第009册 关于建立我们新医学院的呼..
PH009 - An Appeal in Behalf of Our New Medical College
要正确地发展洛马林达的工作,就要以祈祷的精神思考和计划,使主就这项工作所赐的指示能够实现。我们在东部和中部各州的人,以及那些在太平洋海岸的人,应该感到一种强烈的兴趣,使一项特别的工作目前在洛马林达做成。使我满心焦虑的是,想到有什么人想要受益于洛马林达能提供的教育,竟然因为房子不够用而被拒之门外。有些病人不得不离开疗养院,这也使我感到悲伤。洛马林达医学院的工作不可因缺乏场地而瘫痪。必须设法扩大建筑面积,以容纳学生,以免将那些希望在洛马林达接受训练的人拒之门外。{PH009 1.1}[1]
(Sanitarium, Cal.,August 29, 1911.)
The proper development of the work at Loma Linda calls for prayerful thought and planning, that the instruction which the Lord has given concerning the work there may be fulfilled. Our people in the Eastern and Middle States, as well as those on the Pacific Coast, should feel an intense interest that a special work be done at Loma Linda at the present time. It fills me with anxiety to think that any who seek to obtain the benefits of the education that Loma Linda can give, should be turned away because the buildings are insufficient to give them a place. That some patients have had to be turned away from the Sanitarium has caused me sorrow. The work of the Medical College at Loma Linda must not be crippled for lack of room. There must be some way devised to enlarge quickly the buildings for the rooming of students, so that those who seek a training may not be turned away.{PH009 1.1}[1]
洛马林达的学生正在寻求那按主的指示所设立的教育,这项教育会把他们培养成为成功的教师和工人,能为他人工作。他们在洛马林达毕业以后,应能出去加入世界这片成熟的庄稼地里有见识的工人队伍,推进改革的工作,预备一班人在基督复临的日子站立得住。到处都需要懂得怎样治病,能熟练地治疗病患者的工人。我们应当尽一切力量使那些希望从事这项工作的人获得必要的训练。我蒙指示,在我们中间有经济能力的人,应该在这工作中成为上帝的代表。{PH009 1.2}[2]
The students at Loma Linda are seeking for an education that is after the Lord’s order,—an education that will help them to develop into successful teachers and laborers for others. When their education there is completed, they should be able to go forth and join the intelligent workers in the worlds great harvest fields who are carrying forward the work of reform that is to prepare a people to stand in the day of Christ’s coming. Everywhere workers are needed who know how to combat disease and give skillful care to the sick and suffering. We should do all in our power to enable those who desire to be thus fitted for service, to gain the necessary training. I am instructed that those among us who have means should become God’s agencies in this work.{PH009 1.2}[2]
我们的人应当聪明地治疗疾病,不用有毒药物的帮助。许多人应当寻求获得一种教育,以便能用最简单的方法治疗各种各样的疾病。成千上万已经因使用有毒的药物而下到坟墓去的人本来可以藉着简单的疗法恢复健康。精明而熟练地运用水疗法,可以救许多人的性命。要把勤奋学习与忠心传道相结合。要在病床边献上信心的祈祷,要鼓励病人亲自抓住上帝的应许。“信是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据”(来11:1)。要把人类的救主耶稣基督越来越多地带到我们的工作和会议之中。{PH009 2.1}[3]
Our people should become intelligent in the treatment of sickness without the aid of poisonous drugs. Many should seek to obtain the education that will enable them to combat disease in its varied forms by the most simple methods. Thousands have gone down to the grave because of the use of poisonous drugs, who might have been restored to health by simple methods of treatment. Water treatments, wisely and skillfully given, may be the means of saving many lives. Let diligent study be united with faithful ministry. Let prayers of faith be offered by the bedside of the sick. Let the sick be encouraged to claim the promises of God for themselves. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Christ Jesus, the Savior of men, is to be brought into our labors and councils more and more.{PH009 2.1}[3]
我蒙指示,在我们中间,有些人应该成为上帝的代表,为推进这项工作而努力。主会很高兴看到我们有钱财的人慷慨地使用钱财为工人获得训练作医疗布道士开路。我们对那些有钱的人说:要做出你们的捐献。主已使我们大得优势,使我们拥有了像洛马林达这样的机构。让我们与祂合作使这些地方成为人类的福气吧。让我们藉着慷慨奉献礼物来对在洛马林达挑重担的人说:“快把你们的男生宿舍建起来”吧。{PH009 2.2}[4]
I am instructed that there are among us those who should become God’s agents to labor for the advancement of this work. The Lord would be pleased to see our people who have means using it freely in opening the way for workers to get a training as medical missionaries. To those who have money we say, make your donations. The Lord has given us great advantages in bringing into our possession such institutions as Loma Linda. Let us cooperate with Him in making these places a blessing to humanity. By liberal?gifts let us say to the burden-bearers at Loma Linda, “Put up your men’s dormitory quickly.”{PH009 2.2}[4]
欧文长老和科利斯长老已蒙拣选去访问我们一些较大区会的弟兄,请求立即帮助洛马林达。还有其他人也被指定要为洛马林达工作的前进预备道路。主已使这个地方可能成为医疗福音传道士的培训中心。已经做出很好的开端,然而工作必须拓宽。这个时候需要帮助。让我们腾出地方,推进主已指定应该完成的重大工作吧。现在,就是现在,要投入你们的钱财,好提供开展这工作所需要的楼房。不要迟延。要显出一种乐于从事非常需要做成之工的精神,从而鼓励呼吁资金的弟兄们。{PH009 3.1}[5]
Elders Irwin and Corliss have been selected to visit our brethren in some of the larger conferences, and to ask for immediate help for Loma Linda. Others also are to be appointed to prepare the way for the work to go forward at Loma Linda. The Lord has made it possible for this place to stand as a training center for medical evangelists. A good beginning has been made, but the work must broaden. Help is needed at this time. Let us make room for the carrying forward of the grand work that the Lord has specified should be done. Now, just now, let your means be invested to provide the buildings which the carrying on of this work demands. Do not delay. Encourage the brethren who shall call for means by revealing a spirit that is willing to do the work which greatly needs to be done.{PH009 3.1}[5]
我的弟兄姐妹们,我请你们尽你们所能地提供帮助,而且现在就做。要将你们的钱财投在这项影响如此深远的工作上。这是上帝的工作。祂已给了我们很大的优势以便开展祂的工作;祂现在要求利用你们的钱财,以便许多人可以得着资格,前去完成祂在地上的工作。主必奖赏凡在紧急情况下挺身而出,并且尽力而为的人。那些能提供帮助的人应该深感兴趣,为那些想要有资格作为布道士为上帝作工的人预备道路。我的弟兄和姐妹们,要趁着你们还有机会的时候用你们的钱财为上帝作工。你们这么做,就是用你们的才干荣耀祂的名。{PH009 3.2}[6]
I ask you, my brethren and sisters, to do what you can to help, and to do it now. Let your means be invested in this work that is so far-reaching. This is the work of God. He has given us great advantages for the carrying on of His work; He now calls for the advantage of your means, that many may be qualified to go forth to finish up His work in the earth. The Lord will reward all who come forward in emergencies, and do their best. Those who can help should be deeply interested in preparing the way for those who wish to be qualified as missionaries for God. My brethren and sisters, work for God with your means while you have opportunity. In doing this, you will be using your talent to His name’s glory.{PH009 3.2}[6]
---Mrs. E. G. White[7]