第43章 教会的社交生活
Chapter 43—Church Social Life
基督徒的社交集会应当引人归向基督--你对参加你的社交集会的那些人有什么影响呢?你说了什么或做了什么引人归向基督呢?你无论得时不得时都在履行自己的全部职责吗?你准备好和那些参加你社交集会的人,尤其是那班曾处在你的影响之下却在基督之外死了的人在上帝的台前会面了吗?你准备好说你的衣服上并未溅有他们的血了吗?我给你举一个具体例子,就是Q姐妹。她的灭亡岂不要怪罪在你头上吗?你从小在良好的家庭影响下长大,你有一切有利的机会可以发展良好的基督徒品格,但你的心灵却没有感到救灵的负担。你却培养了骄傲、虚荣和爱享乐的心,你的行为侮辱了你所表白的信仰,并使Q姐妹这个被撒但试探冲击的可怜生灵怀疑真理的现实性和基督教信仰的真实性。--2T179.{PaM 247.1}[1]
Christian social gatherings should lead souls to Christ—What has been your influence over those who assembled in your social gatherings? What has been said or done to lead souls to Christ? Have you been instant in season, out of season, to do your whole duty? Are you ready to meet at the bar of God those with whom you have mingled in your social gatherings, especially that class who have been thrown under your influence and who have died out of Christ? Are you prepared to say that your skirts are clear of their blood? I will mention one case, that of Q. Will no reproach fall upon you from her, upon you who were surrounded with good home influences, you who had every favorable opportunity to develop good Christian characters, but who have felt no burden for souls? Pride, vanity, and love of pleasure were fostered by you, and you acted your part in disgracing your profession and leading this poor soul, who had been tossed about and buffeted by Satan, to doubt the reality of the truth and the genuineness of the Christian religion.—Testimonies for the Church 2:179.{PaM 247.1}[1]
藉着社交很容易去接近人--藉着社交圈的途径,很容易去接近人。……牧者要多与他所牧养的人来往,这是非常要紧的;这样他就能熟悉人性的不同方面,容易明白人心的工作方式,使他的教训适合听众的智力,并且学会那种只有密切研究人类本性及需要的人才能拥有的伟大的爱。--4T266.{PaM 247.2}[2]
People are easily reached through social avenues—People are easily reached through the avenues of the social circle.... It is highly important that a pastor should mingle much with his people, that he may become acquainted with the different phases of human nature, readily understand the workings of the mind, adapt his teachings to the intellect of his people, and learn that grand charity possessed only by those who closely study the nature and needs of men.—Testimonies for the Church 4:266.{PaM 247.2}[2]
守安息日的人容易疏忽必要的消遣--我蒙指示看到遵守安息日的人作为一班子民操劳过度,不让自己有所调剂或稍事休息。从事体力劳动的人需要消遣,从事脑力劳动的人更需要消遣。连续工作而过分疲劳,即使是在从事宗教事业,对于我们的得救和上帝的荣耀也是不必要的。有一些娱乐,象跳舞,打纸牌,下棋等是我们不赞成的。因为它们都是上天所认为有害的。这些娱乐为很大的罪恶打开了门户。它们非但无益,而且有一种刺激性的影响,在人心中引起癖好,导致赌博和放荡的事。所有如此的玩乐都是为基督徒所应该禁止的,并且应以完全无害的消遣来代替。--1T514.{PaM 247.3}[3]
Sabbathkeepers tend to neglect needed recreation—I was shown that Sabbathkeepers as a people labor too hard without allowing themselves change or periods of rest. Recreation is needful to those who are engaged in physical labor and is still more essential for those whose labor is principally mental. It is not essential to our salvation, nor for the glory of God, to keep the mind laboring constantly and excessively, even upon religious themes. There are amusements, such as dancing, card playing, chess, checkers, etc., which we cannot approve, because Heaven condemns them. These amusements open?the door for great evil. They are not beneficial in their tendency, but have an exciting influence, producing in some minds a passion for those plays which lead to gambling and dissipation. All such plays should be condemned by Christians, and something perfectly harmless should be substituted in their place.—Testimonies for the Church 1:514.{PaM 247.3}[3]
