第49章 推销
Chapter 49—Promotion
不要在上帝的家里扮演推销员的角色--我蒙指示,传道人和平信徒的道德和心智能力若是没有被错误的生活习惯蒙蔽,原会迅速看出将圣的与俗的混在一起的恶果。传道人既先是站在讲台上,讲了一堂极其严肃的道,然后又介绍商品货物,甚至在上帝的家里扮演推销员的角色,他们就使听众的心转离了所领受的印象,摧毁了他们作工的果效。--1T472.{PaM 271.1}[1]
Do not act the part of a salesman in the house of God—I was shown that if the moral and intellectual faculties had not been clouded by wrong habits of living, ministers and people would have been quick to discern the evil results of mixing sacred and common things. Ministers have stood in the desk and preached a most solemn discourse, and then by introducing merchandise, and acting the part of a salesman, even in the house of God, they have diverted the minds of their hearers from the impressions received, and destroyed the fruit of their labor.—Testimonies for the Church 1:472.{PaM 271.1}[1]
传道人应促进各地的传道工作--凡献身圣工从事传道工作的人,不再为自己而活。他应当效法基督,甘心作主的器皿,与祂同工,天天领受圣灵,象救主那样工作,不灰心也不丧胆。他蒙上帝拣选作忠心的器皿,在各地推进传道的工作。他必须精思熟虑所走的道路。--GW451.{PaM 271.2}[2]
Ministers are to promote missionary work in all lands—No one who has given his life to God’s work as His minister, lives for self. His work is to follow Christ, to be a willing agent and co-worker with the Master, receiving His Spirit day by day, and working as the Saviour worked, neither failing nor being discouraged. He is chosen of God as a faithful instrument to promote missionary work in all lands, and he must ponder well the path he follows.—Gospel Workers, 451.{PaM 271.2}[2]
人人都能藉着奉献钱财出版期刊来支援圣工——然而并非人人都能在讲台上作圣经教师。不同的人有不同的职责,人人都有工作要做。大家都能支援圣工,无私地奉献钱财帮助圣工的不同部门,为出版小册子和期刊以散发到人们中间和传播真理提供财力支持。--RH1883.1.9{PaM 271.3}[3]
All can aid the cause by giving means for the publication of periodicals—But all cannot be teachers of the word in the pulpit. The individual duties of different persons vary, but there is work for all to do. All can aid the cause by giving unselfishly of their means to help the various branches of the work, to furnish means for the publication of tracts and periodicals to scatter among the people, and disseminate the truth.—The Review and Herald, January 9, 1883.{PaM 271.3}[3]
教会应该认识到有责任为我们的书刊争取订户--我们现在有传播真理的很大便利。可是我们的人没有利用赐给他们的特权。他们没有在每一个教会里看见并认识到应当用他们的才能来救灵。他们没有看明为我们的期刊,包括我们的卫生杂志争取订户,介绍我们的书籍和小册子的责任。--PM368.{PaM 271.4}[4]
Churches should realize it is their duty to obtain subscriptions for our periodicals—We now have great facilities for spreading the truth; but our people are not coming up to the privileges given them. They do not in every church see and feel the necessity of using their abilities in saving souls. They do not realize their duty to obtain subscribers for our periodicals, including our health journal, and to introduce our books and pamphlets.—The Publishing Ministry, 368.{PaM 271.4}[4]
声称买不起教会书刊的人,却买得起世俗的书刊--有一些自称为弟兄的人并没有订购《评论与通讯》,《时兆》,《青年导报》和《健康》杂志。而订阅一些较为世俗的报刊。他们的孩子们对阅读其中的小说和爱情故事很喜欢。这些书刊他们的父母都买得起,可是他们却声称买不起我们现代真理的书刊。--PM350.{PaM 272.1}[5]
Those who feel they cannot afford church papers, do manage to afford secular papers—There are those who profess to be brethren who do not take the Review, Signs, Instructor, or?Good Health, but take one or more secular papers. Their children are deeply interested in reading the fictitious tales and love stories which are found in these papers, and which their father can afford to pay for, although claiming that he cannot afford to pay for our periodicals and publications on present truth.—The Publishing Ministry, 350.{PaM 272.1}[5]
