第40章 保罗上诉于该撒
Chap. 40 - Paul Appeals to Caesar
“非斯都到了任,过了三天,就从该撒利亚上耶路撒冷去。祭司长和犹太人的首领向他控告保罗,又央告他,求他的情,将保罗提到耶路撒冷来。”他们提出这项要求,原是企图埋伏在保罗往耶路撒冷去的路上将他杀死。但非斯都具有高度的责任感,所以很客气地谢绝将保罗提来。他宣称:“无论什么人,被告还没有和原告对质,未得机会分诉所告他的事,就先定他的罪,这不是罗马人的条例。”(徒25:16)他说明他自己快要往该撒利亚去,又说:“你们中间有权势的人,与我一同下去,那人若有什么不是,就可以告他。”[1]{AA 428.1 }
When Festus was come into the province, after three days he ascended from Caesarea to Jerusalem. Then the high priest and the chief of the Jews informed him against Paul, and besought him, and desired favor against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem. In making this request they purposed to waylay Paul along the road to Jerusalem and murder him. But Festus had a high sense of the responsibility of his position, and courteously declined to send for Paul. "It is not the manner of the Romans," he declared, "to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused have the accusers face to face, and have license to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him." He stated that "he himself would depart shortly" for Caesarea. "Let them there . . . which among you are able, go down with me, and accuse this man, if there be any wickedness in him." {AA 428.1 }[1]
这不是犹太人所要的,他们还没有忘记他们前一次在该撒利亚的失败。他们恶毒的精神和那没有根据的控告,在与保罗沉着的风度和有力的辩证对照之下,就必显然居于劣势。所以他们再度要求,将保罗提到耶路撒冷来受审,然而非斯都却坚持他的主张,要在该撒利亚举行一次公正的审判。上帝的美意控制了非斯都的决定,使保罗的生命得以延长。[2]{AA 429.1 }
This was not what the Jews wanted. They had not forgotten their former defeat at Caesarea. In contrast with the calm bearing and forcible arguments of the apostle, their own malignant spirit and baseless accusations would appear in the worst possible light. Again they urged that Paul be brought to Jerusalem for trial, but Festus held firmly to his purpose of giving Paul a fair trial at Caesarea. God in His providence controlled the decision of Festus, that the life of the apostle might be lengthened. {AA 429.1 }[2]
犹太领袖的毒计既不得逞,他们便立即下手准备在巡抚的法庭上控告保罗。非斯都在耶路撒冷逗留数日之后,便回到该撒利亚,“第二天坐堂,吩咐将保罗提上来。”“那些从耶路撒冷下来的犹太人周围站着,将许多重大的事控告他,都是不能证实的。”犹太人这次没有聘请律师,故亲自提出控告。在审讯的过程中,被告镇定而坦白地揭穿了原告供述的虚伪。[3]{AA 429.2 }
Their purposes defeated, the Jewish leaders at once prepared to witness against Paul at the court of the procurator. Upon returning to Caesarea, after a few days' sojourn at Jerusalem, Festus "the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought." "The Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about, and laid many and grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove." Being on this occasion without a lawyer, the Jews preferred their charges themselves. As the trial proceeded, the accused with calmness and candor clearly showed the falsity of their statements. {AA 429.2 }[3]
非斯都看出争讼问题完全关系犹太人的教义;而且按正确的推断,他们所控告保罗的事纵然能予以证实,也不足以定保罗什么该受监禁的罪,更不足以定他死罪。然而非斯都很清楚地看出:若不将保罗定罪,或交在他们的手中,势必要引起暴乱,因此,“非斯都要讨犹太人的喜欢,”就转过来问保罗是否愿意在他的保护之下,到耶路撒冷去受犹太公会的审问。[4]{AA 429.3 }
Festus discerned that the question in dispute related wholly to Jewish doctrines, and that, rightly understood, there was nothing in the charges against Paul, could they be proved, that would render him subject to sentence of death, or even to imprisonment. Yet he saw clearly the storm of rage that would be created if Paul were not condemned or delivered into their hands. And so, "willing to do the Jews a pleasure," Festus turned to Paul, and asked if he was willing to go to Jerusalem under his protection, to be tried by the Sanhedrin. {AA 429.3 }[4]
这位使徒深知他不能指望从那些因自己的罪而正在招致上帝忿怒的人手中得到公正的审判。他知道自己正像先知以利亚一样,在一班拒绝天赐的亮光而硬着心肠不听福音的人中间,还不如在外邦人当中较为安全。他已厌烦争讼,他那活跃的精神实在忍受不住一再的拖延和他受审被囚的久悬不决。因此,他决定使用他为罗马公民的权利,上告于该撒。[5]{AA 430.1 }
The apostle knew that he could not look for justice from the people who by their crimes were bringing down upon themselves the wrath of God. He knew that, like the prophet Elijah, he would be safer among the heathen than with those who had rejected light from heaven and hardened their hearts against the gospel. Weary of strife, his active spirit could ill endure the repeated delays and wearing suspense of his trial and imprisonment. He therefore decided to exercise his privilege, as a Roman citizen, of appealing to Caesar. {AA 430.1 }[5]
保罗答复巡抚的问题说:“我站在该撒的堂前,这就是我应当受审的地方。我向犹太人并没有行过什么不义的事,这也是你明明知道的。我若行了不义的事,犯了什么该死的罪,就是死,我也不辞;他们所告我的事若都不实,就没有人可以把我交给他们。我要上告于该撒。”[6]{AA 430.2 }
