第20章 爱与责任
Chap. 20 - Love and Duty
爱心有一个孪生的姊妹,那就是责任。爱心与责任是并肩而立的。单有爱心而忽略了责任,就会使儿童任性,顽固,偏执,自私和背逆。但若是只尽严厉的责任,而没有爱心去软化及赢得他们的心,也必产生类似的结果。若要正确地训练儿童,就必须将爱心与责任结合起来。 {3T 195.1}[1]
Love has a twin sister, which is duty. Love and duty stand side by side. Love exercised while duty is neglected will make children headstrong, willful, perverse, selfish, and disobedient. If stern duty is left to stand alone without love to soften and win, it will have a similar result. Duty and love must be blended in order that children may be properly disciplined. {3T 195.1}[1]
上帝在古时指示祭司说:“他们要使我的民知道圣俗的分别,又使他们分辨洁净的和不洁净的。有争讼的事,他们应当站立判断;要按我的典章判断”(结44:23-24)。 “我对恶人说,恶人哪,你必要死;你以西结若不开口警戒恶人,使他离开所行的道,这恶人必死在罪孽之中,我却要向你讨他丧命的罪。倘若你警戒恶人转离所行的道,他仍不转离,他必死在罪孽之中,你却救自己脱离了罪”(结33:8-9)。{3T 195.2}[2]
Anciently, directions were given to the priests:" And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. And in controversy they shall stand in judgment; and they shall judge it according to My judgments." When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul." {3T 195.2}[2]
这里说明了上帝仆人的责任。他们不可逃避忠实指责上帝子民罪恶过失的职责,尽管这也许是一件不如意的任务,可能会受到犯错之人的拒绝。然而在多数的情形之下,如果没有别人挡路,受指责的人会接受警告而听从责备。那些人对受指责的人表示同情和怜悯,觉得必须为他辩护。他们并没有看出犯罪的人已使上帝的圣工受损,使祂的圣名受辱,招惹祂的不悦他们。由于犯错者的错误做法,有人离开了真理,丧失了信心。但那认识模糊,判断力受错误影响左右的上帝仆人,很快就会与造成严重危害的罪人采取同样的立场,就象他曾与斥责罪恶错误的人采取同样的立场一样;他这样做实际上就是对罪人说:“不要忧虑,不要失望,你毕竟基本上是对的。”他们对罪人说:“你要事事顺利。”{3T 196.1}[3]
Here the duty of God's servants is made plain. They cannot be excused from the faithful discharge of their duty to reprove sins and wrongs in the people of God, although it may be a disagreeable task and may not be received by the one who is at fault. But in most cases the one reproved would accept the warning and heed reproof were it not that others stand in the way. They come in as sympathizers and pity the one reproved and feel that they must stand in his defense. They do not see that the Lord is displeased with the wrongdoer, because the cause of God has been wounded and His name reproached. Souls have been turned aside from the truth and have made shipwreck of faith as the result of the wrong course pursued by the one in fault; but the servant of God whose discernment is clouded and whose judgment is swayed by wrong influences would as soon take his position with the offender whose influence has done much harm, as with the reprover of wrong and of sin, and in so doing he virtually says to the sinner: "Do not be troubled, do not be cast down; you are about right after all." These say to the sinner:" It shall be well with thee." {3T 196.1}[3]
上帝要祂的仆人行在光中,不要闭着眼睛,看不清撒但的作为。他们应当准备好去警戒督责那些因撒但的狡计而处在危险之中的人。撒但在左边和右边工作,想占上风。他从不休息,却不倦地活动。他机警又老练,在各种环境之下利用机会加强自己的力量,攻击真理及上帝之国的利益。上帝的仆人对撒但诡计的警觉,竟不及当有的一半,这真是一件可叹的事。许多人非但没有抵挡魔鬼,使魔鬼离开他们逃跑,反而倾向与黑暗的权势妥协。{3T 196.2}[4]
God requires His servants to walk in the light and not cover their eyes that they may not discern the working of Satan. They should be prepared to warn and reprove those who are in danger through his subtlety. Satan is working on the right hand and on the left to obtain vantage ground. He rests not. He is persevering. He is vigilant and crafty to take advantage of every circumstance and turn it to his account in his warfare against the truth and the interests of the kingdom of God. It is a lamentable fact that God's servants are not half as much awake to the wiles of Satan as they should be. And instead of resisting the devil that he may flee from them, many are inclined to make a compromise with the powers of darkness. {3T 196.2}[4]
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