第45章 区会各部门
Chapter 45—Conference Departments
区会要教育传道人,并与传道人一起教育各教会--州区会的会长正以自己的行为方式教育下面的传道人。他们也可以一起教育各教会。这样,各教会中的纠纷和困难就不必请区会派员来处理了。如果区会职员作为忠心的仆人,愿意履行上天所指派的责任,区会的工作就不至于如此纠结混乱了。工人们如果能这样做,他们就会成为坚强负责的人,在艰苦的地方也不会灰心失败。--GW419.{PaM 255.1}[1]
Conferences should educate ministers, and together they should educate the churches—The president of a State Conference is, by his manner of dealing, educating the ministers under him, and together they can so educate the churches that it will not be necessary to call the ministers of the conference from the field to settle difficulties and dissensions in the church. If the officers in the conference will, as faithful servants, perform their Heaven-appointed duties, the work in our conferences will not be left to become entangled in such perplexities as heretofore. And in laboring thus, the workers will become solid, responsible men, who will not fail nor be discouraged in a hard place.—Gospel Workers, 419.{PaM 255.1}[1]
应当尊重司库、会计和记账员——我蒙指示,看到圣工的各部门在账目保管上极无效率。记账在现在和将来都是圣工的一个重要部分,我们所有的机构中都极需擅长记账的人。......这方面的工作一直被可耻地忽略了,而且忽略很久了。允许我们如此广大的工作以一种有缺陷、拙劣的方式来做,实在是一件丢脸的事。上帝希望人们尽可能把工作做得尽善尽美......记账是一项需要学习的工作,以便能做得既正确又迅速,既无烦恼又不过劳。--Lt63,1886.(另见《怀爱伦在欧洲》249页.){PaM 255.2}[2]
【Conference and Department Leaders】
Respect treasurers, accountants, and bookkeepers—I was shown the great deficiency there is in keeping the accounts in the various departments of the cause. Bookkeeping is and ever will be an important part of our work, and those who have become intelligent in it are greatly needed in all our institutions.... This branch of the work has been neglected shamefully, and altogether too long. It is a shame to allow work of such magnitude to be done in a defective, bungling manner. God wants as perfect work as it is possible for human beings to do.... Bookkeeping is a subject that needs to be studied in order that it may be done with correctness and dispatch and without worry and taxation.—Letter 63, 1886. (Quoted in?Ellen G. White in Europe 249).{PaM 255.2}[2]
圣工各个部门要由资格充足的人负责--今日的教会象在使徒时代一样,需要维持秩序与规律。圣工的兴旺大有赖于它的各个部门由能干的、资格充足的人负责。--3SP293.{PaM 255.3}[3]
All departments of the cause should be conducted by those with the qualifications for the position—It is necessary that the same order and system should be maintained in the church now as in the days of the apostles. The prosperity of the cause depends very largely upon its various departments being conducted by men of ability, who are qualified for their positions.—The Spirit of Prophecy 3:293.{PaM 255.3}[3]
我们应当改善培训部门领袖的方法--作为一班声称赋有先进亮光的人,我们应当计划为上帝圣工的各个部门,造就出一班受过教育的工人。我们的疗养院,医疗布道工作,出版机构,各区会以及其他广大的领域,都需要一班训练有素的男女青年。我们需要造诣高深的男女青年,为主作最好的工作。为了达到这个目标,我们已经做了一些工作,但还有更多的工作有待去作。--CT42.{PaM 255.4}[4]
We should improve our ways of training departmental leaders—As a people who claim to have advanced light, we are to devise ways and means?by which to bring forth a corps of educated workmen for the various departments of the work of God. We need a well-disciplined, cultivated class of young men and women in our sanitariums, in the medical missionary work, in the offices of publication, in the conferences of different states, and in the field at large. We need young men and women who have a high intellectual culture, in order that they may do the best work for the Lord. We have done something toward reaching this standard, but still we are far behind where we should be.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 42.{PaM 255.4}[4]
圣工各个部门不可独立工作--有一点应当谨防的,那就是独立的个性。既然当基督的军兵,就当在各部门的工作上有和协的行动。……每个工人在行动上应当顾及别人。跟从耶稣基督的人,不可各自采取独立的行动。我们的力量必须寄于上帝,也必须予以培养,使能发出高尚团结的行动。切不可在无谓的行动上浪费精力。--5T534.{PaM 256.1}[5]
【Cooperation Between Departments】
