第40章 教会的状况
Chap. 40 - The State of the Church
上帝的子民中间非常需要进行一番改革。教会的现况使人发出疑问:她有没有真正代表那为我们舍命的主呢? 这些人是基督的门徒,和不以自己性命为宝贵的弟兄么? 达到了圣经的标准,象圣经所描述之基督徒的人,实在是太少。他们离弃了活水的泉源上帝,为自己开凿水池,“是破裂不能存水的池子。”天使说:“现今上帝的子民最大的罪就是缺乏爱心及信心。”缺乏信心使人粗心大意,爱自己和世界。与上帝隔绝而堕入试探的人,沉溺于大罪之中,因为肉欲之心会使人犯大罪。这种情形也出现在许多自称为上帝子民的人的身上。他们一面自称事奉上帝,一面实际上却在上帝面前败坏自己的行为。虽然有清晰的真理之光指出危险,并发出警告的声音说:要儆醒,约束,自制,许多人仍然放纵食欲与情欲。“罪的工价乃是死”(罗6:23)。虽然有丧失信仰的人作为前车之鉴,警告别人不要蹈其覆辙,还是有许多的人疯狂地往前冲。撒但控制了他们的心,并似乎有力量胜过他们的身体。{3T 474.3}[1]
There is great necessity for a reformation among the people of God. The present state of the church leads to the inquiry: Is this a correct representation of Him who gave His life for us? Are these the followers of Christ and the brethren of those who counted not their lives dear unto themselves? Those who come up to the Bible standard, the Bible description of Christ's followers, will be found rare indeed. Having forsaken God, the Fountain of living waters, they have hewn them out cisterns, "broken cisterns, that can hold no water." Said the angel: "Lack of love and faith are the great sins of which God's people are now guilty." Lack of faith leads to carelessness and to love of self and the world. Those who separate themselves from God and fall under temptation indulge in gross vices, for the carnal heart leads to great wickedness. And this state of things is found among many of God's professed people. While they are professedly serving God they are to all intents and purposes corrupting their ways before Him. Appetite and passion are indulged by many, notwithstanding the clear light of truth points out the danger and lifts its warning voice: Beware, restrain, deny. "The wages of sin is death." Although the example of those who have made shipwreck of faith stands as a beacon to warn others from pursuing the same course, yet many rush madly on. Satan has control of their minds and seems to have power over their bodies. {3T 474.3}[1]
多少人自以为拥有良善与公义,而上帝的真光却显明他们所过的生活完全是追求自己的快乐!他们所有的行为都是上帝所憎恨的。多少人过着无法无天的生活啊!他们在昏天黑地之中,自鸣得意;若是让上帝的律法启示他们的良心,象向保罗所行的一样,他们就要看出自己是已经卖给罪恶了,必须治死自己属肉体的心。自我必须消灭。{3T 475.1}[2]
Oh, how many flatter themselves that they have goodness and righteousness, when the true light of God reveals that all their lives they have only lived to please themselves! Their whole conduct is abhorred of God. How many are alive without the law! In their gross darkness they view themselves with complacency; but let the law of God be revealed to their consciences, as it was to Paul, and they would see that they are sold under sin and must die to the carnal mind. Self must be slain. {3T 475.1}[2]
许多人正在犯悲惨可怕的错误!他们建立在沙土之上,却自欺是扎根在万古磐石之上的。许多自称为敬虔的人,毫不留意地横冲直撞,对自己的危险全不感觉,似乎是没有将来的审判。一场可怕的报应要临到他们,但他们此刻还是受冲动和情欲的支配。他们正是为审判书写一部黑暗的生活史。我要高声警告那些称呼主名的人,应当离开诸般不义!顺从真理,以洁净自己的心。应当清除自己一切肉体和精神上的污秽,敬畏上帝,全然圣洁。我这些话是指着你们说的,你们也知道我的意思,你们虽已在主面前行败坏,在世上所充斥的罪恶上有分,并且心灵被罪染黑,但耶稣还是邀请你们离开自己的道路,持住祂的力量,在祂里面得到平安,能力,和恩惠,使你们奉祂的名得胜有余。{3T 475.2}[3]
How sad and fearful the mistakes that many are making! They are building on the sand, but flatter themselves that they are riveted to the eternal Rock. Many who profess godliness are rushing on as recklessly, and are as insensible of their danger, as though there were no future judgment. A fearful retribution awaits them, and yet they are controlled by impulse and gross passion; they are filling out a dark life record for the judgment. I lift my voice of warning to all who name the name of Christ to depart from all iniquity. Purify your souls by obeying the truth. Cleanse yourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. You to whom this applies know what I mean. Even you who have corrupted your ways before the Lord, partaken of the iniquity that abounds, and blackened your souls with sin, Jesus still invites you to turn from your course, take hold of His strength, and find in Him that peace, power, and grace that will make you more than conquerors in His name. {3T 475.2}[3]
