第38章 过去的成员,不活跃的成员
Chapter 38—Former Members, Inactive Members
应当作出智慧的努力防止人走迷和领回迷路的人--这里有几个人已经退后、处于黑暗中、流离于主的羊圈之外。A弟兄的情况尤其显著。你们没有以智慧付出应有的努力以便阻止他从羊圈走迷。在他走迷之后,你们也没有付出殷勤的努力去把他找回来。加在他身上的更多是闲言碎语,而不是真诚地为他感到忧伤。所有这些事都使他远离主的羊圈,并使他的心与弟兄们越发疏远,使他的得救变的更加困难。这与比喻中牧人找寻迷羊时所采取的做法是何等不同啊!那九十九只羊都被撇在旷野自己照顾自己,易遭受种种危险;但那从羊群中走失的一只处在更大的危险中,为要拯救这只羊,那九十九只便被撇下了。--2T218.{PaM 219.1}[1]
Wise efforts should be made to prevent straying and to bring back those who have strayed—Here were the cases of several who had backslidden, who had been in darkness, and who had strayed from the fold. But especially was the case of Brother A prominent. All the efforts were not made which should have been made in wisdom to prevent his straying from the fold; and after he had strayed, diligent efforts were not put forth to bring him back. There was more gossiping over his case than sincere sorrow for him. All these things kept him from the fold and caused his heart to be separated farther and farther from his brethren, making his rescue still more difficult. How different was this course from that pursued by the shepherd in the parable, when in pursuit of the lost sheep. The whole ninety and nine were left in the wilderness to care for themselves, exposed to dangers; yet the lone sheep, separated from the flock, was in greater danger, and to secure the one, the ninety and nine were left.—Testimonies for the Church 2:218.{PaM 219.1}[1]
许多迷路的羊会回来--当逼迫的风暴真的要临到我们身上的时候,真正的羊必听到那真牧人的声音。他们必会付出舍己的种种努力去拯救亡羊,而且许多已离群迷失的羊,也都要回来跟从“大牧人。”上帝的子民会团结起来,向敌人显出一个联合阵线。--6T401.{PaM 219.2}[2]
Many who have strayed will come back—When the storm of persecution really breaks upon us, the true sheep will hear the true Shepherd’s voice. Self-denying efforts will be put forth to save the lost, and many who have strayed from the fold will come back to follow the great Shepherd. The people of God will draw together, and present to the enemy a united front.—Testimonies for the Church 6:401.{PaM 219.2}[2]
一些传道人周围尽是退后的人,却无动于衷--一些自称蒙上帝呼召的传道人衣服上有生灵的血。他们周围尽是退后的人和罪人,却感觉不到对他们的灵魂有负担;他们对这些人的得救表现出一种漠不关心。有些人几乎已经睡着了,以致似乎一点儿没有意识到一位福音传道人的工作。他们不思想作为属灵的医生,他们必须善于诊治患有罪病的心灵。他们一直忽略警告罪人、为他们哭泣恳求的工作,直到许多生灵完全不可救药了。有些人已经死在自己的罪里,且要在审判中当面指责那些原可救他们却没有救他们之人的罪。不忠心的传道人啊,有何等的报应在等着你们啊!--2T506.{PaM 219.3}[3]
【Find Them】
Some ministers, surrounded by backsliders, feel no burden for their souls—Some ministers who profess to be called of God have the blood of souls on their garments. They are surrounded with backsliders and sinners, and yet feel no burden for their souls; they manifest an indifference in regard to their salvation. Some are so nearly asleep that they seem to have no sense of the work of a gospel minister. They do not consider that as spiritual physicians they are required to have skill in administering to souls diseased with sin. The work of warning sinners, of weeping over them and pleading with them, has been neglected until many souls are past all cure. Some have?died in their sins, and will in the judgment confront with reproaches of their guilt those who might have saved them, but who did not. Unfaithful ministers, what a retribution awaits you!—Testimonies for the Church 2:506.{PaM 219.3}[3]
要用怜悯的信息追寻退后的人--当上帝传道人的内心充满对以色列家可怜迷羊的爱时,上帝就必有力地与他们同工。要追寻退后的人,即那些曾经知道信仰是什么的人,并且把怜悯的信息传给他们。--CH533.{PaM 220.1}[4]
Hunt up the backsliders with the message of mercy—God will work mightily with His ministers when their hearts are filled with love for the poor lost sheep of the house of Israel. Hunt up the backsliders, those who once knew what religion was, and give them the message of mercy.—Counsels on Health, 533.{PaM 220.1}[4]
迷羊使牧人充满忧伤和焦虑--当牧人发现一只羊失落的时候,他并没有满不在乎地看着安卧在圈内的羊群说:“我这里还有九十九只,寻找那一只迷失的羊实在太麻烦了。还是让它自己回来吧。我打开羊圈的门让它进来就好了。”事实不是这样。羊一走失,牧人就非常伤心和焦虑,他数了又数。当他确认少了一只时,就睡不着觉。他撇下圈内的九十九只,去寻找那只迷失的羊。夜色越是黑暗,风暴越是猛烈,道路越是危险,牧人就越焦急,寻找也就越仔细。他竭尽全力寻找那只迷失的羊。--COL187,188.{PaM 220.2}[5]