Do not work independently of the various departments of the work—One point will have to be guarded, and that is individual independence. As soldiers in Christ’s army, there should be concert of action in the various departments of the work.... Each laborer should act with reference to the others. Followers of Jesus Christ will not act independently one of another. Our strength must be in God, and it must be husbanded, to be put forth in noble, concentrated action. It must not be wasted in meaningless movements.—Testimonies for the Church 5:534.{PaM 256.1}[5]
与圣工各部门的人建立密切的关系--你一直太过拘谨了。你没有与圣工各部门的人建立密切的关系;你也没有照着所应该的与他们亲密磋商,好聪明地行事。要是你这么做了,你原可成为更能干的助手。你太多照自己的判断行事,实行自己的想法和计划。工人们之间一直缺少和谐的关系。那些原可帮助你的人,一直不愿把他们的知识传给你,因为你缺乏亲密,也因为你太多凭冲动和感觉行事,以致他们不敢接近你。--4T219.{PaM 256.2}[6]
Come into close relationship with those in the departments—You have been too reserved. You have not come into close relation with men engaged in the different departments of the work; you have not consulted with them as familiarly as you should to move understandingly. Had you done this you might have been a more efficient helper. You have moved too much according to your own judgment and carried out your own ideas and plans. There has been a lack of harmonious connection between the workers. Those who might have helped you have been reluctant to impart their knowledge to you on account of this lack of familiarity on your part, and also because you move so much from impulse and feeling that they have dreaded to approach you.—Testimonies for the Church 4:219.{PaM 256.2}[6]
要关心所有的部门,而不要专顾一个方面--传道人应当小心持守,以免自己的计划挫折了上帝的旨意。他们有限制上帝的圣工,将自己的服务局限于某些地方,不对上帝各部门的事工培养特别兴趣的危险。有些人集中心思在某一题目上,却把其他也许是相等重要的置诸脑外。--3T34.{PaM 256.3}[7]
Be interested in all departments, rather than concentrating on just one area—Ministers should be guarded, lest they thwart the purposes of God by plans of their own. They are in danger of narrowing down the work of God, and confining their labor to certain localities, and not cultivating a special interest for the work of God in all its various departments. There are some who concentrate their minds upon one subject, to the exclusion of others which may be of equal importance.—Testimonies for the Church 3:34.{PaM 256.3}[7]
传道人往往不太支持健康和医疗布道部门--在医疗布道方面的教育工作,能唤醒人们的道德责任感,是具有重要性的先行的一步。如果传道人按照上帝已赐亮光在不同部门把握住这工作,就本应当在吃、喝、和穿衣上有最坚决的改革。但有些人却正在拦阻健康改革的道路。他们用无动于衷或定罪审判的话语,或是用笑话和戏谑的口吻拦阻了人们。他们自己和许多其他人都是将死的受苦者,但都未学到智慧。--6T377.{PaM 256.4}[8]
Too often ministers have given poor support to health and medical missionary departments—The work of educating in medical missionary lines is an advance step of great importance in awakening man to his moral responsibilities. Had the ministers taken hold of this work in its various?departments in accordance with the light which God has given, there would have been a most decided reformation in eating, drinking, and dressing. But some have stood directly in the way of the advance of health reform. They have held the people back by their indifference or condemnatory remarks, or by pleasantries and jokes. They themselves and a large number of others have been sufferers unto death, but all have not yet learned wisdom.—Testimonies for the Church 6:377.{PaM 256.4}[8]
传道人不应当将各部门所有的工作都揽到自己身上——上帝的事业没有按所应当的得到进展,因为传道人和领导人觉得凡事都要亲力亲为。为了使车轮转动,他们又推又拉,因肩负教会各部门的工作,安息日学,和上帝圣工的其他各部门工作的重荷,以致累倒了。他们认为他们必须承担所有的工作,否则工作就不能完成,也的确是完成不了,因为他们没有接受别人的劝告而训练他们从事工作。--RH1883.7.24{PaM 257.1}[9]
Ministers should not take all the work of the various departments upon themselves—God’s cause has not advanced as it should have done, for the very reason that ministers and leading men have felt that they must do everything themselves. They have tugged and toiled to keep the wheel rolling, and are weighed down with responsibilities and burdens in the various departments of church-work, in the Sabbath-school, and in every other branch of the cause. They think they must do all this or it will not be done; and truly it would not be done, because they have failed to take others into their counsel and to train them to work.—The Review and Herald, July 24, 1883.{PaM 257.1}[9]
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