第45章 募捐
Chap. 45 - Calls for Means
我蒙指示看见在帐蓬大会上发出紧急募捐呼吁所产生的不良后果。这件事做得太勉强了。许多有钱的人如果没有因对他们所作的证言而心地软化,是不会做出任何捐献的。可是穷人们却深受感动。他们怀着真诚的心保证要捐却没有钱。在大多数情况下,紧急募捐呼吁会给一些人留下错误的印象。一些人以为我们传信息是为了钱。许多人因给上帝圣工捐了钱高高兴兴地回家去。可是有更好的筹款办法,如乐意捐,要比在大会上的募捐呼吁好。如果大家实行定期捐款计划,如果我们的文字布道士忠心地做好自已的工作,主的库房无须这些大聚会的募捐呼吁就能得到充分的供应。{3T 510.1}[1]
I was shown that there have been unhappy results from making urgent calls for means at our camp meetings. This matter has been pressed too hard. Many men of means would not have done anything had not their hearts been softened and melted under the influence of the testimonies borne to them. But the poor have been deeply affected and, in the sincerity of their souls, have pledged means which they had a heart to give, but which they were unable to pay. In most instances urgent calls for means have left a wrong impression upon some minds. Some have thought that money was the burden of our message. Many have gone to their homes blessed because they had donated to the cause of God. But there are better methods of raising means, by freewill offerings, than by urgent calls at our large gatherings. If all come up to the plan of systematic benevolence, and if our tract and missionary workers are faithful in their department of the work, the treasury will be well supplied without these urgent calls at our large gatherings. {3T 510.1}[1]
然而许多人大大疏忽了自己的职责,扣留了应当归给上帝的钱财,这样行乃是抢夺了上帝的物。由于自私的心,他们并没有将自己所有收入的十分之一交给上帝。他们也没有在每年的聚会中奉献自己的乐意捐,感恩捐,以及赎罪捐。很多人空着手来到了上帝的面前。“人岂可夺取上帝之物呢?你们竟夺取我的供物。你们却说:‘我们在何事上夺取你的供物呢?’就是你们在当纳的十分之一和当献的供物上。因你们通国的人都夺取我的供物,咒诅就临到你们身上。万军之耶和华说:你们要将当纳的十分之一全然送入仓库,使我家有粮,以此试试我,是否为你们敞开天上的窗户,倾福与你们,甚至无处可容”(玛3:8-10)。 {3T 510.2}[2]
But there has been a great neglect of duty. Many have withheld means which God claims as His, and in so doing they have committed robbery toward God. Their selfish hearts have not given the tenth of all their increase, which God claims. Neither have they come up to the yearly gatherings with their freewill offerings, their thank offerings, and their trespass offerings. Many have come before the Lord empty-handed. "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed Me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now here with, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." {3T 510.2}[2]
我们如果没有竭尽全力去查明那些已向各项圣工捐款,现在太穷不能奉献什么的人,罪就会落在我们这一班人身上。他们本着慷慨精神的一切捐献,都应退还,还要加上额外的补助,以缓解他们的生活所需。筹款一事已经走向了极端。这事在许多人的心中留下了不良的印象。紧急募捐呼吁并不是筹集款项的最好计划。调查穷人的情况并将捐款退还给他们一事并未受到重视。这些穷人不应遭受生活必需品的缺乏。我们若在这方面疏忽了自己的职责——了解穷人的需求,并藉着退还他们为推进上帝的圣工所奉献的金钱以缓解他们的紧迫需要——我们就是在圣徒身上亏负了我们的救主。{3T 510.3}[3]
Sin will rest upon us as a people if we do not make most earnest efforts to ascertain those who have donated to the different enterprises who are too poor to give anything. All that they, in the liberality of their souls, have given should be returned to them with an additional gift to relieve their necessities. The raising of money has been carried to extremes. It has left a bad impression on many minds. Making urgent calls is not the best plan of raising means. There has been manifested an indifference to investigate the cases of the poor and make returns to them, that they should not suffer for the necessaries of life. A neglect of our duty in this respect, of becoming acquainted with the necessities of the needy and of relieving their pressing wants by returning means which has been given to advance the cause of God, would be on our part a neglect of our Saviour in the persons of His saints. - {3T 510.3}[3]
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