寻求无害的休息活动是基督徒的特权和本分--藉着无害的休息活动来获得精神的恢复和身体的健康,以便用自己身心的才能来荣耀上帝,乃是基督徒的特权和本分。我们的休息活动不应该一味追求快乐,采取无意义的形式。我们休息的方式可以帮助和提高那些与我们交结的人,并使我们与他们能有效地从事交付给我们基督徒的一切本分。如果我们所进行的娱乐不利于我们忠实地履行生活的本分,反而降低我们默想上帝和天上事物的兴趣,我们在上帝眼中就是不可原谅的。基督宗教的影响是快乐而高尚的,高过一切愚昧的戏谑,虚妄而轻浮的空谈。在我们休息的各种场合中,都可以从神圣能力的泉源中获得新的勇气和力量,成功地把我们的生活提到纯洁、正的良善和圣洁的境地。--RH1871.7.25{PaM 248.1}[4]
It is the privilege and duty of Christians to seek innocent recreation—It is the privilege and duty of Christians to seek to refresh their spirits and invigorate their bodies by innocent recreation, with the purpose of using their physical and mental powers to the glory of God. Our recreations should not be scenes of senseless mirth, taking the form of the nonsensical. We can conduct them in such a manner as will benefit and elevate those with whom we associate, and better qualify us and them to more successfully attend to the duties devolving upon us as Christians. We cannot be excusable in the sight of God if we engage in amusements which have a tendency to unfit us for the faithful performance of the ordinary duties of life, and thus lessen our relish for the contemplation of God and heavenly things. The religion of Christ is cheering and elevating in its influence. It is above everything like foolish jesting and joking, vain and frivolous chit-chat. In all our seasons of recreation we may gather from the Divine Source of strength fresh courage and power, that we may the more successfully elevate our lives to purity, true goodness, and holiness.—The Review and Herald, July 25, 1871.{PaM 248.1}[4]
怀爱伦赞成在密歇根州戈格湖边举行的集体娱乐活动--我相信在我们设法振作精神,活跃身体之时,上帝也是要求我们将一切的精力始终善用在最好的目标上。我们可以象今天一样彼此欢乐聚游,使一切所行的都归荣耀给上帝。我们能够,也是应该用这样的方式主持娱乐的生活,使我们能更成功地负起那授与我们的责任,以致影响所及,可使所交游的人更得益处。尤其是象今天这样的场合,对我们大家应当是一番大快乐。我们能够在回家之时,思想进步,身体振作,预备好怀着更美的盼望和更佳的勇气,重新投入工作。--2T586.{PaM 248.2}[5]
Ellen White spoke approvingly to a group gathered for recreation at Lake Goguac in Michigan—But I believe that, while we are seeking to refresh our spirits and invigorate our bodies, we are required of God to use all our powers at all times to the best purpose. We may associate together as we do here today, and do all to the glory of God. We can and should conduct our recreations in such a manner that we shall be fitted for the more successful discharge of the duties devolving upon us, and that our influence shall be more beneficial upon those with whom we associate. Especially should it be the case upon an occasion like this, which should be of good cheer to us all. We can return to our homes improved in mind and refreshed in body, and prepared to engage in the work anew, with better hope and better courage.—Testimonies for the Church 2:586.{PaM 248.2}[5]
有一等社交聚会成了教会的耻辱--但在巴特尔克里克有一等社交聚会的性质却完全不同。这种联欢会已经成了我们的机构和教会的耻辱。在会上鼓励服装的骄傲,外观的骄傲,自我满足,欢闹和轻佻。撒但被奉为贵宾。他控制了与会的人。我曾在异象中见到这样的一次聚会,聚集着自称相信真理的人。有一位坐在乐器旁边,所唱的歌曲使守望的天使哭泣。会上有轻薄的欢闹,粗鄙的笑声,充满热情和兴奋。但这种快乐只能是撒但所制造的。这种狂热和迷恋是一切爱上帝的人所引以为耻的。它会使参加的人产生不圣洁的思想和行为。我有理由认为一些参加那次聚会的人,心中会非常后悔可耻的表现。--TM82.{PaM 248.3}[6]
Some social gatherings are a disgrace to the church—But there has been a class of social gatherings in Battle Creek of an entirely different character, parties of pleasure that have been a disgrace to our institutions and to the church. They encourage pride of dress, pride of appearance, self-gratification, hilarity, and trifling. Satan is entertained as an honored guest, and he takes possession of those who patronize these gatherings. A view of one such company was presented to me, where were assembled those who profess to believe the truth. One was seated at the instrument of music, and such songs were poured forth as made the watching angels weep. There was mirth, there was coarse laughter, there was abundance of enthusiasm, and a kind of inspiration; but the joy was such as Satan only is able to create. This is an enthusiasm and infatuation of which all who love God will be ashamed. It prepares the participants for unholy thought and action. I have reason to think that some who were engaged in that scene heartily repented of the shameful performance.