第029册 圣工的扩展
PH029 - The Enlargement of Our Work
“需要人力财力来推进工作。我们仍有机会为救灵而分享救主的舍己牺牲。工作的需要现在比以往任何时候都要求更大的开支。主呼召祂的子民尽一切努力缩减自己的开支。我再次恳求你们不要把钱花在自己和朋友的照片上,而应将其转入另一个渠道。要把一直花在满足自我上的钱流入主的库中,支持那些正在做工拯救将亡生灵的人。要让那些有房屋地产的人留意这信息:‘你们要变卖所有的周济人’(路12:33)。‘万军之耶和华说:你们要将当纳的十分之一全然送入仓库,使我家有粮,以此试试我,是否为你们敞开天上的窗户,倾福与你们,甚至无处可容’(玛3:10)。{PH029 12.1}[1]
“Men and money are needed to carry the work forward. Still there is opportunity for us to share the Saviour’s self-denial and sacrifice for the salvation of souls. The necessities of the work now demand a greater outlay than ever before. The Lord calls upon his people to make every effort to curtail their expenses. Again I plead that instead of spending money for pictures of yourself and your friends, you should turn it into another channel. Let the money that has been devoted to the gratification of self, flow into the Lord’s treasury to sustain those who are working to save perishing souls. Let those who have houses and lands give heed to the message, ‘Sell that ye have, and give alms.’ ‘Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it.’{PH029 12.1}[1]
“主就要来了。我们必须趁着白日作工;因为黑夜将到,就没有人能作工了。唉,许许多多的人已经丧失了舍己牺牲的精神。他们一直在把自己的金钱埋在现世的财产里。有些人已蒙上帝赐福,祂正在试验他们,要看看他们会对祂的福利作出什么响应。他们已经扣留了自己的十分之一和供物,直到他们欠万军之耶和华上帝的债已经变得那么大,以致一想到要把主自己的——当纳的十分之一交还给祂,就变得面色苍白。弟兄们,要赶紧,你们现在有机会对上帝诚实;不要耽延。为你们灵魂的缘故,不要再抢夺上帝的十分之一和供物。{PH029 12.2}[2]
“The Lord is soon to come. We must work while the day lasts; for the night is coming, in which no man can work. O, many, many have lost the spirit of self-denial and sacrifice. They have been burying their money in temporal possessions. There are men whom God has blessed, whom he is testing to see what response they will make to his benefits. They have withheld their tithes and offerings until their debt to the Lord God of hosts has become so great that they grow pale at the thought of rendering to the Lord his own,—a just tithe. Make haste, brethren, you now have opportunity to be honest with God; delay not. For your soul’s sake no longer rob God in tithes and offerings.{PH029 12.2}[2]
“上帝要求我们使用各样才干和能力。何时教会除掉了闲懒和怠惰的耻辱,主的灵就会惠然彰显;神能就会与人的努力结合,教会就会见到耶和华万军之上帝天意的介入,真理的亮光就会得到扩散,使人认识上帝和祂所差来的耶稣基督。像使徒时代一样,许多人会转而归主。地就因那位从天而来之天使的荣耀发光。{PH029 12.3}[3]
“The Lord calls for every talent of means and ability to be put to use. When the reproach of slothfulness and indolence shall have been wiped away from the church, the Spirit of the Lord will be graciously manifested; divine power will combine with human effort,the church will see the providential interpositions of the Lord God of hosts, the light of truth will be diffused, the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ whom he hath sent will be manifested. As in the apostles’ time, many souls will turn unto the Lord. The earth will be lightened with the glory of the angel from heaven.{PH029 12.3}[3]
“这里提供了多么好的机会啊!上帝把管理祂钱财的权利交给我们。祂把资金托付给我们。有些人少给一点。有些人多给一点。我们高高兴兴地接受托付。许多人把他们的精明和技术归功于自己,称之为自己的,用于自私的用途,或将之搁置起来。凡执意这样做的人不久会看到他们所有的一切都会离他们而去。不久他们就会听到严厉的声音说:‘你这又恶又懒的仆人,你……当把我的银子放给兑换银钱的人’”(太25:26、27)。{PH029 13.1}[4]
“O what an opportunity is here presented! God extends to us the privilege of handling his money; he intrusts us with means; some have a small portion, others have great portions. We accept the trust very gladly, and many take the credit to themselves for their shrewdness, or skill, call it theirs, and proceed to appropriate it to their selfish use, or perhaps to heap it up. Those who persist in this course but a little longer will see all their possessions swept from them, and a little later will hear the scathing words, ‘Thou wicked and slothful servant, ... thou oughtest ... to have put my money to the exchangers.’”{PH029 13.1}[4]
“有一项大工必须在全世界展开。任何人都不要因为结局已近而自以为不需要作出特别的努力来建立圣工所需的各种机构。你们不会知道主显现的日子或时辰,因为这没有启示出来。任何人都不要别出心裁去探索这种事情,推测不让他明白的事。然而每一个人都要从事交在他手里的工作,履行上帝所要求的日常职责。主已把祂的家业和资金交托给祂的仆人,希望他们积极行动,争取为祂的国度获利。大家都要成为工人。然而最重的责任负担将落在最有才干,最有财富,最有机会的人身上。我们要因信称义,并按我们的行为受审判。{PH029 20.1}[5]