这个堕落世代的种种败坏,玷污了许多自称侍奉上帝的人。但现今为时尚非太晚,你们仍可弃邪归正,只要你们肯悔改,并觉得自己需要赦罪之恩,那被钉死而又复活之救主的宝血,仍可涂抹你们的罪恶。我们现在需要空前的警醒与祈祷,免得坠入试探的权势之下,遗恨千古,成为别人的鉴戒。我们这班人,决不应粗心和轻看罪恶。军营需要洁净。凡称呼主名的人,务须警醒祈祷,谨守心灵的通道;因为撒但只要略有机会,就要进行败坏毁灭的工作。{3T 476.1}[4]
The corruptions of this degenerate age have stained many souls who have been professedly serving God. But even now it is not too late for wrongs to be righted and for the blood of a crucified and risen Saviour to atone in your behalf if you repent and feel your need of pardon. We need now to watch and pray as never before, lest we fall under the power of temptation and leave the example of a life that is a miserable wreck. We must not, as a people, become careless and look upon sin with indifference. The camp needs purging. All who name the name of Christ need to watch and pray and guard the avenues of the soul; for Satan is at work to corrupt and destroy if the least advantage is given him. {3T 476.1}[4]
我的弟兄们哪,上帝呼召你们作祂的门徒,行在光中,你们应当觉悟。罪恶在我们之中,人却没有看出它穷凶极恶的本相。许多人因为放纵食欲及与罪恶相狎而麻木不仁。我们需要迈步前进,更加接近天国。我们可以在恩典及真理的知识上长进。行在光中,跑在上帝诫命的道上,意思是我们不可站着不动,无所事事。我们必须前进。{3T 476.2}[5]
My brethren, God calls upon you as His followers to walk in the light. You need to be alarmed. Sin is among us, and it is not seen to be exceedingly sinful. The senses of many are benumbed by the indulgence of appetite and by familiarity with sin. We need to advance nearer heaven. We may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. Walking in the light, running in the way of God's commandments, does not give the idea that we can stand still and do nothing. We must be advancing. {3T 476.2}[5]
在自爱自怜,自高自大,心骄气傲之中,存在着极大的弱点;但在谦卑之中却有伟大的力量。维护自己真正的尊严,不是通过一心思念自己来实现的,而是必须把我们的全部思想集中在上帝身上,心中燃烧着对救赎主和同胞的爱。淳朴的品格和谦卑的心会使人快乐,但自负之心会使人不满,埋怨和持续的失望。学会少想念自己,多使他人快乐,会使我们得到上帝的力量。{3T 476.3}[6]
In self-love, self-exaltation, and pride there is great weakness; but in humility there is great strength. Our true dignity is not maintained when we think most of ourselves, but when God is in all our thoughts and our hearts are all aglow with love to our Redeemer and love to our fellow men. Simplicity of character and lowliness of heart will give happiness, while self-conceit will bring discontent, repining, and continual disappointment. It is learning to think less of ourselves and more of making others happy that will bring to us divine strength. {3T 476.3}[6]
我们与上帝隔绝,处在骄傲黑暗之中时,会不住地设法抬高自己,忘记了虚心就是力量。我们救主的能力,不在于用尖锐的语言来刺入人的心;祂博得人心,全在于祂的温和,简朴,及谦逊的态度。骄傲自负,若与谦卑虚心相比,实在是软弱。主邀请我们效法祂心里柔和谦卑;这样我们就能体验到所渴慕的安息与平安了。{3T 477.1}[7]
In our separation from God, in our pride and darkness, we are constantly seeking to elevate ourselves, and we forget that lowliness of mind is power. Our Saviour's power was not in a strong array of sharp words that would pierce through the very soul; it was His gentleness and His plain, unassuming manners that made Him a conqueror of hearts. Pride and self-importance, when compared with lowliness and humility, are indeed weakness. We are invited to learn of Him who was meek and lowly of heart; then we shall experience that rest and peace so much to be desired. - {3T 477.1}[7]
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