第07章 尽忠家务
Chap. 7 - Faithfulness in Home Duties
亲爱的O姊妹:我想你是不快乐的。你想找一些大事做,却把那直接摆在你人生路上的现实责任忽略了。因为你想找一些更高更大的事情去做,而把日常人生小事不放在眼里,所以你是不快乐的。你是浮动,不安,不满的。你喜爱发号施令,过于喜爱实地去干。你爱指挥别人去做,过于甘心乐意地亲自动手去作。{3T 79.2}[1]
Dear Sister O: I think you are not happy. In seeking for some great work to do, you overlook present duties lying directly in your path. You are not happy, because you are looking above the little everyday duties of life for some higher and greater work to do. You are restless, uneasy, and dissatisfied. You love to dictate better than you love to perform. You love better to tell others what to do than with ready cheerfulness to take hold and do yourself. {3T 79.2}[1]
你若是少注意自己的嗜好,多关心别人的福乐,就可使你父家更快乐了。在履行日常生活的职责时,你没有把心放在工作上。你的心思老是想到远而又远之处,想找一些更合心,更高尚,或更尊贵的工作。但这些你所不乐意,甚至是讨厌作的事,总得有人去作。你若是甘心乐意,忠心去作这些平凡简单的家务,就可使你得到一种必要的教育,助你喜爱家庭义务。这种经验是你极需要获得的,但你却不喜爱它。你埋怨自己的命运,因而使周围的人都不快乐,你自己的损失也很大。你也许始终不会蒙召在公众之前服务,但我们所作的一切工作,都是需要作成的,就如洗碗,铺桌,侍候病人,煮饭,洗衣等等,都具有道德上的重要性;直到你能甘心愉快地履行这些本分,你才配履行更大更高尚的义务。我们前面的这些卑微任务,总得有人去作;凡作的人,应当觉得自己是在作一种必要而高贵的工作,他们的任务虽或卑微,但却实在是上帝的工作,正如迦百列奉命去见先知一样。大家都是在自己的范围之内,各尽其职,女人在家庭中操作日常生活应尽的简单本分时,不但能够而且也是应当表现出尽忠,顺从,及爱的精神,正如天使在其范围内诚心服务一样。顺服上帝的旨意,就可使各种应作之工尊贵。{3T 79.3}[2]
You could have made your father's home more happy had you studied your inclination less and the happiness of others more. When engaged in the common, ordinary duties of life you fail to put your heart into your labor. Your mind is reaching forward and beyond to a work more agreeable, higher, or more honorable. Somebody must do these very things that you take no pleasure in and even dislike. These plain, simple duties, if done with willingness and faithfulness, will give you an education which it is necessary for you to obtain in order to have a love for household duties. Here is an experience that is highly essential for you to gain, but you do not love it. You murmur at your lot, thus making those around you unhappy and meeting with a great loss yourself. You may never be called to do a work which will bring you before the public. But all the work we do that is necessary to be done, be it washing dishes, setting tables, waiting upon the sick, cooking, or washing, is of moral importance; and until you can cheerfully and happily take up these duties you are not fitted for greater and higher duties. The humble tasks before us are to be taken up by someone; and those who do them should feel that they are doing a necessary and honorable work, and that in their mission, humble though it may be, they are doing the work of God just as surely as was Gabriel when sent to the prophets. All are working in their order in their respective spheres. Woman in her home, doing the simple duties of life that must be done, can and should exhibit faithfulness, obedience, and love as sincere as angels in their sphere. Conformity to the will of God makes any work honorable that must be done. {3T 79.3}[2]
你所需要的就是爱与感情。你的品性需要培养。你应当撇下一切忧虑,而代之以温柔慈爱。应当舍己。我们受造不是天使,而是低于天使,但我们的工作仍是重要的。我们不是在天上,而是在地上。等到我们在天上时,我们就要配作天庭高尚尊贵的工作了。我们乃是在这个世上要经过试炼及考验。我们应当武装起来,以应付争斗,及奉行职责。{3T 80.1}[3]
What you need is love and affection. Your character needs to be molded. Your worrying must be laid aside, and in place of this you must cherish gentleness and love. Deny self. We were not created angels, but lower than the angels; yet our work is important. We are not in heaven, but upon the earth. When we are in heaven, then we shall be qualified to do the lofty and elevating work of heaven. It is here in this world that we must be tested and proved. We should be armed for conflict and for duty. {3T 80.1}[3]
青年人所担负最崇高的职责,就是在自己的家中以爱心与真正的关怀,造福于父母,兄弟和姊妹。在这方面,他们能够通过照顾和服侍他人而表显克己和忘我的精神。妇女决不会因这种工作而降低身分。这是她所能充任的最神圣,最高尚的职份。一位姊妹对弟兄们能有多大的影响力啊!如果她是正直的,就可以决定她弟兄们的品格。她的祈祷,她的温柔,和她的爱心可以在家庭中起很大的作用。我的姊妹:这些高尚的品质,如果不是先存在你自己的心中,是不可能传给别人的。你向别人所表露出来的打动人心的知足的心,仁爱、温柔和愉快的性情,也会反映在你自己的身上。基督如果不在人心作王,人就会产生不满和道德上的残缺。自私的心会向别人索取我们所不愿意给别人的东西。如果没有基督居心,品格就会不可爱。{3T 80.2}[4]
The highest duty that devolves upon youth is in their own homes, blessing father and mother, brothers and sisters, by affection and true interest. Here they can show self-denial and self-forgetfulness in caring and doing for others. Never will woman be degraded by this work. It is the most sacred, elevated office that she can fill. What an influence a sister may have over brothers! If she is right she may determine the character of her brothers. Her prayers, her gentleness, and her affection may do much in a household. My sister, these noble qualities can never be communicated to other minds unless they first exist in your own. That contentment of mind, that affection, gentleness, and sunniness of temper which will reach every heart, will reflect upon you what your heart gives forth to others. If Christ does not reign in the heart, there will be discontent and moral deformity. Selfishness will require of others that which we are unwilling to give them. If Christ is not in the heart, the character will be unlovely. {3T 80.2}[4]
不只是大工或大斗争考验人心和需要勇气。我们每天的生活都会有困惑,试炼和灰心。卑微的工作往往需要忍耐和刚毅的精神,需要信心和决心来应付和克服一切困难。要祈求上帝与你站在一起,作你随时的安慰。你极其需要温柔安静的精神,非此就不能得到福乐。我的姊妹啊,但愿上帝帮助你追寻温柔和公义。你所需要的就是上帝的灵。如果你愿意完全听主安排,上帝就必帮助你,赐你力量和福气。但你若忽略那些小的本分,主就不会将更大的委托你。{3T 81.1}[5]
It is not a great work and great battles alone which try the soul and demand courage. Everyday life brings its perplexities, trials, and discouragements. It is the humble work which frequently draws upon the patience and the fortitude. Self-reliance and resolution will be necessary to meet and conquer all difficulties. Secure the Lord to stand with you, in every place to be your consolation and comfort. A meek and quiet spirit you much need, and without it you cannot have happiness. May God help you, my sister, to seek meekness and righteousness. It is the Spirit of God that you need. If you are willing to be anything or nothing, God will help and strengthen and bless you. But if you neglect the little duties you will never be entrusted with greater. - {3T 81.1}[5]
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