“A great work must be done all through the world, and let no one flatter himself that because the end is near, there is no need of making special efforts to build up the various institutions as the cause shall demand. You are not to know the day or the hour of the Lord’s appearing, for this has not been revealed, and let no one with an ingenious mind endeavor to seek out such a matter, and speculate on that which has not been given him to understand; but let every one work upon that which has been placed in his hands, doing the daily duties that God requires. The Lord has intrusted his servants with his household goods, with the investment of his capital, and he expects them to be diligent and active, looking out for the interests of his kingdom. All are to be workers; but the heaviest burden of responsibility rests upon those who have the greatest talent, the largest means, the most abundant opportunity. We are to be justified by faith, and judged by our works.{PH029 20.1}[5]
“当主吩咐我们卸下盔甲,不在需要作出努力建立学校,照顾病人的机构,孤儿院,收容所,安慰病弱传道人的疗养院时,那就是我们该放手让主结束祂工作之际。但现在我们有机会为上帝发热心,爱人类同胞。教会正在战斗,仍未取得胜利。教会的肢体应该投入自己的一切体力、智力和道德的活力,作上帝多种恩赐的聪明管家。我们的道路上既有亮光照耀,谁还敢玩忽自己道德的职守呢?那些从宗教生活的开始就降服自己、把自己的一切都交给上帝、忠于圣灵无误指示的人有福了。那些以基督和祂钉十字架为自己唯一盼望的人有福了。{PH029 21.1}[6]
“When the Lord shall bid us to lay off the armor, and to make no further effort to establish schools, to build institutions for the care of the sick, for the shelter of the orphans, the homeless, and for the comfort of the worn-out ministers, it will be time to fold our hands and let the Lord close up the work; but now it is our opportunity to show our zeal for God, our love for humanity. The church is now militant, not triumphant. The members of the church are to invest every particle of physical, intellectual, and moral vigor that they possess, that they may be wise stewards of the manifold gifts of God. With the light shining upon our pathway, who will dare to trifle with his moral responsibility? Happy are those, who, from the very beginning of their religious life, make a surrender of themselves and their all to God, and are true to the unerring dictates of the Spirit of God. Happy are they who make Christ and him crucified, their only hope.{PH029 21.1}[6]
“我们要参与上帝在世界各地的圣工。无论哪里有灵魂需要拯救;我们都要施以援手,好把许多儿女带到上帝面前。末日近了,因此我们要充分利用所交托我们的一切才能和有利于圣工的一切手段。上帝的工人不论在园地还是在家里,都要克己、背负十字架,节制自己的个人需求,以便多结善果。凡珍视宝贵救人真光的人,要毫不犹豫地履行上帝所托付的职责,收集神圣的光线,将之向处在黑暗中的人散布。{PH029 21.2}[7]
“We are to be partners in the work of God in all parts of the world; wherever there are souls to be saved, we are to lend our help, that many sons and daughters may be brought to God. The end is near, and for this reason, we are to make the most of every entrusted ability, and every agency that shall offer help to the work. The workers of God, in the field or at home, are to be self-denying, bearing the cross, restricting their personal wants, that they may be abundant in good fruits. Those who prize the light of saving, precious truth, will not hesitate in regard to doing their God-given duty, but will gather up the rays of divine light, that they may diffuse them to those that are in darkness.{PH029 21.2}[7]
“必须建立学校,使年轻人可以受教育,使那些从事传道工作的人可以在圣经和各学科的知识上能达到更高的成就。必须在海外建立医治病人的机构,必须兴起医疗布道士,他们要克己,愿意高举十字架,预备好充任所托付的职位,并能教育他人。此外,上帝还呼召国内的传道士。我们每一个人都要克己,高举十架,少为自我满足而花费资财,使各教会里多有积极作工的人。信心若达不到这一点,就是对基督徒品德的否定。福音信仰的能力和恩典出于上帝的权威。当基督的圣工缺乏资财,我们的会堂背负债务,我们的圣库空虚匮乏之时,我们应不再把钱浪费在衣饰和无用之物上,从而表现出基督住在我们心中。“凭着他们的果子,就可以认出他们来”(太7:16)。我们难道不愿意效法主的榜样吗?祂曾为我们的缘故成为贫穷,叫我们因祂的贫穷而可以成为富足。{PH029 21.3}[8]
“Schools must be established, that the youth may be educated, that those engaged in the work of the ministry may reach higher attainments in the knowledge of the Bible and the sciences. Institutions for the treatment of the sick must be established in foreign lands, and medical missionaries must be raised up who will be self-denying, who will lift the cross, who will be prepared to fill positions of trust, and be able to educate others. And besides all this, God calls for home missionaries. Let every soul deny self, lift the cross, and expend far less means for the gratification of self, that there may be living, working agents in all the churches. A faith that comprehends less than this, is one that denies the Christian character. The faith of the gospel is one whose power and grace are of divine authorship. Then let us make it manifest that Christ abides in us, by ceasing to expend money on dress, on needless things, when the cause of Christ is crippled for want of means, when debts are left unpaid on our meeting-houses, and the treasury is empty. ‘By their fruits ye shall know them.’ Shall we not follow the example of Him who for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich?”{PH029 21.3}[8]