42 一次中断
An Interruption
讲道这里时被一个人的问题打断了,他曾守过一段安息日,最近已经放弃了。他在会众中站起来说:“这个安息日的问题去年对我来说一直是个大麻烦,现在我要问一个问题:遵守安息日对我的得救来说是必要的吗?请回答是或不是。”我迅速地回答了,这是一个重要的问题,要求某种比是或不是更充分的东西。人人都将按照已经照在他们身上的亮光受审判。如果他们有关于安息日的亮光,若是拒绝那亮光就不能得救。然而谁也不会为从未领受的亮光负责。然后我引用了基督的话:“我若没有来教训他们,他们就没有罪;但如今他们的罪无可推诿了”(约15:22)。然而,我说这些话是极其困难的;因为发问的人立即跳起来,打断我,且以极其激动的态度和最猛烈的姿势要求我回答是或不是。{HS 234.3}[1]
Here the discourse was broken in upon by questions from one who had kept the Sabbath a short time, but who had recently given it up. Rising in the congregation, he said, “This Sabbath question has been a great trouble to me during the last year, and now I would like to ask a question: Is the observance of the Sabbath necessary to my salvation? Answer, yes or no.” I answered promptly, This is an important question, and demands something more full than yes or no. All will be judged according to the light that has shone upon them. If they have light upon the Sabbath, they cannot be saved in rejecting that light. But none will be held accountable for light which they have never received. I then quoted the words of Christ, “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin; but now they have no cloak for their sin.” It was with the greatest difficulty, however,that I made these remarks; for the questioner kept jumping to his feet, and interrupting me, and in the most excited manner and with the most violent gestures demanding that the answer be yes or no.{HS 234.3}[1]
有几次在我讲话时他设法重述我的话,给那些话加上他希望有的意思和他已经有的意思;他也多次受到在场懂法语和英语之人的纠正。(尽管他对我的立场所作的错误陈述再三当场受到纠正,这人此后的公开言论还是说我起先的回答是逃避,还说是在他的坚持下我才变得肯定,然后否定,这么说:“如果基督徒相信自己应该守安息日,安息日对他的得救来说就是必要的。如果他并不相信有责任有安息日,安息日对他的得救来说就是不必要的”。这是严重的歪曲,就如将此与上文所述事实相比较所显明的。然而会采取这种歪曲手段的人是反对真理的人。)然后他就开始宣读和评论他就安息日所写的一些东西。但他说得很快,不给什么机会翻译他的话,所以我几乎不能知道他努力在说什么。然而,有一句话我确实听懂了,大意是基督不但不教导安息日,反而违背安息日。对此我觉得必须作出回答。我说:“我希望我们的弟兄不要站在法利赛人一边控告基督;因为他们如果能控告基督违背安息日,就没有必要雇用假见证反对祂了。”他因此变得勃然大怒,控告我称他是法利赛人。然而,这也由在场的几个人纠正了,他便说:“我请求原谅。”{HS 235.1}[2]
Several times while I was speaking he tried to restate my remarks, giving them just the meaning that he wished them to have, and that he has since given them; and as many times he was corrected by persons present who understood both French and English. [Notwithstanding the fact that his misstatements of my position were repeatedly corrected at the meeting, this man has since stated publicly that at first my response was evasive; but that as he insisted I became affirmative, then negative, as follows: “If the Christian is persuaded that he ought to keep the Sabbath, the Sabbath is necessary to his salvation. If he does not believe it duty to keep the Sabbath, the Sabbath is not necessary to his salvation.” This is a gross misrepresentation, as will be seen by comparing it with the facts as given above; but to just such misrepresentations will those resort who oppose the truth.] He then began to read and comment upon something which he had written in regard to the Sabbath. But he proceeded so rapidly that he gave little opportunity for his remarks to be interpreted, and therefore I could get but little idea of what he was trying to say. One statement which I did understand, however, was to the effect that Christ, instead of teaching the Sabbath, broke it. To this I felt that I must respond. I said: “I hope our brother will not place himself on the side of the Pharisees in their accusations against Christ; for if their charge of Sabbath-breaking could have been sustained against him, they would not have been under the necessity of hiring false witnesses to testify against him.” At this he became very much enraged, and charged me with calling him a Pharisee. This, however, was corrected by several persons present, and he said, “I beg pardon.”{HS 235.1}[2]
我既看出没有机会结束我的讲道,也没有机会照着我所愿意的充分回答他的问题,便对大家说我不得不把近一步的回答推迟到将来某个时候,那时我会用笔回答,因为他没有准备好听我讲什么。不久以后我就这么做了,写在一篇题为《行在光中》的文章里,发表在《时兆》上。我还邀请他来与我交谈这个问题,我们好看明何为真理。但他不肯这么做。{HS 235.2}[3]
When I saw that I could have no opportunity to finish my discourse, or to answer his question as fully as I would have liked, I told the people that I would be obliged to defer any further answer till some future time, and that I would then make it by writing, as he was not prepared to listen to anything I might say. This I did soon after in an article entitled, “Walking in the Light,” published in?Les Signes des Temps. I also sent him an invitation to come and talk the matter over with me, that we might see what is truth. But he declined to do so.{HS 235.2}[3]
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