A straying sheep fills the shepherd with grief and anxiety—The shepherd who discovers that one of his sheep is missing, does not look carelessly upon the flock that is safely housed, and say, “I have ninety and nine, and it will cost me too much trouble to go in search of the straying one. Let him come back, and I will open the door of the sheepfold, and let him in.” No; no sooner does the sheep go astray than the shepherd is filled with grief and anxiety. He counts and recounts the flock. When he is sure that one sheep is lost, he slumbers not. He leaves the ninety and nine within the fold; and goes in search of the straying sheep. The darker and more tempestuous the night, and the more perilous the way, the greater is the shepherd’s anxiety, and the more earnest his search. He makes every effort to find that one lost sheep.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 187, 188.{PaM 220.2}[5]
好牧人会撇下那九十九只,去寻找那一只迷失的羊——如果有人退后了,牧人知道如何传递真理使人悔悟。他会撇下那九十九只,去寻找那一只迷失的羊。但是牧人如果不探访他的羊群,就不知道他们的状况,不知道把什么真理摆在他们面前,也不知道什么真理适合他们的情况。况且当讲道人对他照管下的生灵表现出漠不关心时,他就无法为羊群树立榜样,关心、爱护和看守生灵。--对区会职员的呼吁和建议(Ph2)18.{PaM 220.3}[6]
A good shepherd will leave the 99 and seek the lost sheep—If there is a backslider, the shepherd knows how to present the truth in such a manner that the soul will be convicted. He will leave the ninety and nine, and seek the lost sheep. But if the shepherd does not visit his flock, he knows not their condition, he knows not what truths to set before them, nor what is appropriate to their case. And more than this, as the preacher manifests so little interest in the souls under his charge, he cannot set an example to the flock to have an interest and love and watch-care for souls.—Appeal and Suggestions to Conference Officers (Ph 2), 18, 19.{PaM 220.3}[6]
耶稣在迷羊和失钱的比喻中说明了上天对待退后者的态度--他们应该象在校学生一样得到细致温柔地教导。许多人不得不忘却已灌输到他们生活中的许多理论。当他们确信自己在圣经的问题上是错了的时候,便陷入困惑和怀疑中。他们需要最温柔的同情和最明智的帮助;应该细心教导他们,为他们祈祷且和他们一同祈祷,以最亲切的关怀看顾保护他们。那些落在试探之下和退后离开上帝的人是需要帮助的。基督在迷羊的教训中描绘就是这等人。牧人撇下九十九羊在旷野里,去寻找那一只迷失的羊直到找到了;于是就把它扛在肩膀上,欢欢喜喜地回来。失钱的比喻也说明了这一点,妇人寻找那块失落了的银钱直到找到了,就叫了邻舍来与她一同快乐,因为所失落的已经找到了。这里清楚说明了天使与基督徒工作的关系。一个罪人悔改,在天使面前也要这样为他欢喜,较比为九十九个不用悔改的义人欢喜更大。天父和基督也都欢喜。全天庭都关心世人的得救。凡在拯救生灵中身为工具的人都有权喜乐,因为上帝的天使以极大的兴趣见证了他所作的努力,并且因他的成功与他一同喜乐。--4T263,264.{PaM 220.4}[7]
【Win Them】
In the parables of the lost sheep and lost piece of silver, Jesus illustrated heaven’s attitude toward the backslidden—They should be carefully and tenderly led and educated as pupils in school. Many have to unlearn theories which have been ingrafted into their lives. As they become convinced that they have been in error concerning Bible subjects, they are thrown into perplexity and doubt. They need the tenderest sympathy and the most judicious help; they should be carefully instructed; and should be prayed for and prayed with, watched and guarded with the kindest solicitude. Those who have fallen under temptation and have backslidden from God, need help. This class is represented in the lessons of Christ by the lost sheep. The shepherd left the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and hunted for the one lost sheep until he found it; he then returned with rejoicing, bearing it on his shoulder. Also by the illustration of the woman who searched for the lost piece of silver until she found it, and called together her neighbors to rejoice with her that the lost was found. The connection of heavenly angels with the Christian’s work is here brought clearly to light. There is more joy in the presence of the angels in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance. There is joy with the Father and with Christ. All heaven is interested in the salvation of man. He who is instrumental in saving a soul is at liberty to rejoice; for angels of God have witnessed his efforts with the most intense interest, and rejoice with him in his success.—Testimonies for the Church 4:263, 264.{PaM 220.4}[7]