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 82.{PaM 248.3}[6]
寻欢作乐或参加运动游戏的肤浅基督徒可能引诱遵从圣经之基督徒的效仿--撒但一直在巴特尔克里克增加他的网罗。那些在品格和信仰经验上都很肤浅的自称为基督徒者,往往被那试探者用作诱饵。这等人总是准备好要聚在一起寻欢作乐或参加运动游戏,而他们的影响也吸引着别人。那些想要成为符合圣经之基督徒的青年男女既被说服参加他们的聚会,就被拉进圈子里了。他们并没有虔心祈祷请教那神圣的标准,学习基督所说有关基督徒的树上要结果子的话。他们没有看出这些娱乐实际上是撒但的宴会,为了使人不接受羔羊婚筵的邀请。这些娱乐妨碍他们接受品格的白袍,就是基督的义。作为基督徒,他们应该做什么才对,他们很困惑了。他们不想被人认为是不合群的,自然就倾向于效学别人的样子了。这样,他们就处身于那些心思意念从未受上帝感动之人的影响之下了。--TM85.{PaM 249.1}[7]
Superficial Christians, always ready for pleasure or sport, may lead Bible Christians to conform—Satan has been multiplying his snares in Battle Creek; and professed Christians who are superficial in character and religious experience are used by the tempter as his decoys. This class are always ready for the gatherings for pleasure or sport, and their influence attracts others. Young men and young women who have tried to be Bible Christians are persuaded to join the party, and they are drawn into the ring. They did not prayerfully consult the divine standard, to learn what Christ had said in regard to the fruit to be borne on the Christian tree. They do not discern that these entertainments are really Satan’s banquet, prepared to keep souls from accepting the call to the marriage supper of the Lamb; they prevent them from receiving the white robe of character, which is the righteousness of Christ. They become confused as to what it is right for them as Christians to do. They do not want to be thought singular, and naturally incline to follow the example of others. Thus they come under the influence of those who have never had the divine touch on heart or mind.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 85.{PaM 249.1}[7]
对消遣抱均衡的态度--思想病态的人视宗教为暴君,用铁杖管制他们。这等人时常怨叹自己的堕落,为假想的罪恶悲哀。他们的心中没有爱,常常愁眉苦脸。青年人或其他人天真的笑容,会令他们寒颤。他们认为一切的休息或娱乐都是罪恶,人心必须经常保持在严峻冷酷的状态中。这是一种极端。还有的人认为人应当不断开动脑筋,发明各种娱乐消遣以获得健康。他们学会了靠赖刺激,否则就不舒服。这等人不是真基督徒。这是另一种极端。基督教的真正原则,在众人面前敞开了幸福的泉源,其长阔高深,都是无可测量的。--AH493.{PaM 249.2}[8]
Take a balanced view of recreation—There are persons with a diseased imagination to whom religion is a tyrant, ruling them as with a rod of iron. Such are constantly mourning over their depravity and groaning over supposed evil. Love does not exist in their hearts; a frown is ever upon their countenances. They are chilled by the innocent laugh from the youth or from anyone. They consider all recreation or amusement a sin and think that the mind must be constantly wrought up to just such a stern, severe pitch. This is one extreme. Others think that the mind must be ever on the stretch to invent new amusements and diversions in order to gain health. They learn to depend on excitement and are uneasy without it. Such are not true Christians. They go to another extreme. The true principles of Christianity open before all a source of happiness, the height and depth, the length and breadth of which are immeasurable.—The Adventist Home, 493.{PaM 249.2}[8]
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