每一个家庭都要有《评论与通讯》,即便需要教会为贫困的家庭订阅--《评论与通讯》和《时兆》的定价是低廉的。《评论与通讯》是一份有价值的报刊,其中的材料对教会很有益处,应进入每一位信徒的家中。如果有人太穷买不起,教会就应该通过订阅来增加按足价购买的数量,并且提供给穷困的家庭。--PM350.{PaM 272.2}[6]
Every family should have the Review, even if the church must provide the subscription to poor families—The Review and Herald?and the Signs of the Times?are cheap papers at the full price. The Review?is a valuable paper; it contains matters of great interest to the church and should be placed in every family of believers. If any are too poor to take it, the church should, by subscription, raise the amount of the full price of the paper and supply the destitute families.—The Publishing Ministry, 350.{PaM 272.2}[6]
收割运动应当效法尼希米向有能力捐助的非以色列人募捐的榜样——我收到许多信件,询问执行传道收割计划的可取之处。我在回信中要向所有人提到尼希米的榜样。他在即将前往耶路撒冷希望重建他列祖遭毁之城的城墙时,坦率地告诉亚达薛西王他打算要做的工作,并且请求帮助以确保这项工作获得成功。他还求得一份诏书给黎巴嫩山间皇家森林的管理人,命令他提供所需要的木料,以便修建耶路撒冷的城墙和要造的房屋。他缺少资财,就向有能力捐助的人们求助。--密歇根东部旌旗,1909.9.29{PaM 272.3}[7]
Ingathering follows the example of Nehemiah, who solicited from non-Israelites able to give—Letters of inquiry have come to me regarding the advisability of carrying out the Harvest Ingathering plan. In answer, I would refer all to the example of Nehemiah. When about to journey to Jerusalem with the hope of restoring the walls about the stricken city of his fathers, he frankly told King Artaxerxes of the work he contemplated doing, and requested help to insure the success of the enterprise. He obtained a letter to the keeper of the king’s forest in the mountains of Lebanon, directing him to furnish such timber as would be needed for the wall of Jerusalem, and the buildings that were to be erected. And the means which he lacked, he solicited from those who were able to bestow.—East Michigan Banner, September 29, 1909.{PaM 272.3}[7]
收割运动能帮助教会并争取奉献的人接受真理--在上帝的眷佑之下,那些担负祂圣工的人,努力给老的工作方法注入新的生命,同时制订新的计划,发明新的方法,以引起教会信徒的关注,采取联合行动接触世人。接触非信徒的新计划之一,就是传道收割运动。在过去几年里,这种方法在许多地方获得了成功。它不单将福气带给许多人,又增加了教会库房的收入。那些与我们信仰不同的人,既听到第三位天使的信息在异教之地的进展,就起了同情之心。一些人追求更多地学习那具有改变人心和生活之能力的真理。信息传给了各阶层的男女。上帝的圣名得到了荣耀。--Ev252.{PaM 272.4}[8]
Ingathering can both help missions and win to the truth those who give—In the providence of God, those who are bearing the burden of His work have been endeavoring to put new life into old methods of labor, and also to invent new plans and new methods of awakening the interest of church members in a united effort to reach the world. One of the new plans for reaching unbelievers is the Harvest Ingathering campaign for missions. In many places, during the past few years, this has proved a success, bringing blessing to many, and increasing the flow of means into the mission treasury. As those not of our faith have been made acquainted with the progress of the third angel’s message in heathen lands, their sympathies have been aroused, and some have sought to learn more of the truth that has such power to transform hearts and lives. Men and women of all classes have been reached, and the name of God has been glorified.—Evangelism, 252.{PaM 272.4}[8]
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