让基督的爱促使你同情退后的人--凡作亲爱救主十字架之传道人的,切不可忘记他们在这些事上的经验,而要常记在心:自己不过是人,容易犯错,与弟兄们有同样的性情。他们若要帮助弟兄,就必须心中充满爱怜之念,恒切努力使弟兄得益处。他们应当达到弟兄的心中,在其软弱及最需要扶助之处帮助他们。凡劳苦传道教导人的,如果欲见到弟兄打碎其刚硬,骄傲,不信之心,就先要打碎自己那样的心。因为我们是软弱无助的人,受黑暗,罪恶和绝望的锁链所捆绑,不能为自己作什么,所以基督就为我们行了一切。借着运用信,望,爱,我们才逐渐接近那完全圣洁的标准。我们的弟兄也觉得需要这种慈怜的救助,正如我们所曾感到的一样。我们不应当使他们担负不必要的责难,而应当让基督之爱激励我们,使我们变成温柔慈悲,以致能为那些背弃上帝及犯罪作错的人伤心哀哭。生命有无限的价值,只有从那付出的赎价上,我们才能估出其价值。髑髅地!髑髅地!髑髅地!会阐明生命的真价值!--3T187,188.{PaM 221.1}[8]
Let the love of Christ constrain you to feel compassion toward the backslidden—Let not the ministers of the cross of our dear Saviour forget their experience in these things, but ever bear in mind they are but men liable to err, of like passions with their brethren; and if they help their brethren, they must be persevering in their efforts to do them good, having their hearts filled with pity and love. They must come to the hearts of their brethren, and help them where they are weak and need help the most. Those who labor in word and doctrine should break their own hard, proud, unbelieving hearts, if they would witness the same in their brethren. Christ has done all for us because we were helpless, bound in chains of darkness, sin, and despair, and because we could do nothing for ourselves. It is through the exercise of faith, hope, and love, that we come nearer and nearer to the standard of perfect holiness. Our brethren feel the same pitying need of help that we have felt. We should not burden them with unnecessary censure, but let the love of Christ constrain us to be very compassionate and tender, that we can weep over the erring and those who have backslidden from God. The soul is of infinite value. The worth of the soul can be estimated only by the price paid to ransom it. Calvary! Calvary! Calvary! will explain the true value of the soul.—Testimonies for the Church 3:187, 188.{PaM 221.1}[8]
退步的人可能会起来与忠实对待他们的传道人为敌——一些人冷淡退步,意识不到自己正在把感情投放在不久就会永远消失的属世财宝上。对世界的贪爱,就象一件厚布衫把他们束缚起来。他们如果不改变自己的做法,就不知道为基督实行克己是多么重要。我们必须从心中驱逐一切的偶像和贪爱世界之念。有些传道人和忠实的朋友,看见自私自利的人周围的危险,就如实地指出他们的错误做法。可是他们非但没有诚心接受这些劝戒,从中获益,反而起来与忠实对待他们的人为敌。但愿他们能从属灵的昏睡中醒来,现在就认识上帝!世界正在弄瞎他们的眼睛,使他们看不见那不可见的上帝。他们不能辨识与永恒相关的最宝贵的事物,只能从暗淡的光中观看上帝的真理,因而觉得无足轻重。--RH1893.10.31{PaM 221.2}[9]
Backsliders may rise up against ministers who deal with them faithfully—Some are so cold and backslidden that they do not realize that they are setting their affections on earthly treasure, which is soon to be swept away forever. The love of the world is binding them about, like a thick garment; and unless they change their course, they will not know how precious it is to practice self-denial for Christ’s sake. All our idols, our love of the world, must be expelled from the heart. There are ministers and faithful friends who see the danger that surrounds these self-bound souls, and who faithfully present to them the error of their course, but instead of taking admonitions in the spirit in which they are given, and profiting thereby, those reproved rise up against the ones who deal with them faithfully. O that they might?arouse from their spiritual lethargy, and now acquaint themselves with God! The world is blinding their eyes from seeing him who is invisible. They are unable to discern the most precious things that are of eternal interest, but view the truth of God in so dim a light that it seems of little value to them.—The Review and Herald, October 31, 1893.{PaM 221.2}[9]
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