In answer to the governor's question, Paul said: "I stand at Caesar's judgment seat, where I ought to be judged: to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knowest. For if I be an offender, or have committed anything worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar." {AA 430.2 }[6]
非斯都一点也不知道犹太人想要杀害保罗的阴谋,所以对于他上告该撒的事觉得非常诧异。无论如何,保罗所说的这几句话就结束了这一次的审问。“非斯都和议会商量了,就说:你既上告于该撒,可以往该撒那里去。”[7]{AA 430.3 }
Festus knew nothing of the conspiracies of the Jews to murder Paul, and he was surprised at this appeal to Caesar. However, the words of the apostle put a stop to the proceedings of the court. "Festus, when he had conferred with the council, answered, Hast thou appealed unto Caesar? unto Caesar shalt thou go." {AA 430.3 }[7]
这样,又一次有上帝的一位仆人因偏见和自以为义所生的仇恨,而被驱逐到外邦人中求保护了。这同样的仇恨曾迫使先知以利亚逃到撒勒法的寡妇那里去藏身;后来也曾迫使福音的使者转离犹太人,去将他们的信息传给外邦人。生存在现代的上帝的子民必须应付这种仇恨。在许多自称信从基督的人中,也存在着那盘据在犹太人心中的同样骄傲自大,拘泥形式与自私自利,以及同样压迫人的精神。在将来,也必有一班自称是基督代表的人,采取像古时祭司官长们对待基督和众使徒时所遵循的同样行径。上帝忠心的仆人在那即将临头的危机中,必要遇到这同样刚硬的心肠,同样残酷的意志,同样顽强的仇恨。[8]{AA 430.4 }
Thus it was that once more, because of hatred born of bigotry and self-righteousness, a servant of God was driven to turn for protection to the heathen. It was this same hatred that forced the prophet Elijah to flee for succor to the widow of Sarepta; and that forced the heralds of the gospel to turn from the Jews to proclaim their message to the Gentiles. And this hatred the people of God living in this age have yet to meet. Among many of the professing followers of Christ there is the same pride, formalism, and selfishness, the same spirit of oppression, that held so large a place in the Jewish heart. In the future, men claiming to be Christ's representatives will take a course similar to that followed by the priests and rulers in their treatment of Christ and the apostles. In the great crisis through which they are soon to pass, the faithful servants of God will encounter the same hardness of heart, the same cruel determination, the same unyielding hatred. {AA 430.4 }[8]
凡欲在那邪恶的日子凭良心指示而一无所惧地侍奉上帝的人,非具有勇敢、坚毅,以及对于上帝和他圣言的认识不可;因为凡效忠上帝的人都必遭受逼迫,他们的动机必遭受非难,他们最善良的努力必被曲解,他们的名字必被当作祸害而加以摒斥。撒但要极尽其欺骗的能事,影响人的心志,蒙蔽人的思想,“称恶为善,称善为恶。”上帝子民的信仰越纯洁,越坚固,他们顺从他的决心越刚强,则撒但必要越猛烈地设法激起那些自称为义却践踏上帝律法之人的愤怒来反对他们。那时,若要坚守那“一次交付圣徒的真道”,就必需具有最坚毅的信靠和最英勇的意志。[9]{AA 431.1 }
All who in that evil day would fearlessly serve God according to the dictates of conscience, will need courage, firmness, and a knowledge of God and His word; for those who are true to God will be persecuted, their motives will be impugned, their best efforts misinterpreted, and their names cast out as evil. Satan will work with all his deceptive power to influence the heart and becloud the understanding, to make evil appear good, and good evil. The stronger and purer the faith of God's people, and the firmer their determination to obey Him, the more fiercely will Satan strive to stir up against them the rage of those who, while claiming to be righteous, trample upon the law of God. It will require the firmest trust, the most heroic purpose, to hold fast the faith once delivered to the saints. {AA 431.1 }[9]
上帝渴望他的子民为那即将来临的危机早作准备。他们不论已作准备或未作准备,都必须应付这危机;唯有那些已经使自己生活符合上帝标准的人,才能在试炼和考验的时候站立得住。一旦属世的统治者与宗教界的领袖们联合起来,在信仰自由的问题上进行独裁,那时就必显明究竟谁是真正敬畏并侍奉上帝的人。在黑暗极其深厚的时候,像上帝的品格就必显得极其光辉灿烂。在一切其它的倚靠都已失败之后,就必看出谁是坚心倚赖耶和华的人。而且正在真理的仇敌四面窥伺要降祸与主的仆人时,上帝却要向他们留意降福。他对于他们必像大磐石的影子在疲乏之地。[10]{AA 431.2 }
God desires His people to prepare for the soon-coming crisis. Prepared or unprepared, they must all meet it; and those only who have brought their lives into conformity to the divine standard, will stand firm at that time of test and trial. When secular rulers unite with ministers of religion to dictate in matters of conscience, then it will be seen who really fear and serve God. When the darkness is deepest, the light of a godlike character will shine the brightest. When every other trust fails, then it will be seen who have an abiding trust in Jehovah. And while the enemies of truth are on every side, watching the Lord's servants for evil, God will watch over them for good. He will be to them as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. {AA 431.2 }[10]
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