11 一个传道园地
A Missionary Field
哥本哈根好像保罗时代的雅典。追求财富和快乐占据了人们的注意力。无神论流行。吃喝、跳舞及寻欢作乐是人们思想和谈话的主题。虽有许多漂亮的大教堂;人们却象雅典人一样正在敬拜不识之神。虽不缺乏神学博士,饱学的讲道人,但他们却对圣经的宗教一无所知。{HS 185.1}[1]
Copenhagen seems like Athens in Paul’s day. The pursuit of wealth and pleasure engrosses the attention of the people. Atheism is popular. Eating and drinking, dancing and merry-making, are the subjects of thought and conversation. There are many large and beautiful churches; but the people, like some of the Athenians, are worshiping an unknown God. There is no lack of doctors of divinity, of learned preachers, but they are ignorant of Bible religion.{HS 185.1}[1]
在宗教问题上,人们看国教的教师们是毫无疑问的权威。他们出现在街上,身穿牧师的长袍,直垂到脚,带有白细麻布的硬褶边,宽度近1/4码(约23厘米),围在脖子上。当他们经过时,男人便以极其崇敬的样子脱帽鞠躬致敬,女人行屈膝礼。我见到他们,便禁不住想起基督的话——那些话正适合这些牧师,就象适合古时的拉比一样——“他们一切所做的事都是要叫人看见,所以将佩戴的经文做宽了,衣裳的繸子做长了,喜爱筵席上的首座,会堂里的高位,又喜爱人在街市上问他安,称呼他拉比(拉比就是夫子)”(太23:5-7)。{HS 185.2}[2]
The teachers in the State Church are looked up to by the people as unquestionable authority in matters of religion. They appear upon the street in a long clerical robe reaching to their feet, with a stiff, quilled ruffle of white linen, nearly a quarter of a yard in width, about the neck. As they pass, men take off their hats and make a low obeisance, and women courtesy, with an air of the greatest reverence. As I saw them, I could not but think of the words of Christ,—and the words apply to these priests as truly as to the ancient rabbis,—“All their works they do for to be seen of men; they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, and love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.”{HS 185.2}[2]
要在这些大城市里唤起人们对宗教事物的兴趣似乎是一件难事;可是他们当中有许多心地诚实的人会接受亮光并将之反照他人。哥本哈根在差派传道士去使遥远国家的异教徒悔改,其实她自己多数的国民还确实不知道上帝和祂的话。需要具有保罗精神的人去传讲基督和祂被钉十字架。{HS 185.3}[3]
It seems a difficult matter to awaken an interest in religious things in these large cities; and yet there are many honest souls in them who will yet accept the light and reflect its rays to others. Copenhagen is sending missionaries to convert the heathen in far-off lands, when there are multitudes of her people who are as truly ignorant of God and his word. Men with the spirit of Paul are needed to preach Christ and him crucified.{HS 185.3}[3]
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