第07章 基督为教师
Chap.07 Christ as a Teacher
世人的救赎主周流四方行善事。祂在世人讲述宣讲永生真理的时候,是何等热切地观察听众脸上表情的变化!人听了祂的话,脸上表露兴趣和愉快的神色,就感到非常满意。及至那直言无隐的真理,牵涉到一些人心中依恋的罪恶和偶像时,祂注意到他们变了脸色,显出冷酷严厉的神气,说明这一线真光不受欢迎。耶稣知道坦率地责备罪恶正是听众所需要的。祂射入他们黑暗心房的亮光,若被他们接受了,就会成为他们最大的福惠。{GW 48.1}[1]
The world's Redeemer went about doing good. When before the people, speaking to them the words of eternal truth, with what earnestness He watched the changing countenances of His hearers! The faces that expressed deep interest and pleasure as they listened to His words, gave Him great satisfaction. And when the truth, plainly uttered, touched some cherished sin or idol, He marked the change of countenance, the cold, stern, forbidding look, which told that the truth was unwelcome. Jesus knew that the plain reproof of sin was the very thing that His hearers needed; and the light He shed into the darkened chambers of their minds would have been the greatest blessing to them, had they accepted it. {GW 48.1}[1]
基督是用简单的语言表达真理。人若遵守这真理,心灵就必得到平安与喜乐。祂能鉴察人心,看到里面所怀藏败坏生命和品格、使人与上帝隔绝的罪恶。祂指出这些罪,使人看出罪的本相,从而予以弃绝。有些人外表看来很刚硬,祂却看出他们是有指望的。祂知道他们会接受真光,成为祂的真门徒。{GW 48.2}[2]
Christ's work was to lay down in simple lines, yet so as to be clearly understood, truths that, if obeyed, would bring peace and happiness to the soul. He could look beneath the surface, and see the cherished sins that were ruining the life and character, and shutting souls away from God. He pointed out these sins, that all might see them in the true light, and put them away. In some who presented the most hardened exterior, He discerned hopeful subjects. He knew that they would respond to the light, and that they would become His true followers. {GW 48.2}[2]
祂看见真理的箭刺入人心,穿透自私的屏障,使人痛悔前非,最后显出感恩的表情,就觉得非常快乐。祂纵目四望,认出听众中有祂先前所见过的人,就不禁喜形于色。祂看出这些人有希望成为天国的子民。。{GW 48.3}[3]
As the arrows of truth pierced the hearts of Christ's hearers, breaking through the barriers of selfishness and bringing humiliation, contrition, and finally gratitude, the Saviour's heart was made glad. When His eyes swept over the throng of listeners about Him, and He recognized among them the same faces that He had seen on former occasions, joy was expressed in His countenance, that here were hopeful subjects of His kingdom. {GW 48.3}[3]
基督的使者,就是祂所差遣作祂代表的人,也必有同样的感情,同样的胸怀。凡受到试探以为自己的努力不被重视因而灰心的人应当牢记,耶稣也曾应付过那样刚硬的人,并且比他们有过更加艰难的经历。祂用忍耐的爱心教训百姓。祂那深湛而鉴察人心的智慧洞悉听众中每一个人的需要。何时祂见到有人拒绝祂来传给他们的平安仁爱的信息,祂的心就感到悲痛欲绝。{GW 49.1}[4]
The messengers of Christ, those whom He sends in His stead, will have the same feelings, the same earnest interest. And those who are tempted to think that their labor is not appreciated, and are inclined to be discouraged, should remember that Jesus had just as hard hearts to deal with, and had a more trying experience than they have had or ever can have. He taught the people with patient love. His deep, searching wisdom knew the wants of every soul among His listeners; and when He saw them refuse the message of peace and love that He came to give them, His heart felt anguish to the very depths. {GW 49.1}[4]
世界的救赎主来到人间,并不炫耀外表或属世的智慧。世人无法在祂人性的外观下看见上帝儿子之荣耀。“祂被藐视,被人厌弃,多受痛苦,常经忧患。”人看祂如“根出于干地,……无佳形美容”(赛53:3,2),使他们仰慕祂。但祂说:“主耶和华的灵在我身上,因为耶和华用膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人,差遣我医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢”(赛61:1)。{GW 49.2}[5]
The world's Redeemer did not come with outward display, or a show of worldly wisdom. Men could not see, beneath the guise of humanity, the glory of the Son of God. He was "despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief." He was to them as "a root out of a dry ground," with "no form nor comeliness," [Isaiah 53:3, 2.] that they should desire Him. But He declared, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me; because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound." [Isaiah 61:1.] {GW 49.2}[5]
基督深入民间与人接触。祂用最有力,最简单的言语将朴素的真理印刻在人心里。连卑微的穷人和最没有学问的人也能凭着信靠祂的心明白最崇高的真理。没有一人需要请教有学问的博士来讲解祂话语的意思。祂不用神秘的引证和生僻高深的词汇使没有知识的人无法理解。世界有史以来最伟大的教师,用最明确,最简单,最实用的方法教导人。{GW 49.3}[6]
Christ reached the people where they were. He presented the plain truth to their minds in the most forcible, simple language. The humble poor, the most unlearned, could comprehend, through faith in Him, the most exalted truths. No one needed to consult the learned doctors as to His meaning. He did not perplex the ignorant with mysterious inferences, or use unaccustomed and learned words, of which they had no knowledge. The greatest Teacher the world has ever known, was the most definite, simple, and practical in His instruction. {GW 49.3}[6]
“那光是真光,照亮一切生在世上的人。”世界上固然出过不少圣贤,就是智力卓越,才学超群的人。他们的言论曾启发人的思想,开拓广大的知识园地。这样的人曾被尊为人类的向导和福星。但有一位远超过他们。“凡接待祂的,就是信祂名的人,祂就赐他们权柄,作上帝的儿女。”“从来没有人看见上帝,只有在父怀里的独生子将祂表明出来。”(约1:12,18)。{GW 50.1}[7]
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. [John 1:9.] The world has had its great teachers, men of giant intellect and wonderful research, men whose utterances have stimulated thought and opened to view vast fields of knowledge; and these men have been honored as guides and benefactors of their race. But there is One who stands higher than they. "As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God." "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him." [John 1:12, 18.] {GW 50.1}[7]
我们尽可根据人类历史的记载,追溯历代的圣贤,但是那“光”总在他们以先。月亮和各行星怎样反射太阳的光,照样世上各大思想家的教训,在其合乎真理的范围之内,无非是反射“公义的日头”的光辉。每一思想的精华,每一知识的发现,都是从“世界的光”那里来的。{GW 50.2}[8]
We can trace the line of the world's great teachers as far back as human records extend; but the Light was before them. As the moon and the stars of the solar system shine by the reflected light of the sun, so, as far as their teaching is true, do the world's great thinkers reflect the rays of the Sun of Righteousness. Every gem of thought, every flash of the intellect, is from the Light of the World. {GW 50.2}[8]
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