国的,正是这样的人”(太19:14)。但愿现今的母亲们也把她们的孩子领到耶稣那里。但愿现今福音的传道人将小孩子们抱在自己的怀里,奉耶稣的名为他们祝福。要向孩子们说出最温柔慈爱的话来,因为耶稣曾把羊群中的小羊羔抱到自己的怀里,并为他们祝福。--RH1896.3.24{PaM 167.1}[1]
Let ministers take little children in their arms and bless them—The mothers that brought their children to Jesus, did well. Remember the text, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Let mothers now lead their children to Christ. Let ministers of the gospel take the little children in their arms, and bless them in the name of Jesus. Let words of tenderest love be spoken to the little ones; for Jesus took the lambs of the flock in His arms, and blessed them.—The Review and Herald, March 24, 1896.{PaM 167.1}[1]
婴孩耶稣在圣殿里被献--祭司举行了他例行的一切仪式。他将孩子抱在手里,在祭坛前举了一下。礼毕,把孩子递还母亲,便将名字“耶稣”登记在头生子的册子上。--DA52.{PaM 167.2}[2]
Baby Jesus was dedicated at the temple—The priest went through the ceremony of his official work. He took the child in his arms, and held it up before the altar. After handing it back to its mother, he inscribed the name “Jesus” on the roll of the firstborn.—The Desire of Ages, 52.{PaM 167.2}[2]
哈拿从孩子出生起就把他献给上帝--她只得把那世上亲友所不能分担的重担卸给上帝。她恳切地祈求上帝除去她的耻辱,并赐给她一个宝贵的恩赐,就是一个儿子,使她可以为上帝教育抚养。她又立了一个庄严的誓约,上帝若赐她一个儿子,她就要把这个孩子终身献给上帝。--PP570.{PaM 167.3}[3]
Hannah dedicated her child to God from birth—The burden which she could share with no earthly friend she cast upon God. Earnestly she pleaded that He would take away her reproach and grant her the precious gift of a son to nurture and train for Him. And she made a solemn vow that if her request were granted, she would dedicate her child to God, even from its birth.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 570.{PaM 167.3}[3]
哈拿和她的丈夫以敬拜之举,确认将他们的孩子奉献给上帝——哈拿在祷告中立了一个誓约,上帝若允准她的恳求,她就要奉献这个孩子侍奉上帝。她将这个誓约告诉了她的丈夫,他就在离开示罗前以严肃的敬拜确立了这个约。--ST1881.10.27{PaM 167.4}[4]
Hannah and her husband, in an act of worship, confirmed the dedication of their child—In her prayer, Hannah had made a vow that if her request were granted, she would dedicate her child to the service of God. This vow she made known to her husband, and he confirmed it in a solemn act of worship, before leaving Shiloh.—The Signs of the Times, October 27, 1881.{PaM 167.4}[4]
父母要把孩子奉献给上帝--父母们!要把你们的孩子奉献给上帝,让他们始终认识自己是属于上帝的,是基督羊群中的羊羔,受到真牧人的看顾。哈拿曾把撒母耳奉献给上帝。经上论到他说:“撒母耳长大了,耶和华与他同在,使他所说的话(主藉撒母耳所说的话),一句都不落空”(撒上3:19)。这位以色列先知士师的事例说明,父母若与上帝合作,忠于所托付的工作,他们的儿女能达到何等的地步。--CT143.{PaM 167.5}[5]
Parents should give their children to the Lord—Parents, give your children to the Lord, and ever keep it before their minds that they belong to Him, that they are lambs of Christ’s flock, watched over by the true Shepherd. Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord; and it is said of him, “Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words [the Lord’s words through Samuel] fall to the ground.” In the case of this prophet and judge in Israel are presented the possibilities that are placed before a child whose parents co-operate with God, doing their appointed work.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 143.{PaM 168.5}[5]
父亲有责任将家中的每一个人都奉献给上帝——父亲要担任家庭的祭司,父亲若已亡故,则由长子主持洒血在门框门楣上的严肃礼节。这象征每一个家庭的工作。父母要将儿女聚在家里,把基督呈现在他们面前,作为逾越节的祭牲。父亲要将家中的每一个人都献给上帝,从事逾越节筵席所象征的那项工作。把如此严肃的责任交给别人是很危险的。{PaM 168.1}[6]
The father is responsible for the dedication of every member of his home—The father was to act as the priest of the household, and if the father was dead, the eldest son living was to perform this solemn act of sprinkling the door-post with blood. This is a symbol of the work to be done in every family. Parents are to gather their children into the home and to present Christ before them as their Passover. The father is to dedicate every inmate of his home to God, and to do a work that is represented by the feast of the passover. It is perilous to leave this solemn duty in the hands of others.{PaM 168.1}[6]
有一个故事,讲到逾越节晚上一个希伯来家庭发生的事,很好地说明了这种危险。传说那家的长女正生着病,但她知道每家都选出了一只羔羊的事,还知道羔羊的血要洒在门楣和左右的门框上,以便主看到血的记号,便不容灭命的进来击杀头生的。她何等焦虑地看到夜幕降临,灭命的天使要经过了。她变得不安了,把父亲叫到身边,问道:“你在门框上洒血了吗?”他回答说:“洒了,我已就此事发出指示。别担心,灭命的天使不会进来的。”夜晚来临了,那个孩子一次又一次地叫她父亲,仍旧问:“你确定门框上有血的记号吗?”父亲一次又一次地向她保证不需害怕,这么重要的命令他可靠的仆人们是不会忽视的。{PaM 168.2}[7]
This peril is well illustrated by an incident that is related concerning a Hebrew family on the night of the passover. The legend goes that the eldest daughter was sick; but that she was acquainted with the fact that a lamb was to be chosen for every family, and that its blood was to be sprinkled upon the lintel and side posts of the door so that the Lord might behold the mark of the blood, and not suffer the destroyer to enter in to smite the first-born. With what anxiety she saw the evening approach when the destroying angel was to pass by. She became very restless. She called her father to her side, and asked, “Have you marked the door-post with blood?” He answered, “Yes; I have given directions in regard to the matter. Do not be troubled; for the destroying angel will not enter here.” The night came on, and again and again the child called her father, still asking, “Are you sure that the door-post is marked with blood?” Again and again the father assured her that she need have no fear; that a command which involved such consequences would not be neglected by his trustworthy servants.{PaM 168.2}[7]
午夜临近时,又听到她恳求的声音说:“父亲,我不确定。把我抱在你怀里,让我亲自看看那记号,我就放心了。”父亲让步了,满足孩子的心愿,把她抱在怀里,带她到门那里;但是门楣和门框上竟没有血的记号!他恐惧战惊,意识到自己的家可能成为遭丧之家。他亲手抓起了牛膝草,在门框上撒了血。然后给生病的孩子看,记号在那里。--RH1895.5.21{PaM 168.3}[8]
As midnight approached, her pleading voice was heard saying, “Father, I am not sure. Take me in your arms, and let me see the mark for myself, so that I can rest.” The father conceded to the wishes of his child; he took her in his arms and carried her to the door; but there was no blood mark upon the lintel or the posts. He trembled with horror as he realized that his home might have become a house of mourning. With his own hands he seized the hyssop bough, and sprinkled the door-post with blood. He then showed the sick child that the mark was there.—The Review and Herald, May 21, 1895.{PaM 168.3}[8]
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